首页> 外文期刊>Medical engineering & physics. >Temporal locations of repolarization alternans within the electrocardiogram JT-interval in patients with acute myocardial infarction and healthy subjects

Temporal locations of repolarization alternans within the electrocardiogram JT-interval in patients with acute myocardial infarction and healthy subjects


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The article by Burattini et al., published ahead of print in the Journal [1] on August 9, 2011 reflects the long-standing interest of the authors in the characterization of repolarization alternans (RA) for both patients with acute (and subacute) myocardial infarction (AMI) and healthy subjects (HS), and explores the temporal location within the JT-interval of RA occurrence, employing their heart-rate adaptive match filter method to simulated data and clinical ECG recordings. The authors conclude that RA in patients with AMI occurs at a mean 83 ms before and 23 ms after the T-wave apex with an amplitude >30 muV, with both or either of these 2 features present in such patients. The study is significant for its focus of delimiting RA found in HS from that encountered in patients with AMI, since both groups experience RA, albeit lower in magnitude in the HS.
机译:Burattini等人的文章于2011年8月9日在《期刊》 [1]上印刷前发表,反映了作者对表征急性和亚急性患者的复极化交替糖(RA)的长期兴趣。心肌梗塞(AMI)和健康受试者(HS),并利用其心率自适应匹配过滤器方法模拟数据和临床ECG记录,探索RA发生JT间隔内的时间位置。作者得出的结论是,AMI患者的RA发生在振幅大于30μV的T波顶点之前平均83毫秒,之后23毫秒,这两个特征中的任何一个或两个都存在于此类患者中。这项研究的重点在于将HS中发现的RA与AMI患者所遇到的RA划清界限,因为两组均经历了RA,尽管HS的幅度较低。



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