首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics >The Peterson recurrence formula for the chromatic discriminant of a graph

The Peterson recurrence formula for the chromatic discriminant of a graph

机译:图的色度判别的 Peterson 递归公式

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The absolute value of the coefficient of q in the chromatic polynomial of a graph G is known as the chromatic discriminant of G and is denoted alpha(G). There is a well known recurrence formula for alpha(G) that comes from the deletion-contraction rule for the chromatic polynomial. In this paper we prove another recurrence formula for alpha(G) that comes from the theory of Kac- Moody Lie algebras. We start with a brief survey on many interesting algebraic and combinatorial interpretations of alpha(G). We use two of these interpretations (in terms of acyclic orientations and spanning trees) to give two bijective proofs for our recurrence formula of alpha(G).
机译:图 G 的色多项式中 q 系数的绝对值称为 G 的色度判别式,表示为 alpha(G)。有一个众所周知的 alpha(G) 递归公式,它来自色多项式的缺失-收缩规则。在本文中,我们证明了另一个来自 Kac-Moody Lie 代数理论的 alpha(G) 递归公式。我们首先对 alpha(G) 的许多有趣的代数和组合解释进行简要调查。我们使用其中两种解释(根据无环取向和生成树)为我们的 alpha(G) 递归公式给出两个双射证明。



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