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Is reliability a new science? A paper from the panel session held at the 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability


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The 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2017, held in Grenoble, France during July 3-7, entailed a panel discussion entitled "Is reliability a new science?" with Mark Brown, Regina Liu, William Meeker, Sheldon Ross, and Nozer Singpurwalla as panelists. Bill Meeker also doubled as a chair and as a moderator of the panel. The panel discussion was spawned by the recent appearance of a book by Professor Paolo Rocchi, Docent Emeritus of IBM, titled "Reliability is a new science: Gnedenko was right" published by Springer in 2017. The panel discussion was well attended and enthusiastically received and could serve as a forerunner to other such panel discussions at future MMR conferences. This paper presents some elements from the lively debate generated by this discussion.
机译:2017年7月3日至7日,第10届可靠性数学方法国际会议(MMR 2017)在法国格勒诺布尔举行,会议将举行题为“可靠性是一门新科学吗?”的小组讨论,Mark Brown、Regina Liu、William Meeker、Sheldon Ross和Nozer Singpurwalla担任小组成员。比尔·米克尔(Bill Meeker)还兼任该小组的主席和主持人。小组讨论是由 IBM 名誉讲解员 Paolo Rocchi 教授最近出版的一本书引发的,该书名为“可靠性是一门新科学:Gnedenko 是对的”,由 Springer 于 2017 年出版。小组讨论得到了广泛的参与和热烈的欢迎,可以作为未来MMR会议上其他此类小组讨论的先驱。本文介绍了这次讨论产生的热烈辩论中的一些内容。



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