首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Structures and harmonic vibrational frequencies for excited statesof diatomic molecules with CCSD(R12) and CCSD(F12) models

Structures and harmonic vibrational frequencies for excited statesof diatomic molecules with CCSD(R12) and CCSD(F12) models


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The equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method for excited states with the singles-and-doublesmodel (CCSD) has been implemented for ansatz 2 of the explicitly correlated CCSD(R12) andCCSD(F12) methods as part of the program package Dalton. In this model, an orthonormalcomplementary auxiliary basis set is used for the resolution-of-identity approximation in order tocalculate the three-electron integrals needed for CCSD(R12) and CCSD(F12). The additionalCCSD(R12) or CCSD(F12) terms introduced within ansatz 2, which are not present in ansatz 1, arederived and discussed with regard to the extra costs needed for their computation. As a firstapplication the basis set convergence of equilibrium bond lengths and harmonic vibrationalfrequencies has been investigated for some singlet excited states of the diatomic molecules N2, CO,BF, and BH. The calculated CCSD(F12) results show that the average absolute deviations of thebond lengths and frequencies from the basis set limits are below 0.1 pm and 5 cm~(-1)as well 0.05pm and 1 cm~(-1)for the triple- and quadruple-ζ basis sets, respectively. These deviations are shownto largely arise from the SCF basis set incompleteness errors.
机译:作为程序包 Dalton 的一部分,已在显式相关 CCSD(R12) 和 CCSD(F12) 方法的 ansatz 2 中实现了具有单双模型 (CCSD) 的激发态的运动方程耦合簇方法。该模型采用正交互补辅助基集进行恒等式解析近似,以计算CCSD(R12)和CCSD(F12)所需的三电子积分。在ansatz 2中引入的附加CCSD(R12)或CCSD(F12)项在ansatz 1中不存在,并就其计算所需的额外成本进行了推导和讨论。作为第一个应用,已经研究了双原子分子N2、CO、BF和BH的一些单线态激发态的平衡键长和谐波振动频率的基集收敛性。计算的CCSD(F12)结果表明,三重和四ζ基集的粘结长度和频率与基集限值的平均绝对偏差分别小于0.1 pm和5 cm~(-1)以及0.05pm和1 cm~(-1)。这些偏差主要源于 SCF 基集的不完备性误差。




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