首页> 外文期刊>applied geophysics >Extraction of amplitude-preserving angle gathers based on vector wavefield reverse-time migration

Extraction of amplitude-preserving angle gathers based on vector wavefield reverse-time migration


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Angle-domain common-image gathers (ADCIGs) transformed from the shotdomain common-offset gathers are input to migration velocity analysis (MVA) and prestack inversion. ADCIGs are non-illusion prestack inversion gathers, and thus, accurate. We studied the extraction of elastic-wave ADCIGs based on amplitude-preserving elastic-wave reversetime migration for calculating the incidence angle of P-and S-waves at each image point and for different source locations. The P-and S-waves share the same incident angle, namely the incident angle of the source P-waves. The angle of incidence of the source P-wavefield was the difference between the source P-wave propagation angle and the reflector dips. The propagation angle of the source P-waves was obtained from the polarization vector of the decomposed P-waves. The reflectors' normal direction angle was obtained using the complex wavenumber of the stacked reverse-time migration (RTM) images. The ADCIGs of P-and S-waves were obtained by rearranging the common-shot migration gathers based on the incident angle. We used a horizontally layered model, the graben medium model, and part of the Marmousi-II elastic model and field data to test the proposed algorithm. The results suggested that the proposed method can efficiently extract the P-and S-wave ADCIGs of the elastic-wave reverse-time migration, the P-and S-wave incident angle, and the angle-gather amplitude fidelity, and improve the MVA and prestack inversion.
机译:从射域共偏移收集转换而来的角域共像收集 (ADCIG) 是迁移速度分析 (MVA) 和堆栈前反演的输入。ADCIG 是非幻觉预叠反演收集,因此是准确的。我们研究了基于保持振幅的弹性波反向时间迁移的弹性波ADCIGs的提取方法,用于计算每个像点和不同源位置的P波和S波的入射角。P 波和 S 波具有相同的入射角,即源 P 波的入射角。源P波场的入射角是源P波传播角与反射器倾角之差。源P波的传播角由分解的P波的偏振矢量得到。使用堆叠反向时间迁移(RTM)图像的复波数获得反射器的法向角。P波和S波的ADCIGs是根据入射角重新排列共射迁移集合得到的。我们使用水平分层模型、地堑介质模型以及部分Marmousi-II弹性模型和场数据来测试所提出的算法。结果表明,所提方法能够有效提取弹性波反时迁移的P波和S波ADCIG、P波和S波入射角以及聚角幅度保真度,提高MVA和预叠反演效果。



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