
Lorentz Invariance Violation: Modification of the Compton Scattering and the GZK Cutoff and Other Effects

机译:洛伦兹不变性违规:康普顿散射和 GZK 截止值的修改及其他效应

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This paper deals with the violation of Lorentz symmetry. The approach is based on Compton scattering which becomes modified due to a modified dispersion relation arising from a minimum spacetime cut off as in modern Quantum Gravity approaches. With this amendment, we find that two high-energy rays of different energies develop a time-lag. This time separation becomes prominent when the energies of the considered photons is a parts per thousand yen 1GeV. Extending our approach to gamma rays of cosmic origin we predict that they undergo innumerable such scattering processes before reaching us. Therefore, it accounts for the time-lag phenomena of gamma ray bursts (GRB)'s which have been claimed to be observed. Also, we find that resorting to the modified Snyder-Sidharth Hamiltonian it is possible to extend the GZK cut off beyond its normal limit, 10(20) eV. Some observations of ultra high energy cosmic rays support this. This extends the limits of special theory of relativity.
机译:本文涉及洛伦兹对称性的违反。该方法基于康普顿散射,康普顿散射由于现代量子引力方法中最小时空截止产生的修正色散关系而改变。通过这一修正,我们发现两条不同能量的高能射线会产生时间滞后。当所考虑的光子的能量为千分之一日元 1GeV 时,这种时间分离变得突出。将我们的方法扩展到宇宙起源的伽马射线,我们预测它们在到达我们之前会经历无数次这样的散射过程。因此,它解释了伽马射线暴(GRB)的时间滞后现象,这些现象已被声称被观察到。此外,我们发现,采用改进的 Snyder-Sidharth 哈密顿量,可以将 GZK 截止扩展到其正常极限 10(20) eV 之外。对超高能宇宙射线的一些观测支持了这一点。这扩展了狭义相对论的局限性。



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