首页> 外文期刊>revista de biologia marina y oceanografia >Age, growth and mortality of the cortes geoduck, Panopea globosa (Bivalvia: Hiatellidae) in the central Gulf of California, Mexico

Age, growth and mortality of the cortes geoduck, Panopea globosa (Bivalvia: Hiatellidae) in the central Gulf of California, Mexico

机译:墨西哥加利福尼亚湾中部的象拔蚌 Panopea globosa (Bivalvia: Hiatellidae) 的年龄、生长和死亡率

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For the first time, this paper describes the age, growth and mortality of the cortes geoduck Panopea globosa in the Gulf of California. This study was motivated because of the limited knowledge regarding biological aspects of this species in Mexico. Commercial catches of geoduck Panopea generosa and P. globosa started along the Baja California coast in 2002, nowadays catches are 1200 ton, similar to those in Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada, when fisheries started in 1970 and 1976, respectively. The objective of this study was to know the age, growth and mortality of P. globosa. Geoducks were collected from November 2008 through to February 2010, in the central eastern coast of the Gulf of California (Bahia del Sol, Sonora, Mexico). Age was established using the 'acetate peel' method and von Bertalanffy growth parameter was estimated as L-infinity = 122.86 mm, k = 0.33 and t(o) = -0.2. Mortality according to each method ranged from 0.79 to 0.546. Ages varied from 2 to 27 years old but the mode was 10 y. Average size (+/- IC alpha 0,05) was 109.8 +/- 3 mm shell length. The growth parameter and mortality rates are similar to those found in young organisms of congener species. For these reasons the conclusion is that according to our findings, this stock is a recently established population in response to a favorable environmental event.
机译:本文首次描述了加利福尼亚湾象拔蚌Panopea globosa的年龄、生长和死亡率。这项研究的动机是,因为墨西哥对该物种的生物学方面了解有限。象拔蚌Panopea generosa和P. globosa的商业捕捞始于2002年,目前捕捞量为1200吨,与美国华盛顿州和加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省分别于1970年和1976年开始捕鱼时的捕捞量相似。本研究的目的是了解球形假单胞菌的年龄、生长和死亡率。2008 年 11 月至 2010 年 2 月,在加利福尼亚湾中东部海岸(墨西哥索诺拉州太阳巴伊亚州)采集了象拔蚌。使用“乙酸盐剥离”方法确定年龄,von Bertalanffy生长参数估计为L-无穷大= 122.86 mm,k = 0.33和t(o) = -0.2。每种方法的死亡率范围为0.79至0.546。年龄从 2 岁到 27 岁不等,但模式是 10 岁。平均尺寸 (+/- IC alpha 0,05) 为 109.8 +/- 3 mm 壳长。生长参数和死亡率与同族物种的年轻生物体相似。由于这些原因,结论是,根据我们的研究结果,该种群是最近建立的种群,以应对有利的环境事件。



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