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Molecular Indicators Used in the Development of Predictive Models for Microbial Source Tracking


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A number of chemical, microbial, and eukaryotic indicators have been proposed as indicators of fecal pollution sources in water bodies. No single one of the indicators tested to date has been able to determine the source of fecal pollution in water. However, the combined use of different indicators has been demonstrated to be the best way of defining predictive models suitable for determining fecal pollution sources. Molecular methods are promising tools that could complement standard microbiological water analysis. In this study, the feasibility of some proposed molecular indicators for microbial source tracking (MST) was compared (names of markers are in parentheses): host-specific Bacteroidetes (HF134, HF183, CF128, and CF193), Bifidobacterium adolescentis (ADO), Bifidobacterium dentium (DEN), the gene esp of Enterococcus faecium, and host-specific mitochondrial DNA associated with humans, cattle, and pigs (Humito, Bomito, and Pomito, respectively). None of the individual molecular markers tested enabled 100 source identification. They should be combined with other markers to raise sensitivity and specificity and increase the number of sources that are identified. MST predictive models using only these molecular markers were developed. The models were evaluated by considering the lowest number of molecular indicators needed to obtain the highest rate of identification of fecal sources. The combined use of three molecular markers (ADO, Bomito, and Pomito) enabled correct identification of 75.7 of the samples, with differentiation between human, swine, bovine, and poultry sources. Discrimination between human and nonhuman fecal pollution was possible using two markers: ADO and Pomito (84.6 correct identification). The percentage of correct identification increased with the number of markers analyzed. The best predictive model for distinguishing human from nonhuman fecal sources was based on 5 molecular markers (HF134, ADO, DEN, Bomito, and Pomito) and provided 90.1 correct classification.
机译:许多化学、微生物和真核生物指标已被提出作为水体粪便污染源的指标。迄今为止,没有一个指标能够确定水中粪便污染的来源。然而,联合使用不同的指标已被证明是定义适合确定粪便污染源的预测模型的最佳方法。分子方法是一种很有前途的工具,可以补充标准的微生物水分析。在这项研究中,比较了一些拟议的微生物源追踪(MST)分子指标的可行性(标记名称在括号中):宿主特异性拟杆菌(HF134、HF183、CF128和CF193)、青少年双歧杆菌(ADO)、齿状双歧杆菌(DEN)、屎肠球菌基因(尤其是屎肠球菌)和与人类、牛和猪相关的宿主特异性线粒体DNA(Humito、Bomito和Pomito, 分别)。没有一个测试的单个分子标记能够100%进行来源鉴定。它们应与其他标志物联合使用,以提高敏感性和特异性,并增加已识别的来源数量。开发了仅使用这些分子标记的MST预测模型。通过考虑获得最高粪便来源识别率所需的最少分子指标数量来评估模型。联合使用三种分子标记(ADO、Bomito 和 Pomito)能够正确识别 75.7% 的样本,并区分人、猪、牛和家禽来源。使用两个标记可以区分人类和非人类粪便污染:ADO 和 Pomito(84.6% 正确识别)。正确识别的百分比随着分析的标记数量而增加。区分人类和非人类粪便来源的最佳预测模型基于 5 个分子标记(HF134、ADO、DEN、Bomito 和 Pomito),并提供 90.1% 的正确分类。



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