首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogical Magazine >Kalungaite, PdAsSe, a new platinum-group mineral from the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante, Goias State, Brazil

Kalungaite, PdAsSe, a new platinum-group mineral from the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante, Goias State, Brazil

机译:Kalungaite,PdAsSe,一种新的铂族矿物,来自巴西戈亚斯州Cavalcante的Buraco do Ouro金矿

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Kalungaite, PdAsSe, is a new mineral discovered in the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante town, Goias State, Brazil. It occurs in a quartz-muscovite mylonite, related to a peraluminous granite, in platy anhedral aggregates along foliation planes. Associated ore minerals are gold, chalcopyrite, bohdanowiczite, an unnamed Pb-Bi-Se-S mineral, clausthalite, guanajuatite, stibiopalladinite, sperrylite and padmaite. Gangue minerals are muscovite, quartz and rare tourmaline and magnetite. Kalungaite is. lead-grey, has a metallic lustre, a black streak and is brittle with uneven fracture. No cleavage was observed. The mineral has a micro-indentation hardness of VHN_(25) = 438 (range of 429-455 kg/mm~2 from five indentations). Under reflected light, kalungaite is cream, or creamy grey adjacent to gold grains, has no internal reflections and is isotropic. Reflectance values in air (and in oil) are: 47.5 (33.3) at 470 nm, 46.9 (32.6) at 546 nm, 46.8 (32.6) at 589 am and 48.0 (34.0) at 650 nrn. The average of eight electron-microprobe analyses gives: Pd 41.32, As 27.49, Bi 0.35, Sb 1.59, Se 27.67 and S 1.22, total 99.64 wt. %, corresponding to Pd_(1.006)(As_(0.950)Sb_(0.034)Bi_(0.004)_(SIGMA 0.988)(Se_(0.908)S_(0.099))_(SIGMA 1.007). Kalungaite is cubic, space group Pa 3-bar, a = 6.089(4) A, V= 225.78 A~3, Z= 4. D_(cal) is 7.59 g/cm~3. The strongest seven X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in A(I)(hkl)] are: 3.027(75)(002). 1.838(100)(l 13), 1.172(95)(115, 333), 1.077(80)(044, 144, 334), 0.988(70)(116, 235, 253), 0.929(90)(335) and 0.918(70X226). Kalungaite is interpreted as having formed from hydrothermal fluids of granitic origin, during syn-emplacement shearing and alteration, producing an unusual gold-platinum-group element deposit.
机译:Kalungaite,PdAsSe,是在巴西戈亚斯州Cavalcante镇Buraco do Ouro金矿中发现的一种新矿物。它发生在石英-白云母扁桃体中,与高铝质花岗岩有关,沿片状平面成片状的无角状聚集体。伴生的矿石矿物有金,黄铜矿,勃达石,未命名的Pb-Bi-Se-S矿物,玄武岩,胍金矿,stibiopalladinite,闪锌矿和黄铁矿。石矿物为白云母,石英以及稀有的电气石和磁铁矿。 Kalungaite是。铅灰色,有金属光泽,黑色条纹,易碎,断裂不均匀。没有观察到切割。矿物的微压痕硬度为VHN_(25)= 438(五个压痕范围为429-455 kg / mm〜2)。在反射光下,钙铝矾石是乳白色或与金粒相邻的乳白色,没有内部反射,并且是各向同性的。空气(和油中)的反射率值为:470 nm处的47.5(33.3),546 nm处的46.9(32.6),589 am处的46.8(32.6)和650 nrn处的48.0(34.0)。八个电子探针分析的平均值给出:Pd 41.32,As 27.49,Bi 0.35,Sb 1.59,Se 27.67和S 1.22,总计99.64 wt。 %,对应于Pd_(1.006)(As_(0.950)Sb_(0.034)Bi_(0.004)_(SIGMA 0.988)(Se_(0.908)S_(0.099))_(SIGMA 1.007)。Kalungaite是立方的,空间群Pa 3 -bar,a = 6.089(4)A,V = 225.78 A〜3,Z =4。D_(cal)为7.59 g / cm〜3。7条最强的X射线粉末衍射线[d(A(I) )(hkl)]是:3.027(75)(002)。1.838(100)(l 13),1.172(95)(115,333),1.077(80)(044,144,334),0.988(70) (116,235,253),0.929(90)(335)和0.918(70X226)。Kalungaite被解释为是由花岗岩来源的热液形成的,在同位剪切和蚀变过程中产生了不寻常的金-铂族元素存款。



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