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Preparation of thiophen esters by the Hinsberg reaction




1972 2079Preparation of Thiophen Esters by the Hinsberg ReactionBy D. J. Chadwick, J. Chambers, G. D. Meakins," and R. L. Snowden, Dyson Perrins Laboratory, OxfordThe Hinsberg reaction (interaction between an a-diketone and a dialkyl thiodiacetate) has been used to prepare aseries of 3.4-disubstituted thiophen-2-carboxylates and -2.5-dicarboxylates.University, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QYFOR spectrometric investigations of heterocyclic com- (I) : these had not been detected in the earlier work,pounds with carbonyl groups a t the a-position(s), we which involved saponification as part of the generalrequired a series of thiophen mono- and di-esters of procedure. Since the half-esters can be decarboxylated,3types (111) and (V). The Hinsberg2 reaction has been the Hinsberg reaction appeared well suited to ourused fairly extensively for obtaining the 2,5-diacids (11) purpose (see Scheme).R ' R ''c-c'II It0 0R1 R1I vNaO ' ONaoMe J Me02 c c j c 0 2 M eM e 0'c-c'II II0 0Reagents: (i), KOBut; (ii), NaOH; (iii), Cu-heat;IY)tl v i )(for E la ; R2=Meb ; R * = E tC ; R~=BJSCHEME(iv), H,SO,-MeOH, or EtOH, or Me,CH:CH,; (v), NaOMe; (vi) PhCH,Cland their derivatives.Mechanistic studies by Wynberget aZ.3 established that the initial products from a-diketones and dialkyl thiodiacetates are the half-esters1 D. J. Chadwick, J. Chambers, G. D. Meakins, and R. L.Snowden, in the press.Although most of the condensations shown in theScheme have been reported previously (references in theExperimental section), there is considerable variation(a) H.Wynberg and H. J. Kooreman, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,1965, 87, 1739; (b) H. Wynberg and D. J. Zwanenburg, J . Org.Chem., 1964, 29, 1919. 0. Hinsberg, Ber., 1910, 43, 9012080 J.C.S. Perkin IC,,H,,O,S requires C, 67-8; H, 5.1; S, 9-0), z (CC1,)2-61 (lH, s, 5-H), cu. 3-22 (SH, m, ArH), 6.20 (3H, s, 3-ArOMe), 6.27 (3H, s, 4-ArOMe), and 6.29 (3H, s, CO,Me),m/e 354 (M', 100). The 5-ethoxycarbonyl acid (ICb)(3 g), on heating with Cu bronze (1 g) a t 250 "C for 20 min,gave the ethyl ester (IIICb) (1.2 g), m.p. 83-84' (fromMeOH) (Found: C, 68.7; H, 5.3; S, 8.5. C,,H,,O,Srequires C, 68-5; H, 5.5; S, 8.7).Saponification of the half-ester (ICb) by heating underreflux with 20 aqueous NaOH for 2 h followed by thestandard work-up gave 3,4-di- (+-methoxyphenyl) thiophen-2,5-dicarboxylic acid (IIC) (75), m.p.273-274" (lit.,6269-270"), A,, (EtOH) 235 (E 18,200) and 259 nm (12,400).Similarly the ethyl ester (IIICb) gave 3,4-di-(p-methoxy-~henyZ)thio~hen-2-curboxyZic acid (IVC) (72), m.p. 205-215' (decomp.) (from MeOH) (Found: C, 67-3; H, 5.0.Ct,,O4S requires C, 67.05; H, 4.75), 7 (Me2SO) 2-28Isobutene (20 ml) was added to the 2-acid (IVC) (500 mg)in dry Et,O (40 m1)-H,SO, (2 ml) which was cooled to-30" in a thick-walled flask fitted with a magnetic stirrer.A well-fitting rubber bung was securely wired into positionand the mixture was left to reach 20" with stirring. After3 d the flask was cooled to -3O", opened cautiously, andthe solution was poured slowly, with stirring, into cold 5aqueous KOH (250 ml).Isolation with Et,O and p.1.c.l large plate, 4 x petrol-Me,CO (4: l) afforded t-butyZ3,4-di-(p-methoxyphenyZ)thiophen-2-carboxyZate (IIICc) (325mg), m.p. 123-125" (from MeOH) (Found: C, 69.8; H, 6.1.C,,H,,O,S requires C, 69.7; H, 6*ly0), T (CCI,) 2.72 (lH, s,5-H) and 8-65 (9H, s, CO,But), m/e 396 (M', 35) and 340Products from BiucetyZ.--B-Ethoxycarbonyl-3,4-dimethyl-thiophen-2-carboxylic acid 3b (IAb) (2 g) was heated withCu bronze (1 g) a t 300" for 1 h to give ethyl 3,4-dimethyZ-thiophen-2-carboxylate (IIIAb) (1.2 g), b.p. 98-102" (bath)a t 0.02 mmHg (Found: C, 58-95; H, 6.7. C,H,,O,Srequires C, 58.7; H, 6.6), nD20 1.5294. Saponification ofthis ester afforded the 2-acid (IVA), m.p.184-186" (Iit.,7187-1 88") , which was converted into t-butyZ 3,4-dimethyZ-thiophen-2-carboxyZate (IIIAc) (81y0), b.p. 100-105" (bath)a t 0.04 mmHg, m.p. 50-52" (Found: C, 62.5; H, 7-35;S, 15.25. C,lHl,O,S requires C, 62.25; PI, 7-6; S, 15.1).(500 mg), EtOH (20ml), and H,SO, (1-5 ml) was boiled under reflux for 2 h.Work-up gave diethyl 3,4-dirnethyZthiophen-2,5-dicarboxyEute(VAb) (505 mg), m.p. 79-80' (from MeOH) (Found: C,56.2; H, 6.3. C1,H,,04S requires C, 56.2; H, 6.3).The diacid (IIA) was also converted into di-t-butyZ 3,4-di~netlzyZthiophen-2,5-dicarboxyZate (VAc) (78 ), m.p. 167-168" (from MeOH) (Found: C, 61.4; H, 7.8; S, 10-1.C1,H,,04S requires C, 61-5; H, 7.75; S, 10-2y0).Products from Ben.-Isobutene (50 ml) , thiodiaceticacid (15 g), and Et,O (100 m1)-H,SO, (3 ml) were used asdescribed earlier to give di-t-butyZ thiodiacetate (19.5 g), b.p.121-122" a t 1-5 mmHg (Found: C, 55.2; H, 8.5; S, 12.1.C1,H,,O,S requires C, 54-95; H, 8-45; S, 12.2), T (CCl,)6-79 (s, S-CH,) and 8-35 (s, CO,But).Reaction of thisester (2 g) with benzil (1 g) at 30" for 15 min in a solutionprepared from K (1.4 g) and ButOH (30 ml) gave 2-t-butoxycarbonyl-3,4-d~~henylthio~hen-5-carboxyZ~c acid (IBc)6 0. Dann and G. Hauck, Arch. Pharm., 1960, 293, 187.7 H. Fiesselmann and H. Habicht, G. P. 1,092,929 (Cl. 2q)1960 (Chew. Abs., 1962, 57, 5894).8 R. Seka, Ber., 1925, 58, 1783.(lH, S , 5-H).(100).A mixture of the 2,5-diacid (IIA)in the extent to which they have been studied.Forexample, only one derivative, the diacid (IID),2 ofphenanthraquinone is recorded. All the t-butyl esters,which are especially important for the spectrometricwork, are new. With one exception, the half-esters (I)were smoothly decarboxylated by heating with copperbronze : the t-butyl ester (IBc), obtained from benziland di-t-butyl thiodiacetate, gave mainly 3,4-diphenyl-t hiophen .4When oxalic esters rather than a-diketones are usedin the Hinsberg reaction, the products are the salts of3,4-dihydroxy-2,5-diesters, e.g., the salt (VI) fromdimethyl oxalate and dimethyl thiodiacetate. Pre-sumably the first negatively-charged adduct losesmethoxide anion rather than forming a a-lactone as inthe case of the adduct from an a-diket~ne.~EXPERIMENTALPreparative details are given for the series of compoundsderived from one a-diketone; with the other series, pro-cedures are described only if they were not used in, or ifthey differ from those of the first series. The n.m.r.andmass spectra of the products were as expected, and only afew are reported. U.V. spectra were obtained for EtOHsolutions.Products from 4,4'-Dimethoxybenzil.-A mixture of 4,4'-dimethoxybenzil (dried a t 80" in vacuo; 9.5 g) and dimethylthiodiacetate (freshly distilled ; 12 g) was added to a solution,which was stirred a t 60°, made from K (4-2 g) and ButOH(freshly distilled from CaH,; 100 ml). After 30 min themixture was cooled, acidified with ~ N - H C ~ (20 ml), and thesolvents were removed a t 40" and 10 mmHg.The residuewas extracted with portions (50 ml) of ~N-NH,OH untilacidification of a sample of the alkaline solution did notgive a precipitate. Acidification of the combined extracts,and isolation with Et,O gave 5-methoxycarbonyZ-3,4-di-(p-methoxyphenyZ)thiophen-2-carboxyZic acid (ICa) (6.8 g) , m.p.220-225" (decomp.) (from MeOH) (Found: C, 62.9; H, 4.6;S, 8.2. C2,H1,0,S requires C, 63.3; H, 4.55; S, 8.0y0),T (CD,),SO 2.99, 3.13, 3-22, 3.26 (8H, A,B2 resonances,ArH), 6-30 (6H, s, ArOMe), and 6.33 (3H, s, CO,Me), m/e398 ( M f , 100) and 354 (18). Diethyl thiodiacetate (14 g)similarly gave 5-ethoxycarbonyZ-3,4-di-( p-methoxyphenyl) thio-phen-2-curboxylic acid (ICb) (7.6 g), m.p.192-194" (de-camp.) (Found: C, 64.2; H, 4.9; S, 8.2. C,,H,,O,SrequiresC, 64.1; H, 4.9; S, 7.8).An intimate mixture of the 5-methoxycarbonyl acid(ICa) (2 g) and Cu bronze (1 g) was heated a t 300" for 1 h.The material extracted with Et,O was chromatographed onSiO, (75 g). Petrol-Me,CO mixtures eluted 3,4-di-(p-methoxypheny1)thiophen (250 mg), m.p. 107-108" (fromMeOH) (lit.,6 117-118"), and then methyl 3,4-di-(p-rnethoxyphenyZ)thiophen-Z-curboxyZate (IIICa) (850 mg) , m.p.126" (from MeOH) (Found: C, 67.7; H, 5-1; S, 9.2.Petrol refers to light petroleum, b.p. 60-80".H. J. Backer and W. Stevens, Rec. Trav. chirn., 1940, 59,423.5 E. W. Fager, J . Amer. Chem. SOL, 1945,67,22171972(1.3 g), m.p. 210-220" (decomp.) (from MeOH) (Found:C, 69.6; H, 5.2; S, 8.6.C,,H,,O,S requires C, 69-5; H,5-3; S, 8.4). The ester (IBc) (500 mg) and Cu bronze(500 mg) a t 240" for 10 min gave 3,4-diphenylthiophen(310 mg), m.p. 112-114" (lit.,4 114").With isobutene, the 2-acid (IVB) gave t-butyl 3.4-dipheylthiofihelz-2-carboxylate (IIIBc) (68), m.p. 90-91"(from MeOH) (Found: C, 74-8; H, 6.2. C,1H2,0,Srequires C, 75.0; H, 6.0), and the 2,5-diacid (IIB) gavedi-t-butyl 3,4-dipheizylthiophen-2,5-dicarboxylate (VBc)(67y0), m.p. 172-174" (from MeOH) (Found: C, 71.7; H,6.65; S , 7.55. C,,H,,O,S requires C, 71.5; H, 6.5; S,Pvoducts from Phenanthraquiizofze.-Reaction of phen-anthraquinone (8 g) with dimethyl thiodiacetate (12 g) at30" for 15 min in a solution prepared from K (4.2 g) andBu tOH ( 100 ml) gave 3-nzetlzo,vycarbonyZ~Jzenanthro9,1O-c-tJ~iopJzen-l-carboxyZic acid (IDa) (3.5 g), m.p.215-220"(decornp.) (from MeOH) (Found: C, 67.4; H, 3.7.C1,H120,S requires C, 67.85; H, 3.6y0), A,,,,. (EtOH) 250(E 21,900) and 267 nm (21,200). Decarboxylation of thisIialf-ester (1 g) gave methyl p,$enanthro9,lO-cthio;bhen-l-$.30/,).2081carboxylate (IIIDa) (620 nig), m.p. 151-152" (from MeOH)(Found: C, 73.9; H, 4.1. C,,H1,02S requires C, 74.0; H,4.176).3,4-Dibenzyloxythiophen-2,5-dicarboxylic Acid (IIE) andDimethyl 3,4-Dibenzyloxythiophen-2,5-dicarboxylate (VEa) .-A suspension of the disodium salt of dimethyl 3,4-dihydroxythiophen-2,5-dicarboxylate (VI) (13-5 g) inPhCH,Cl (100 m1)-hle,NCHO (250 ml) was stirred a t 100"for 2.5 h. The cooled mixture was filtered, the filtrate wasevaporated iiz vaczto, and the residue was crystallised fromMeOH to give the dimethyl ester (VEa) (15-1 g), m.p. 104-106" (Found: C, 63-9; €3, 5.2; S, 7.7. C,,H,,-,O,S requiresC, 64.1; H, 4.9; S, 7.8y0), Am=. 282 nm (E 8900), wz/e 412(M+, 1) and 91 (100). Hydrolysis of this ester by heatingunder reflux for 1 h with 3 aqueous NaOH gave thedicarboxylic acid (IIE) (80y0), m.p. 205-206" (from MeOH)(Found: C, 62.2; H, 4.3; S, 8-4. C,,H,,O,S requires C,62.5; H, 4.2; S, 8.3y0), A,, 281 nm (E 9900).We thank the S.R.C. for Studentships (to D. J. C., J. C.,and R. L. S.).2/637 Received, 20th March, 1972
机译:1972 2079通过Hinsberg反应制备噻吩酯作者:D. J. Chadwick, J. Chambers, G. D. Meakins,“ and R. L. Snowden, Dyson Perrins Laboratory, OxfordHinsberg反应(a-二酮和二烷基硫代二乙酸酯之间的相互作用)已被用于制备一系列3.4-二取代的噻吩-2-羧酸盐和-2.5-二羧酸盐。University, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY对于杂环化合物的光谱研究(I):这些在早期的工作中没有被发现,磅与羰基a-t的a-位置,我们涉及皂化作为一般要求一系列噻吩单酯和二酯的程序的一部分。由于半酯可以脱羧,3型(111)和(V)。Hinsberg2 反应一直很适合我们相当广泛地用于获得 2,5-二酸 (11) 目的(见方案)。R ' R ''c-c'II It0 0R1 R1I vNaO ' ONaoMe J Me02 c c j c 0 2 M eM e 0'c-c'II II0 0试剂:(i),KOBut;(ii)、NaOH;(iii),铜热;IY)tl v i )(代表 E la ;R2=梅布 ;R * = E tC ;R~=BJSCHEME(iv), H,SO,-MeOH, 或 EtOH, 或 Me,CH:CH,;(v),NaOMe;(vi) PhCH,Cland 其衍生物。Wynberget aZ.3 的机理研究表明,a-二酮和二烷基硫代二乙酸酯的初始产物是半酯1 D. J. Chadwick, J. Chambers, G. D. Meakins, and R. L.Snowden, in the press.尽管该方案中显示的大多数缩合物以前已经报道过(实验部分的参考文献),但存在相当大的差异(a) H.Wynberg and H. J. Kooreman, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,1965, 87, 1739;(b) H. Wynberg 和 D. J. Zwanenburg, J .Org.Chem., 1964, 29, 1919.0. Hinsberg, Ber., 1910, 43, 9012080 J.C.S. Perkin IC,,H,,O,S 需要 C, 67-8;H, 5.1;S, 9-0%), z (CC1,)2-61 (lH, s, 5-H), cu. 3-22 (SH, m, ArH), 6.20 (3H, s, 3-ArOMe), 6.27 (3H, s, 4-ArOMe) 和 6.29 (3H, s, CO,Me),m/e 354 (M', 100%).将5-乙氧羰基酸(ICb)(3 g)与铜青铜(1 g)加热250“C加热20分钟,得到乙酯(IIICb)(1.2 g),熔点83-84'(来自MeOH)(发现:C,68.7;H,5.3;小号,8.5。C,,H,,O,Srequires C, 68-5;H,5.5;S,8.7%)。通过用 20% NaOH 水溶液加热回流下回流 2 小时,然后进行标准后处理得到 3,4-二-(+-甲氧基苯基)噻吩-2,5-二羧酸 (IIC) (75%)、熔点273-274“ (lit.,6269-270”)、A,, (EtOH) 235 (E 18,200) 和 259 nm (12,400)。类似地,乙酯(IIICb)得到3,4-二-(对甲氧基-~氦Z)硫基~雌烯-2-苷氧基锌酸(IVC)(72%),熔点205-215'(分解)。(来自MeOH)(发现:C,67-3;H, 5.0.C&t,,O4S 需要 C, 67.05;H,4.75%),7(Me2SO)2-28异丁烯(20ml)加入到2-酸(IVC)(500mg)的干燥Et,O(40m1)-H,SO,(2ml)中,在装有磁力搅拌器的厚壁烧瓶中冷却至-30“。将一个贴合良好的橡胶塞牢固地连接到位,并在搅拌下将混合物保持到 20 英寸。3 d后,将烧瓶冷却至-3O“,小心打开,将溶液缓慢倒入冷的5%水溶液KOH(250ml)中。用 Et、O 和 p.1.c 分离[l 大板,4 x 汽油-Me,CO (4: l)] 提供 t-butyZ3,4-di-(p-methoxyphenyZ)thiophen-2-carboxyZate (IIICc) (325mg),熔点 123-125“(来自 MeOH)(发现:C,69.8;H, 6.1.C,,H,,O,S 需要 C, 69.7;H, 6*ly0), T (CCI,) 2.72 (lH, s,5-H) 和 8-65 (9H, s, CO,But), m/e 396 (M', 35%) 和 340BiucetyZ.--B-乙氧羰基-3,4-二甲基噻吩-2-羧酸 3b (IAb) (2 g) 用铜青铜 (1 g) a t 300“ 加热 1 h,得到 3,4-二甲基 Z-噻吩-2-羧酸乙酯 (IIIAb) (1.2 g), b.p. 98-102” (浴)a t 0.02 mmHg (发现: C,58-95;H,6.7。C,H,,O,Srequires C, 58.7;H,6.6),nD20 1.5294。该酯的皂化反应得到2-酸(IVA),熔点184-186“(Iit.,7187-1 88”),其转化为丁酸丁酯3,4-二甲基Z-噻吩-2-羧酸盐(IIIAc)(81y0),b.p.100-105“(浴)a t 0.04 mmHg,熔点50-52”(发现:C,62.5;H,7-35;小号,15.25。C,lHl,O,S需要C,62.25;PI,7-6;S,15.1%)。(500 mg)、EtOH (20ml) 和 H,SO, (1-5 ml) 在回流下煮沸 2 小时.检查得到二乙基 3,4-二乙基硫代苯-2,5-二羧基乙酯 (VAb) (505 mg), 熔点 79-80' (来自 MeOH) (发现:C,56.2;H,6.3。C1,H,,04S需要C,56.2;H,6.3%)。二酸(IIA)也转化为di-t-butyZ 3,4-di~netlzyZthiophen-2,5-dicarboxyZate (VAc) (78 % ), m.p. 167-168“ (from MeOH) (Found: C, 61.4;H, 7.8;S, 10-1.C1,H,,04S 需要 C, 61-5;H,7.75;S,10-2y0)。如前所述,使用来自Ben&.-异丁烯(50ml)、硫代二乙酸(15g)和Et,O(100m1)-H,SO(3ml)的产物得到二叔丁基Z硫代二乙酸酯(19.5g),b.p.121-122“a t 1-5 mmHg(发现:C,55.2;H,8.5;S, 12.1.C1,H,,O,S 需要 C, 54-95;H,8-45;S,12.2%),T(CCl,)6-79(s,S-CH,)和8-35(s,CO,But)。将酯(2 g)与苯甲酰(1 g)在30“处反应15分钟,在由K(1.4 g)和ButOH(30 ml)制备的溶液中,得到2-叔丁氧羰基-3,4-d~~henylthio~hen-5-carboxyZ~c酸(IBc)6 0。Dann 和 G. Hauck, Arch. Pharm., 1960, 293, 187.7 H. Fiesselmann 和 H. Habicht, G. P. 1,092,929 (Cl. 2q)1960 (Chew. Abs., 1962, 57, 5894).8 R. Seka, Ber., 1925, 58, 1783.(lH,S,5-H)。(100).2,5-二酸(IIA)的混合物,在它们被研究的程度上。例如,仅记录一种衍生物,即菲醌的二酸(IID),2。所有对光谱工作特别重要的叔丁酯都是新的。除了一个例外,半酯(I)通过用铜青铜加热平滑脱羧:从苯并兰二叔丁基硫代二乙酸酯中获得的叔丁酯(IBc)主要得到3,4-二苯基-t噻吩。4当在Hinsberg反应中使用草酸酯而不是a-二酮时,产物是3,4-二羟基-2,5-二酯的盐,例如草酸二甲酯和硫代二乙酸二甲酯的盐(VI)。据推测,第一个带负电荷的加合物会失去甲醇阴离子,而不是形成a-内酯,就像从a-二酮~ne.~EXPERIMENTAL中衍生的一系列化合物的修复细节;对于其他系列,只有当它们没有被使用,或者当它们与第一个系列不同时,才会描述它们。产物的n.m.r.和质谱图符合预期,只有少数报道。将4,4'-二甲氧基苯甲酰胺(真空干燥80“;9.5 g)和硫代二乙酸二甲酯(新鲜蒸馏;12 g)的混合物加入到溶液中,搅拌60°,由K(4-2 g)和ButOH(从CaH新鲜蒸馏,100 ml)制成。冷却30分钟后,将混合物冷却,用~N-HC~(20ml)酸化,除去40“和10mmHg的溶剂,用部分(50ml)~N-NH,OH提取残留物,直至酸化碱性溶液样品不产生沉淀。将组合提取物酸化,并与Et,O分离,得到5-甲氧基羰基Z-3,4-二(对甲氧基苯Z)噻吩-2-羧酸(ICa)(6.8 g),熔点220-225“ (decomp.)(来自MeOH)(发现:C,62.9;H, 4.6;小号,8.2。C2,H1,0,S 需要 C, 63.3;H, 4.55;S, 8.0y0),T [(CD,),SO] 2.99, 3.13, 3-22, 3.26 (8H, A,B2 共振,ArH), 6-30 (6H, s, ArOMe) 和 6.33 (3H, s, CO,Me), m/e398 ( M f , 100%) 和 354 (18).硫代二乙酸二乙酯(14 g)同样得到 5-乙氧基羰基Z-3,4-二(对甲氧基苯基)硫代苯-2-遏制氧基酸 (ICb) (7.6 g),熔点 192-194“ (de-camp.)(发现:C,64.2;高,4.9;小号,8.2。C,,H,,O,SrequiresC,64.1;高,4.9;S,7.8%)。将5-甲氧羰基酸(ICa)(2 g)和铜青铜(1 g)的亲密混合物加热300“ 1 h.用Et,O提取的材料在SiO(75 g)上色谱。Petrol-Me,CO混合物洗脱3,4-二-(对甲氧基苯1)噻吩(250 mg),熔点107-108“(来自MeOH)(lit.,6 117-118”),然后洗脱甲基3,4-二-(对苯乙氧基苯Z)噻吩-Z-curboxyZate (IIICa) (850 mg),熔点126“(来自MeOH)(发现:C,67.7;H,5-1;S, 9.2.汽油是指轻质石油, b.p. 60-80“.H. J. Backer 和 W. Stevens, Rec. Trav. chirn., 1940, 59,423.5 E. W. Fager, J .Amer. Chem. SOL, 1945,67,22171972(1.3 g), m.p. 210-220“ (decomp.)(来自MeOH)(发现:C, 69.6;H, 5.2;S, 8.6.C,,H,,O,S 需要 C, 69-5;H,5-3;S,8.4%)。酯 (IBc) (500 mg) 和铜青铜 (500 mg) a t 240“ 10 分钟得到 3,4-二苯基噻吩 (310 mg),熔点 112-114” (lit.,4 114“)。用异丁烯,2-酸(IVB)得到3.4-二己基硫代二乙烯-2-羧酸叔丁酯(IIIBc)(68%),熔点90-91“(来自MeOH)(发现:C,74-8;H,6.2。C,1H2,0,S要求C,75.0;H, 6.0%)和2,5-二酸(IIB)给予二丁基3,4-二乙基噻吩-2,5-二羧酸酯(VBc)(67y0),熔点172-174“(来自MeOH)(发现:C,71.7;H,6.65;小号,7.55。C,,H,,O,S 需要 C,71.5;高,6.5;S,Pvoducts from Phenanthraquiizofze.-苯蒽醌(8 g)与硫代二乙酸二甲酯(12 g)在30“处反应15分钟,在由K(4.2 g)和Bu tOH(100 ml)制备的溶液中得到3-nzetlzo,vycarbonyZ~Jzenanthro[9,1O-c]-tJ~iopJzen-l-羧酸(IDa)(3.5 g),熔点215-220”(decornp.)(来自MeOH)(发现:C,67.4;H, 3.7.C1,H120,S 需要 C, 67.85;H, 3.6y0), A,,,,.(EtOH) 250(E 21,900) 和 267 nm (21,200)。该Iialf-酯(1g)脱羧得到甲基对,$enanthro[9,lO-c]硫基;bhen-l-$.30/,).2081羧酸酯(IIIDa)(620 nig),熔点151-152“(来自MeOH)(发现:C,73.9;H,4.1。C,,H1,02S需要C,74.0;H,4.176).3,4-二苄氧基噻吩-2,5-二羧酸(IIE)和3,4-二苄氧基噻吩-2,5-二羧酸二甲酯(VEa).-3,4-二羟基噻吩-2,5-二羧酸二钠盐(VI)(13-5g)在PhCH,Cl(100m1)-hle,NCHO(250ml)中的二钠盐悬浮液搅拌100“2.5小时。过滤冷却的混合物,滤液蒸发iiz vaczto,并将残留物从MeOH中结晶,得到二甲酯(VEa)(15-1 g),熔点104-106“(发现:C,63-9;€3,5.2;小号,7.7。C,,H,,-,O,S 要求 C, 64.1;高,4.9;S, 7.8y0), Am=.282 nm (E 8900)、wz/e 412(M+, 1%) 和 91 (100)。用3%NaOH水溶液在回流下加热1 h水解该酯,得到二羧酸(IIE)(80y0),熔点205-206“(来自MeOH)(发现:C,62.2;H, 4.3;小号,8-4。C,,H,,O,S 需要 C,62.5;H, 4.2;S,8.3y0),A,,281 nm(E 9900)。我们感谢 S.R.C. 的学生奖学金(给 D. J. C.、J. C. 和 R. L. S.)。[2/637 收稿日期:1972年3月20日




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