首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Inhibiting cortisol response accelerates recovery from a photic phase shift.

Inhibiting cortisol response accelerates recovery from a photic phase shift.


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Jetlag results when a temporary loss of circadian entrainment alters phase relationships among internal rhythms and between an organism and the outside world. After a large shift in the light-dark (LD) cycle, rapid recovery of entrainment minimizes the negative effects of internal circadian disorganization. There is evidence in the existing literature for an activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis after a photic phase shift, and it is possible that the degree of HPA-axis response is a determining factor of reentrainment time. This study utilized a diurnal rodent, Octodon degus, to test the prediction that the alteration of cortisol levels would affect the reentrainment rate of circadian locomotor rhythms. In experiment 1, we examined the effects of decreased cortisol (using metyrapone, an 11beta-hydroxylase inhibitor) on the rate of running-wheel rhythm recovery after a 6-h photic phase advance. Metyrapone treatment significantly shortened the length of time it took animals to entrain to the new LD cycle (11.5 acceleration). In experiment 2, we examined the effects of increased cortisol on the rate of reentrainment after a 6-h photic phase advance. Increasing plasma cortisol levels increased the number of days (8) animals took to reentrain running-wheel activity rhythms, but this effect did not reach significance. A third experiment replicated the results of experiment 1 and also demonstrated that suppression of HPA activity via dexamethasone injection is capable of accelerating reentrainment rates by approximately 33. These studies provide support for an interaction between the stress axis and circadian rhythms in determining the rate of recovery from a phase shift of the LD cycle.
机译:当昼夜节律夹带的暂时丧失改变了内部节律之间以及生物体与外界之间的相位关系时,就会产生时差。在明暗 (LD) 循环发生巨大变化后,夹带的快速恢复将内部昼夜节律紊乱的负面影响降至最低。现有文献中有证据表明,光相移后下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺 (HPA) 轴会激活,并且 HPA 轴反应的程度可能是再夹带时间的决定性因素。本研究利用昼夜啮齿动物Octodon degus来检验皮质醇水平的改变会影响昼夜节律运动节律再夹带率的预测。在实验 1 中,我们检查了皮质醇降低(使用美替拉酮,一种 11β-羟化酶抑制剂)对光相提前 6 小时后跑轮节律恢复率的影响。美替拉酮治疗显著缩短了动物进入新LD周期所需的时间(11.5%加速度)。在实验 2 中,我们检查了皮质醇增加对光相提前 6 小时后再夹带速率的影响。血浆皮质醇水平的增加增加了动物重新训练跑轮活动节律的天数(8%),但这种效果没有达到显着性。第三个实验重复了实验 1 的结果,并且还证明通过地塞米松注射抑制 HPA 活性能够将再夹带率提高约 33%。这些研究为压力轴和昼夜节律之间的相互作用提供了支持,以确定从LD周期的相移中恢复的速度。




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