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Reduction of some esters of pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic acid




720 J.C.S. Perkin IReduction of Some Esters of Pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic AcidBy C. V. Greco and F. Pellegrini, Department of Chemistry, St. John's University, Jamaica, New York 114323,4-Bishydroxyrnethylpyrazole was prepared by reduction of diethyl pyrazole-3.4-dicarboxylate and of SS-diethylpyrazole-3.4-dicarbothioate. A reduction of dimethyl pyrazole-3.4-dicarboxylate to methyl 4-formylpyrazole-3-carboxylate is also described.IN connection with another study, we had need of3,4-bishydroxymethylpyrazole (I). We describe hereseveral preparations and a novel reduction of dimethylpyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylat e.A 1,3-dipolar cyclo-addition of diazomethane todimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate (see Scheme) at lowtemperature gave dimethyl pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylate(IIa). This was a more convenient preparation than thecyclization of ethyl ethoxymethyleneoxalacetate withhydrazine hydrate which we had initially employed forobtaining the diethyl ester (IIb).Treatment of di-isobutylaluminium hydride (DIBAL-H) with the diethyl ester (IIb) in toluene between -75and -65" gave the diol (I) in 36--43 yield.SinceDIBAL-H is very pyrophoric, the dimethyl ester (IIa)was treated with a 10 molar excess of sodium orlithium aluminium hydride (LAH) in tetrahydrofuran(THF) at low temperature. Instead of the diol (I),the previously unknown methyl 4-formylpyrazole-3-carboxylate (111) was obtained. The best yields ofcompound (111) (41-60) were obtained in the tem-perature range from -73 to -70". Attempts toproduce pyrazole-3,4-dicarbaldehyde (X) from thediester (IIa) consistently led to the formation of theformyl ester (111) or decomposition products at highertemperatures. We were unable to reduce further eitherthe aldehyde group (at -78 to -70") or the carboxylategroup (at -65 to -50") of (111): either (111) wasrecovered unchanged or decomposition resulted.The structure of (111) was determined by elemental,i.r., and mass spectral evidence.The compound wasdistinguished from the isomeric 3-formylpyrazole byhydrolysis to the fonnylpyrazole-carboxylic acid (IV),which subsequently was decarboxylated with copper inquinoline. Comparison of the product with the knownpyrazole-3-carbaldehyde indicated that it was the4-carbaldehyde (V) . This was verified by oxidationwith moist silver oxide to pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid(VI) -Since thioesters are reduced more readily thanordinary esters with LAH,5 we applied this reagent toSS-diethyl pyrazole-3,4-dicarbothioate (IX) .The thio-ester was prepared from the ester (IIa), which, afterhydrolysis to pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic acid (VII), washeated under reflux with thionyl chloride (or heated withR. G. Jones and C. W. Whitehead, J . Org. Chem., 1955, 20,K. Henkel and F. Weygand, Ber., 1943, 76, 812.R. Huttel, Ber., 1941, 74B, 1681.R. Huttel and M. E. Schon, Annalen, 1959, 625, 55.M. L. Wolfram and J. V. Karabinos, J . Amer. Chem. Soc.,1342.1944, 66, 909.phosphorous pentachloride) to afford the acid chloride(VIII). Treatment of (VIII) with ethanethiol inpyridine gave the thioate (IX).The reduction of (IX)Nq co. SE t 2 HN3"" c 1" c 0.s E t " COCL Qc":2:00 (YI 1 (V)SCHEMEReagents: i, ether, 10"; ii, DIBAL-H, from -65 to -75";iii, ~ N - H C ~ ; iv, NaAlH, or LiAlH,-THF, from -73 to -70";v, H,O+; vi, Cu-quinoline; vii, Ag20; viii, SOCl, or PC1,;ix, EtSH-pyridine; x, Raney Ni or LiAlH,.with LAH in THF at -75" produced only low yields ofthe diol (I). However, the use of Raney nickel ofvarying activities 697 led to the diol (I) in yields of36-50y0. The best yields were obtained with amodified W-2 catalyst .8We subjected the acid chloride (VIII) to treatmentwith lithium tri-t-butoxyaluminium hydride under con-6 H. Adkins and J. Pavlic, J . Anzev. Chem. Soc., 1947, 69,R.Mozingo, H. Adkins, and L. Richard, Org. Synth., 1941,* R. Mozingo, D. Wolf, S. Harris, and K. Folkers, J. Amev.3039.21, 15.Chem. SOC., 1943, 65, 10151972 721ditions described by Brown and his co-workers for the acid, was evaporated at reduced pressure to give the acidreduction of terephthaloyl and isophthaloyl chlorides to (VI) as a white powder, m.p. 273-275" (lit.,' 275-276"),the corresponding dialdehydes. However, this pro- v,, 3210 (OH), 3150 (NH), 1680 (CO,H), and 1430 (C-OH)cedure did-not afford pyrazole-3,4-dicarbaldehyde -(X)but only the hydrolysis product, the acid (VII).cm-l*Pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic Acid (VII) .-The ester (IIa)(18.4 g) in G~-hydrochloric acid (380 ml) was heated underEXPERIMENTAL reflux for 4 h and cooled. The gelatinous precipitate wascarbaldehyde (V) (0.1 g) was stirred for 10 min at 0" andfiltered. The filtrate, acidified to pH 5 with hydrochloricH. C. Brown and R. F. McFarlin, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,1956,78, 252; 1958,80, 5372; H. C. Brown and B. C. Subba Rao, l1 E. A. Falco and G. H. Hitchings, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,ibid., p . 5377.1/1474 Received, 16th August, 19711l o H. V. Peckmann and E. Steal, Bev., 1899, 32, 2292.1956, 78, 3143
机译:720 J.C.S. Perkin IReduction of Some Esters of Pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic Acid作者:C. V. Greco 和 F. Pellegrini,化学系,圣约翰大学,牙买加,纽约 114323,4-双羟基乙基吡唑-3.4-二羧酸酯和SS-二乙基吡唑-3.4-二硫代甲酸酯的还原制备。还描述了吡唑-3.4-二羧酸二甲酯还原为4-甲酰基吡唑-3-羧酸甲酯。在另一项研究中,我们需要3,4-双羟甲基吡唑(I)。我们在这里描述了二甲基吡唑-3,4-二羧酸酯的几种制剂和新型还原剂e.重氮甲烷甲烷甲烷甲烷二甲基乙炔二羧酸酯的1,3-偶极环加成(见方案)在低温下得到二甲基吡唑-3,4-二羧酸酯(IIa)。这比乙氧基亚甲基氧杂乙酸乙酯与水合肼的环化反应更方便,我们最初用于获得二乙酯(IIb)。用-75--65“之间的甲苯中的二乙酯(IIb)处理二异丁基氢化铝(DIBAL-H)得到36--43%的二醇(I)收率。由于DIBAL-H具有很强的自燃性,因此在低温下用摩尔过量的钠或氢化铝锂(LAH)在四氢呋喃(THF)中的二甲酯(IIa)处理。代替二醇(I),获得了以前未知的4-甲酰基吡唑-3-羧酸甲酯(111)。化合物(111)(41-60%)的最佳收率是在-73至-70“的温度范围内获得的。从二酯(IIa)生产吡唑-3,4-二甲醛(X)的尝试始终导致甲酰酯(111)或分解产物在较高温度下形成。我们无法进一步还原(111)的醛基(-78至-70“)或羧酸酯基团(-65至-50”):(111)要么原封不动地回收,要么导致分解。(111)的结构由元素、i.r.和质谱证据确定。该化合物与异构体3-甲酰基吡唑经水解为肟基吡唑-羧酸(IV)区分开来,随后用喹啉铜脱羧。该产物与已知的吡唑-3-甲醛的比较表明,它是4-甲醛(V)。这是通过用湿氧化银氧化成吡唑-4-羧酸(VI)验证的,由于硫酯比用LAH的普通酯更容易还原,5我们将该试剂应用于SS-二乙基吡唑-3,4-二硫代二甲酸酯(IX)。硫酯由酯(IIa)制备,该酯水解为吡唑-3,4-二羧酸(VII)后,在回流下用氯化亚砜加热(或用R.G.Jones和C.W.Whitehead加热,J.Org.Chem.,1955,20,K.Henkel和F.Weygand,Ber.,1943,76,812.R.Huttel,Ber.,1941,74B,1681.R.Huttel和M.E.Schon, Annalen, 1959, 625, 55.M. L. Wolfram 和 J. V. Karabinos, J .Amer. Chem. Soc.,1342.1944, 66, 909.五氯化磷)来提供酰氯化物(VIII)。用乙硫醇吡啶处理(VIII)得到硫酸盐(IX)。(IX)Nq co. SE t 2 HN3“” c 1“ c 0.s E t ” COCL Qc“:2:00 (YI 1 (V)SCHEMEReagents: i, ether, 10”; ii, DIBAL-H, 从 -65 减少到 -75“;iii, ~ N - H C ~ ;iv,NaAlH或LiAlH,-THF,从-73到-70“;v,H,O+;vi, 铜喹啉;vii, Ag20;viii、SOCl 或 PC1,;ix, EtSH-吡啶;x,Raney Ni 或 LiAlH,.在 -75“ 的 THF 中,LAH 仅产生低产率的二醇 (I)。然而,使用不同活性的雷尼镍697导致二醇(I)的收率为36-50y0。使用改性W-2催化剂获得最佳收率.8我们用三叔丁氧基氢化铝锂在con-6下对酰氯化物(VIII)进行了处理。安泽夫。Chem. Soc., 1947, 69,R.Mozingo, H. Adkins, and L. Richard, Org. Synth., 1941,* R. Mozingo, D. Wolf, S. Harris, and K. Folkers, J. Amev.3039.21, 15.Chem. SOC., 1943, 65, 10151972 Brown 和他的同事描述的酸的 721ditions 在减压下蒸发,使对苯二甲酰氯和间苯二甲酰氯的酸还原为 (VI) 为白色粉末, M.P. 273-275“ (lit.,' 275-276”),相应的二醛。然而,3210 (OH)、3150 (NH)、1680 (CO,H) 和 1430 (C-OH)的 cedure 不提供吡唑-3,4-二甲醛-(X),而只提供水解产物,酸 (VII).cm-l*吡唑-3,4-二羧酸 (VII) .-酯 (IIa)(18.4 g)在G~-盐酸(380 ml)中加热回流实验4 h并冷却。将凝胶状沉淀己甲醛(V)(0.1g)在0“处搅拌10分钟并过滤。滤液,用盐酸酸化至pH 5。C. Brown 和 R. F. McFarlin, J .美国化学SOC.,1956,78, 252;1958,80, 5372;H. C. Brown 和 B. C. Subba Rao, l1 E. A. Falco 和 G. H. Hitchings, J .Amer. Chem. SOC.,同上,第页。5377.[1/1474 收稿日期:19711 年 8 月 16 日 o H. V. Peckmann 和 E. Steal, Bev., 1899, 32, 2292.1956, 78, 3143



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