首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied physics >Electronic structure and magnetic effects at the ideal (110) Fe/Ge interface

Electronic structure and magnetic effects at the ideal (110) Fe/Ge interface




Ge and bcc Fe are well lattice matched, and therefore present an excellent prototype system to study magnetic effects at a metal/semiconductor interface. We study the electronic structure of the (110) Fe/Ge interface using a superlattice geometry and a parametrized tight‐binding approach. We find that seven layers of Fe and 11 layers of Ge are necessary to identify unambiguously the interface bands in this system. The Fe minority‐spin projected band structure has a large gap around theM¯ point (corner of the two‐dimensional Brillouin zone) which spans the fundamental gap in Ge. We find four distinct interface bands which lie in this mutual gap and a corresponding large density of states at the Fermi level. For the majority‐spin electrons we also find a large density of interface resonances just above the Fermi level which are strongly localized on the Ge atoms at the interface. These results are consistent with the very reactive nature of this interface seen in experimental studies.
机译:Ge和bcc Fe具有良好的晶格匹配性,因此为研究金属/半导体界面的磁效应提供了出色的原型系统。我们使用超晶格几何和参数化的紧密结合方法研究了(110)Fe/Ge界面的电子结构。我们发现,7层Fe和11层Ge是明确识别该系统中界面带的必要条件。Fe 少数自旋投影带结构在 M ̄ 点(二维布里渊带的角)周围有一个很大的间隙,该间隙跨越了 Ge 的基本间隙。我们发现了四个不同的界面带,它们位于这个相互间隙中,并且在费米能级上有相应的大密度态。对于大多数连字符的自旋电子,我们还发现在费米能级上方有大密度的界面共振,这些共振强烈地局限于界面处的Ge原子上。这些结果与实验研究中观察到的该界面的非常反应性一致。



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