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Exploiting drug delivery systems for oral route in the peptic ulcer disease treatment


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Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a common condition that is induced by acid and pepsin causing lesions in the mucosa of the duodenum and stomach. The pathogenesis of PUD is a many-sided scenario, which involves an imbalance between protective factors, such as prostaglandins, blood flow, and cell renewal, and aggressive ones, like alcohol abuse, smoking, Helicobacter pylori colonisation, and the use of non-ster-oidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The standard oral treatment is well established; however, several problems can decrease the success of this therapy, such as drug degradation in the gastric environment, low oral bioavailability, and lack of vectorisation to the target site. In this way, the use of strategies to improve the effectiveness of these conventional drugs becomes interesting. Currently, the use of drug delivery systems is being explored as an option to improve the drug therapy limitations, such as antimicrobial resistance, low bioavailability, molecule degradation in an acid environment, and low concentration of the drug at the site of action. This article provides a review of oral drug delivery systems looking for improving the treatment of PUD.
机译:消化性溃疡病 (PUD) 是一种常见的疾病,由酸和胃蛋白酶诱发,导致十二指肠和胃粘膜病变。PUD 的发病机制是多方面的,涉及保护因素(如前列腺素、血流和细胞更新)与侵袭性因素(如酗酒、吸烟、幽门螺杆菌定植)和使用非类体抗炎药。标准的口服治疗是公认的;然而,有几个问题会降低这种疗法的成功率,例如胃环境中的药物降解、口服生物利用度低以及缺乏对靶位点的矢量化。这样,使用策略来提高这些常规药物的有效性变得有趣。目前,正在探索使用药物递送系统作为改善药物治疗局限性的一种选择,例如抗菌素耐药性、低生物利用度、酸性环境中的分子降解以及药物在作用部位的低浓度。本文对口服给药系统进行了综述,以改善 PUD 的治疗。




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