首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Neuroimmune interaction and the regulation of intestinal immune homeostasis

Neuroimmune interaction and the regulation of intestinal immune homeostasis


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Many essential gastrointestinal functions, including motility, secretion, and blood flow, are regulated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), both through intrinsic enteric neurons and extrinsic (sympathetic and parasympa-thetic) innervation. Recently identified neuroimmune mechanisms, in particular the interplay between enteric neurons and muscularis macrophages, are now considered to be essential for fine-tuning peristalsis. These findings shed new light on how intestinal immune cells can support enteric nervous function. In addition, both intrinsic and extrinsic neural mechanisms control intestinal immune homeostasis in different layers of the intestine, mainly by affecting macrophage activation through neurotransmitter release. In this mini-review, we discuss recent insights on immu-nomodulation by intrinsic enteric neurons and extrinsic innervation, with a particular focus on intestinal macrophages. In addition, we discuss the relevance of these novel mechanisms for intestinal immune homeostasis in physiological and pathological conditions, mainly focusing on motility disorders (gastroparesis and postoperative ileus) and inflammatory disorders (colitis).
机译:许多基本的胃肠道功能,包括运动、分泌和血流,都由自主神经系统 (ANS) 调节,包括内在的肠神经元和外在的(交感神经和副神经)神经支配。最近发现的神经免疫机制,特别是肠神经元和肌肉巨噬细胞之间的相互作用,现在被认为对于微调蠕动至关重要。这些发现为肠道免疫细胞如何支持肠道神经功能提供了新的线索。此外,内在和外在的神经机制都控制肠道不同层的肠道免疫稳态,主要是通过神经递质释放影响巨噬细胞的活化。在这篇小型综述中,我们讨论了关于内源性肠神经元和外源性神经支配的immu-nomodulation的最新见解,特别关注肠巨噬细胞。此外,我们还讨论了这些新机制在生理和病理条件下肠道免疫稳态的相关性,主要集中在运动障碍(胃轻瘫和术后肠梗阻)和炎症性疾病(结肠炎)上。




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