首页> 外文期刊>Stratigraphy >Proposed Auxiliary Boundary Stratigraphic Section and Point (ASSP) for the base of the Ordovician System at Lawson Cove, Utah, USA

Proposed Auxiliary Boundary Stratigraphic Section and Point (ASSP) for the base of the Ordovician System at Lawson Cove, Utah, USA

机译:美国犹他州劳森湾奥陶纪系统底部的拟议辅助边界地层剖面和点 (ASSP)

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The Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ordovician System is at the First Appearance Datum (FAD) of the conodont Iapetognathusfluctivagus at Green Point in Newfoundland, Canada. Strata there are typical graptolitic facies that were deposited near the base of the continental slope. We propose establishing an Auxiliary boundary Stratotype Section and Point (ASSP) at the FAD of I. fluctivagus at the Lawson Cove section in the Ibex area of Millard County, Utah, USA. There, strata consist of typical shelly facies limestones that were deposited on a tropical carbonate platform and contain abundant conodonts, trilobites, brachiopods, and other fossil groups. Cambrian and Ordovician strata in this area are ~5300m thick, with the Lawson Cove section spanning 243m in three overlapping segments. Six other measured and studied sections in the area show stratigraphic relationships similar to those at Lawson Cove. Faunas have been used to divide these strata into 14 conodont and 7 trilobite zonal units. The widespread olenid trilobite Jujuyaspis occurs ~90cm above the proposed boundary at Lawson Cove; this genus is generally regarded as earliest Ordovician. Rhynchonelliform and linguliform brachiopods are common to abundant and are useful for correlation. The FAD of Iapetognathus fluctivagus and occurrences of Jujuyaspis and the Lower Ordovician planktonic graptolite Anisograptus matanensis all occur within a 2.4m interval of strata at a nearby section. Non-biological correlation tools include a detailed sequence stratigraphic classification and a detailed carbon-isotope profile. Especially useful for correlation is a positive δ~(13)C excursion peak ~15cm below the proposed boundary horizon. All of these correlation tools form an integrated framework that makes the Lawson Cove section especially useful as an ASSP for global correlation of strata with faunas typical of shallow, warm-water, shelly facies.
机译:奥陶纪系统底部的全球边界平流型剖面和点(GSSP)位于加拿大纽芬兰绿点的锥齿象Iapetognathusfluctivagus的首次出现基准面(FAD)。地层有典型的花岗岩相,沉积在大陆坡底部附近。我们建议在美国犹他州米勒德县 Ibex 地区 Lawson Cove 剖面的 I. fluctivagus 的 FAD 处建立辅助边界平流型剖面和点 (ASSP)。在那里,地层由典型的贝壳相石灰岩组成,这些石灰岩沉积在热带碳酸盐平台上,并含有丰富的锥齿动物、三叶虫、腕足类和其他化石群。该地区的寒武纪和奥陶纪地层厚度为~5300米,劳森湾剖面跨越243米,分为三个重叠的剖面。该地区其他六个测量和研究的部分显示出与Lawson Cove相似的地层关系。动物群已被用于将这些地层划分为 14 个锥齿和 7 个三叶虫地带单元。广泛分布的烯立三叶虫 Jujuyaspis 出现在 Lawson Cove 拟议边界上方 ~90 厘米处;该属通常被认为是最早的奥陶纪。Rhynchonelliform 和 linguliform 腕足类动物常见到丰富,可用于相关性。Iapetognathus fluctivagus的FAD和Jujuyapsis和下奥陶世浮游石Anisograptus matanensis的出现都发生在附近剖面的2.4m地层间隔内。非生物相关工具包括详细的层序地层分类和详细的碳同位素剖面。特别有用的相关性是δ~(13)C偏移峰~低于拟议的边界层~15cm。所有这些关联工具形成了一个综合框架,使Lawson Cove剖面作为地层与浅层、温水、贝壳相典型动物群的全球相关性的ASSP特别有用。




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