首页> 外文期刊>international journal of theoretical physics >Kinematical problem in Spin-wave theory

Kinematical problem in Spin-wave theory




A spin-1/2, nearest neighbor Heisenberg Hamiltonian acting on a periodic,d-dimensional lattice is considered. Multi-spin-wave solutions to the Schrödinger equation for a Heisenberg ferromagnet involve an unlimited superposition of spin-reversal operators at sites. This violates the physical restriction that no more than one excitation reside on any one site. This exclusion rule affects spin-wave interaction—the determination of these effects is called the kinematical problem. A general nonperturbative treatment that includes kinematical effects in spin-wave theory is developed along the following lines. Using the property of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian that it does not couple states obeying the single occupation condition at all sites with states that violate the single-occupancy condition at some sites, the unphysical multiply occupied states can be eliminated by a nonunitary transformation of the eigenvalue equation. An overcomplete Hamiltonian matrix is obtained that contains all the physical eigenvalues as a subset of its spectrum. Overcompleteness is shown to be a large part of the kinematical problem and several schemes to handle it are discussed. The remainder of the kinematical problem lies in the nonorthogonality of spin waves. It is shown that a new type of distribution, one that is neither Bose nor Fermi, correctly describes free spin-wave statistics at all temperatures. This formal but nonetheless complete solution to the overcompleteness aspect of the kinematical problem is then carried over,in toto, to the boson formulation of the spin Hamiltonian. Application to the calculation of the partition function and to thermal Green's functions is not
机译:考虑了作用在周期性 d 维晶格上的自旋 1/2 最近邻海森堡哈密顿量。海森堡铁磁体薛定谔方程的多自旋波解涉及位点自旋反转算子的无限叠加。这违反了任何一个站点上不超过一个激励的物理限制。此排除规则会影响自旋波相互作用,这些效应的确定称为运动学问题。在自旋波理论中包括运动学效应的一般非扰动处理是沿着以下思路发展的。利用海森堡哈密顿量的性质,即它不会将所有站点上都服从单一占用条件的状态与某些站点上违反单一占用条件的状态耦合,可以通过特征值方程的非酉变换来消除非物理乘法占用状态。得到一个过完全的哈密顿矩阵,该矩阵包含所有物理特征值作为其谱的子集。过度完备性被证明是运动学问题的很大一部分,并讨论了几种处理该问题的方案。运动学问题的其余部分在于自旋波的非正交性。结果表明,一种既不是玻色也不是费米分布的新型分布正确地描述了所有温度下的自由自旋波统计。然后,这种形式上但仍然完全解决运动学问题的过完备性问题,然后被转移到自旋哈密顿量的玻色子公式中。应用于分区函数的计算和热格林函数不是



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