首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering >Performance of centrifugal pump over a range of composite wear ring clearance

Performance of centrifugal pump over a range of composite wear ring clearance


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Modern centrifugal pumps are installed with composite wear rings that run under tight clearances to meet the size, weight, and performance demands. Internal leakage flow past the wear ring clearance can significantly degrade the pump's performance and limit its predictability and reliability. In this study, a model-based approach is presented to elucidate the effect of wear ring clearance on the pump's performance for increasing wear ring clearance ranging over two orders of magnitude (0.01-2 mm) and at different levels of eccentricity. It is observed that the leakage flow rate exhibits a nonlinear trend with increasing wear ring clearance, which is characterized by two threshold values. The first threshold clearance beyond which the leakage flow rate increases rapidly, leading to a drop in the pump's pressure head, and the second threshold, beyond which the leakage flow rate becomes constant. The increase in eccentricity ratio amplifies this trend of leakage flowrate and pump head. For a double-suction pump, the effect of different combinations of both the side wear ring clearances is investigated. The result shows that for a fixed value of clearance on one side, the leakage flowrate through that side decreases if the clearance on the other side decreases. Overall, the model-based understanding presented in this study will help to predict the pump's performance over a range of wear ring clearances and hence the severity of internal leakage, as encountered in present-day pumps that are installed with composite wear rings.
机译:现代离心泵安装有复合耐磨环,这些耐磨环在狭小的间隙下运行,以满足尺寸、重量和性能要求。通过耐磨环间隙的内部泄漏流会显着降低泵的性能并限制其可预测性和可靠性。在这项研究中,提出了一种基于模型的方法来阐明耐磨环间隙对泵性能的影响,以增加两个数量级 (0.01-2 mm) 和不同偏心水平的耐磨环间隙。结果表明,泄漏流量随磨损环间隙的增加呈非线性趋势,其特征是两个阈值。第一个阈值间隙,超过该阈值,泄漏流量迅速增加,导致泵的压力扬程下降,第二个阈值,超过该阈值,泄漏流量变为恒定。偏心比的增加放大了泄漏流量和泵扬程的这种趋势。对于双吸泵,研究了两个侧面耐磨环间隙的不同组合的影响。结果表明:对于一侧的固定间隙值,如果另一侧的间隙减小,则通过该侧的泄漏流量会减小。总体而言,本研究中提出的基于模型的理解将有助于预测泵在一系列耐磨环间隙中的性能,从而预测内部泄漏的严重程度,就像当今安装有复合耐磨环的泵一样。



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