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Applicability of acceptance and commitment therapy-based mobile app in depression nursing


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Due to the high burden of depression, new models and methods of mental healthcare need to be developed. Prior research has shown the potential benefits of using technology tools such as mobile apps as self-help or combined with psychological treatment. Therefore, professionals should acquaint themselves with evidence-based apps to be able to use them with clients and guide the clients in their use. The purpose of this study was to explore how an acceptance and commitment therapy-based mobile app was perceived as a self-management tool among nurses, and how it could be applied in the prevention and treatment of depression and other mental health issues. Sixteen Finnish nurses undergoing depression nurse specialist education used the app for 5 weeks and participated in semistructured focus group interviews. Interviews were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. In general, the nurses found the app suitable as a self-management tool and identified three models of using it in clinical practice. Having used the app personally, the nurses were eager to take it into use with various client groups, especially in occupational health but also in the treatment of mental health problems. However, they also raised concerns about the effort needed in familiarizing oneself with the content and pointed out specific client groups for whom the benefits of the app should be carefully weighed against the potential risks. Despite the small sample size, the findings suggest that involving technology tools aspart of thenurses' education could ease their adoption in clinical practice. The degree of professional support in the app use should be aligned to the severity of the mental health problems.
机译:由于抑郁症的高负担,需要开发新的精神保健模式和方法。先前的研究表明,使用移动应用程序等技术工具作为自助或与心理治疗相结合的潜在好处。因此,专业人士应该熟悉基于证据的应用程序,以便能够与客户一起使用它们并指导客户使用它们。本研究的目的是探讨基于接受和承诺治疗的移动应用程序如何被视为护士的自我管理工具,以及如何将其应用于预防和治疗抑郁症和其他心理健康问题。16 名接受抑郁症护士专科教育的芬兰护士使用该应用程序 5 周,并参加了半结构化的焦点小组访谈。通过定性内容分析对访谈进行分析。总的来说,护士们发现该应用程序适合作为自我管理工具,并确定了三种在临床实践中使用它的模式。在亲自使用该应用程序后,护士们渴望将其用于各种客户群体,尤其是在职业健康方面,但也在治疗心理健康问题方面。然而,他们也对熟悉内容所需的努力表示担忧,并指出了特定的客户群体,对他们来说,应用程序的好处与潜在风险应该仔细权衡。尽管样本量很小,但研究结果表明,将技术工具作为护士教育的一部分可以简化他们在临床实践中的采用。应用程序使用中的专业支持程度应与心理健康问题的严重程度保持一致。



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