首页> 外文期刊>Mikrochimica Acta: An International Journal for Physical and Chemical Methods of Analysis >Flow-Injection Differential Spectrophotometric pH Selectivity System for the Determination of Cyclamate Contaminants

Flow-Injection Differential Spectrophotometric pH Selectivity System for the Determination of Cyclamate Contaminants


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A flow-injection system with differential Spectrophotometric detection is proposed for the simultaneous determination of aniline and cyclohexyl-amine based on their reaction with 1,2-naphthoqui-none-4-sulfonate (NQS).The pH is chosen to achieve selectivity since only aniline reacts at acidic pH whereas the two amines are derivatized in basic medium.The flow manifold comprises two reactors and two detection cells for developing and monitoring the reaction under selective and general (non-selective) conditions.A double beam spectrophotometer is used for differential detection,with two flow cells placed in the sample and reference holders.Figures of merit such as sensitivity,linear range,detection limit and precision are established.The evaluation of accuracy using a series of synthetic mixtures indicates overall prediction errors of 3% and 5% for aniline and cyclohexylamine,respectively.The method is applied to the determination of amine impurities in commercial sweeteners.Good concordance between the proposed and the standard chromatographic methods is found.



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