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REBUS-PLS: A response-based procedure for detecting unit segments in PLS path modelling

机译:REBUS-PLS:一种基于响应的程序,用于检测 PLS 路径建模中的单元段

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Structural equation models (SEMs) make it possible to estimate the causal relationships, defined according to a theoretical model, linking two or more latent complex concepts, each measured through a number of observable indicators, usually called manifest variables. Traditionally, the component-based estimation of SEMs by means of partial least squares (PLS path modelling, PLS-PM) assumes homogeneity over the observed set of units: all units are supposed to be well represented by a unique model estimated on the overall data set. In many cases, however, it is reasonable to expect classes made of units showing heterogeneous behaviours to exist. Two different kinds of heterogeneity could be affecting the data: observed and unobserved heterogeneity. The first refers to the case of a priori existing classes, whereas in unobserved heterogeneity no information is available either on the number of classes or on their composition. If a group structure for the statistical units is given, the aim of the analysis is to search for any differences in the behaviours of the a priori given classes. In PLS-PM this would mean studying the effect of directly observed moderating variables, i.e. estimating as many (local) models as there are classes. Unobserved heterogeneity, instead, implies identifying classes of units (a priori unknown) having similar behaviours. Such heterogeneity is captured by an unobserved (latent) discrete moderating variable defining both the number of classes and the class membership. A new method for unobserved heterogeneity detection in PLS-PM is proposed in this paper: response-based procedure for detecting unit segments in PLS-PM (REBUS-PLS). REBUS-PLS, according to PLS-PM features, does not require distributional hypotheses and may lead to local models that are different in terms of both structural and measurement models. An application of REBUS-PLS on real data will be shown.
机译:结构方程模型 (SEM) 可以估计根据理论模型定义的因果关系,将两个或多个潜在的复杂概念联系起来,每个概念都通过许多可观察的指标(通常称为显性变量)进行测量。传统上,通过偏最小二乘法(PLS 路径建模,PLS-PM)对 SEM 进行基于组件的估计假设对观察到的单元集具有同质性:所有单元都应该由在整个数据集上估计的唯一模型很好地表示。然而,在许多情况下,期望存在由表现出异质行为的单元组成的类是合理的。两种不同类型的异质性可能会影响数据:观察到的异质性和未观察到的异质性。第一种是指先验存在的类的情况,而在未观察到的异质性中,既没有关于类的数量,也没有关于它们的组成的信息。如果给出统计单位的组结构,则分析的目的是寻找先验给定类行为的任何差异。在PLS-PM中,这意味着研究直接观察到的调节变量的影响,即估计与类一样多的(局部)模型。相反,未观察到的异质性意味着识别具有相似行为的单元类别(先验未知)。这种异质性由一个未观察到的(潜在的)离散调节变量捕获,该变量定义了类的数量和类的成员资格。该文提出了一种用于PLS-PM中未观测异质性检测的新方法:基于响应的PLS-PM(REBUS-PLS)单元段检测方法。根据PLS-PM特征,REBUS-PLS不需要分布假设,并且可能导致局部模型在结构和测量模型方面有所不同。将展示REBUS-PLS在真实数据上的应用。



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