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A Markov-Weibull rain-sum model for designing rain water catchment systems

机译:用于设计雨水集水系统的 Markov-Weibull 雨和模型



Rain-sum, defined as the sum of the total rain over a wet spell during a rainy season, forms a sequence which has the potential to provide the statistics for designing a rainwater catchment system. The probability density function (pdf) of the rain-sum coupled with the Poisson law of occurrence of wet spells are used as building blocks to generate the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the largest rain-sum. This cdf can form the basis for estimating system design parameters. This study revealed that the rain-sum for kenyan environments (semi-arid and semi-humid) tends to obey Weibull distribution, while successive occurrences of wet days obey the Markov law of persistence. The process of estimating the cdf of the largest rain-sum not only provides statistics for the design of rainwater catchment systems, but also provides an alternative for identifying the pdf of the rain-sum and dependence structure in the occurrence of wet days.
机译:降雨总和定义为雨季总降雨量的总和,形成一个序列,有可能为设计雨水集水系统提供统计数据。利用降雨总和的概率密度函数(pdf)与湿潮发生的泊松定律相结合,生成最大降雨总和的累积分布函数(cdf)。该 cdf 可以构成估计系统设计参数的基础。本研究表明,肯尼亚环境(半干旱和半湿润)的降雨量趋于服从威布尔分布,而连续出现的雨天服从马尔可夫持久性定律。最大降雨量cdf的估算过程不仅为雨水集水系统的设计提供了统计,而且为识别雨量发生时降雨量和依赖性结构提供了另一种选择。



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