首页> 外文期刊>Advanced energy materials >Impact of Interface Energetic Alignment and Mobile Ions on Charge Carrier Accumulation and Extraction in p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells

Impact of Interface Energetic Alignment and Mobile Ions on Charge Carrier Accumulation and Extraction in p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells


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Understanding the kinetic competition between charge extraction and recombination, and how this is impacted by mobile ions, remains a key challenge in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Here, this issue is addressed by combining operando photoluminescence (PL) measurements, which allow the measurement of real-time PL spectra during current–voltage (J–V) scans under 1-sun equivalent illumination, with the results of drift-diffusion simulations. This operando PL analysis allows direct comparison between the internal performance (recombination currents and quasi-Fermi-level-splitting (QFLS)) and the external performance (J–V) of a PSC during operation. Analyses of four PSCs with different electron transport materials (ETMs) quantify how a deeper ETM LUMO induces greater interfacial recombination, while a shallower LUMO impedes charge extraction. Furthermore, it is found that a low ETM mobility leads to charge accumulation in the perovskite under short-circuit conditions. However, thisalone cannot explain the remarkably high short-circuit QFLS of over 1 eV which is observed in all devices. Instead, drift-diffusion simulations allow this effect to be assigned to the presence of mobile ions which screen the internal electric field at short-circuit and lead to a reduction in the short-circuit current density by over 2 mA cm~(?2) in the best device.
机译:了解电荷提取和复合之间的动力学竞争,以及它如何受到移动离子的影响,仍然是钙钛矿太阳能电池(PSC)的一个关键挑战。在这里,通过结合操作光致发光 (PL) 测量来解决此问题,该测量允许在 1 个太阳等效照明下测量电流-电压 (J-V) 扫描期间的实时 PL 光谱,以及漂移扩散模拟的结果。这种操作性PL分析允许直接比较PSC在运行期间的内部性能(复合电流和准费米能级分裂(QFLS))和外部性能(J-V)。对具有不同电子传输材料 (ETM) 的四种 PSC 的分析量化了更深的 ETM LUMO 如何诱导更大的界面复合,而更浅的 LUMO 如何阻碍电荷提取。此外,还发现低ETM迁移率导致在短路条件下钙钛矿中电荷积累。然而,仅凭这一点并不能解释在所有器件中都观察到的超过1 eV的异常高短路QFLS。相反,漂移扩散模拟允许将这种效应归因于移动离子的存在,这些离子在短路时屏蔽内部电场,并导致短路电流密度降低超过 2 mA cm~(?2) 在最佳器件中。



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