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Autoxidation of 3,3′-dimethyl-2,2′-bi-indolyl




418 J.C.S. Perkin IAutoxidation of 3,3'- Dimethyl-2,Z'- bi-indolylBy A. 2. Britten,' Department of Pharmacy, University of Aston in Birmingham, Birmingham B4 7ETThe product obtained during dehydrogenation of 3-methyl-2- (3-methylindolin-2-y1)indole (1) with chloranil isshown to be 3-methyl-2-(3-methylindol-2-yl)-3H-indol-3-ol (4). which is produced via 3-hydroperoxy-3-methyl-2- (3-methylindol-2-yl)-3H-indole (3). The hydroperoxide results from the autoxidation of 3.3'-dimethyl-2.2'-bi-indolyl (2). Further autoxidation of the bi-indolyl (2) produces NNr-bis-(2-acetylphenyl)oxarnide (1 0).G. F. Smith, Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester MI 3 9PLIN the dehydrogenation of 3-met hyl-2- (3-me t h ylindolin-2-y1)indole (1) with chloranil in boiling xylene, a yellowcolour developed on prolonged heating and a smallamount of a yellow product (A) was isolated.Thismaterial, C,,H,N,O, exhibited an intense U.V. absorp-tion (see the Figure, spectrum 1) in neutral ethanol,5.0 t t3 5 t , , , , ,250 350 L50 250 300 350n m.U.V. spectra: (a) - spectrum 1; ---- spectrum 2; _ . _ . _ spectrum 3 ; - * * spectrum 4; (b) - spectrum5 ; ---- spectrum 6which underwent a bathochromic shift of 50 nm onacidification (spectrum 2). The absorption could notbe correlated with any known chromophore. Thei.r. spectrum1 showed the presence of both NH andOH groups.A. Walters, M.Sc. Thesis, Manchester, 1958.2 G. Berti, A. Da Settimo. and D. Segnini, Tetrahedron Letters,1960, 28, 13.Reduction of the compound with sodium borohydrideyielded a colourless product (B), C,,H,,N,O, whichcontained the NH and OH groups (i.r.) and had aU.V.spectrum in neutral ethanol (Figure, spectrum 5)typical of an indole, and very similar to that of theindole (1). The absorption of compound (B) in acidsolution was remarkably different (see spectrum 6).The change was irreversible, and a new product wasisolated from the acidic solution. This product,m .p . 1 56-1 59", was identical with 3,3'-dime t hyl-2,2'-bi-indolyl (2), obtained from the dehydrogenationof the indole (1) with chloranil in benzene.2 The acid-catalysed conversion of the reduced product (B) intothe bi-indolyl (2) was accompanied by the loss of 1mol. equiv. of water from the product, and is readilyunderstood in terms of structure (5) for compound (B).This structure also accounts for the indole-like absorp-tion of the product.Compound (A) therefore appearsto be the 3H-indole (4).The conversion of the indolinylindole (1) into thehydroxy-3H-indole (4) is unlikely to be a direct process.Since dehydrogenation with chloranil in benzene isknown2 to yield 2,2'-bi-indolyl (a), it would appearthat this is an intermediate, which may be expectedto yield the hydroperoxy-3H-indole (3) on prolongedheating under reflux, owing to the propensity of 2,3-disubstituted indoles for autoxidation.3 The hydro-(a) R. J. S. Beer, L. McGrath, and H. Robertson, J . Chem.Soc., 1950, 2118, 3283; ( b ) R. J. S. Beer, T. Donavanik, andA. Robertson, J .Chem. SOG., 1954, 4139; (c) B. Witkop, J. P.Patrick, and RI. Rosenblum, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 1951, 73,2188,2196,2641 ; ( d ) F. McCapra and Y. C. Chang, Chem. Comvn.,1966, 5221972 419peroxide would then decompose into the hydroxy-3H-indole (4), the isolated product (see the Scheme).This reaction scheme was verified as follows.When a solution of the 2,2’-bi-indolyl (2) in lightpetroleum was boiled under reflux for 4 h, a yellowH( 1 )colouration ensued and a yellow material was isolated,m.p. 146-172’. The product liberated iodine fromacidic potassium iodide solution and had a U.V.absorption identical with that of the alcohol (a), theproposed dehydrogenation product. Further heatingproduced another yellow product, m.p.164-180°,which although possessing the same U.V. absorption asthe first material, no longer liberated iodine. Treat-ment of 2,2‘-bi-indolyl (2) with oxygen in the presenceof a platinum catalyst gave a yellow product, m.p.146-155”, which liberated iodine but which afterattempted recrystallisation showed a larger meltingrange and no longer liberated iodine readily. Thehydroperoxide (3) was successfully synthesised whena solution of the 2,2’-bi-indolyl (2) in ethyl acetate-light petroleum containing a crystal of benzoyl peroxidewas left open to the atmosphere. After 6 h, a quantita-tive yield of the hydroperoxide (3) was isolated. Thei.r. spectrum of (3) showed the presence of an NH anda strongly hydrogen bonded OH group, and the U.V.absorption was identical with that of compound (A)(Figure, spectrum 1).An iodometric titration con-firmed the presence of one hydroperoxy-group. Cataly-tic hydrogenation gave the hydroxy-indoline (5), whichproduced the 2,2’-bi-indolyl (2) on treatment with acid.Mild reduction of the hydroperoxide with sodiumdithionite gave a product identical with the hydroxySH-indole (4). The identity of the chromophore in (4) wasestablished by the synthesis of N-(3-methylindol-2-ylmethy1ene)-j5-toluidine (6), whose U.V. absorptionin neutral solution (Figure, spectrum 3) is seen to besimilar to that of the 3H-indole (4) (spectrum l), andit shows a similar bathochromic shift (55 nm) in ethanolicacid solution (spectrum 4). The hydroperoxide (3)was stable in acid solution, from which it was recoveredunchanged. In polar solvents, some conversion intothe 3H-indolol (4) was observed, but no decompositionto the amide (7) was detected.This behaviour is incontrast to the conversion of the hydroperoxide (8)in polar solvents into the lactam (9).MeO.OH(11 1The production of the 3H-indolol(4) by direct autoxid-ation of the indolinylindole (1) is unlikely on theoreticalgrounds, and this was confirmed by recovering (1)unchanged after 2 days from a solution in ethyl acetate-light petroleum containing benzoyl peroxide. This isin agreement with the results of Berti et aL,2 who re-covered the indolinylindole (1) unchanged after treat-ment with oxygen. The inertness of compound (1)to auxoxidation, though surprising in view of thereported ease 3 of autoxidation of 2,3-disubstitutedindoles, is not exceptional.Both 2-methyl-3-phenyl-and 2,3-diphenyl-indole 3b and also 2- (4-hydroxyphenyl) -3-methyl- and 2-(2-methoxyphenyl)-3-met hyl-indole 4are resistant to autoxidation.The possibility of autoxidation of the 2,2’-bi-indolyl(2) to give the dihydroperoxide (11) was investigated.No such compound could be isolated, but passage of arapid stream of oxygen into a solution of the bi-indolyl(2) in boiling xylene for 4 h produced a colourlesscrystalline product. This compound, obtained in4 B. Robinson and M. V. Zubair, J . Chew. SOC. (C), 1971, 976420 J.C.S. Perkin Iquantitative yield, was identical with authentic NN'-bis-(2-acetylphenyl)oxamide (lo), which was also pro-treatment with acetic or sulphuric acid.2(12.3 mg), m.p.180-182", with spectral characteristics 1of the indolol (4).(b) The bi-indolyl (2) (72 mg) was dissolved in hot ethylacetate-light petroleum (25 ml) and a crystal (0.01 mg) ofbenzoyl peroxide was added. The solution was left a troom temperature, open to the atmosphere. After 6 h,the product (68 mg, 94) was filtered off, washed withduced from 3,3'-dimethyl-2,2'-bi-indolyl ozonide byEXPERIMENTALM.p.s were determined on a Kofler hot-stage apparatus.All solutions were dried with potassium carbonate unlessotherwise stated. U.V. spectra were recorded for ethanolicsolutions (unless otherwise stated) with a Unicam SP 500spectrophotometer. 1.r. spectra were recorded with aPerkin-Elmer model 2 1 double-beam apparatus.Lightpetroleum refers to that fraction withb.p. 60-80".3-Methyl-2- (3-methylindol-2-y1)-3H-indol-3-01 (4) .-3-Methyl-2-(3-methylindolin-2-y1)indole (640 mg) was heatedunder reflux with chloranil (610 mg) in redistilled xylene(75 ml) for 24 h. The mixture was cooled, filtered, andevaporated to dryness. The residue was taken up inether (100 ml) and extracted with 0.2~-sodium hydroxide(3 x 30 ml) to remove tetrachlorohydroquinone. Theethereal solution was dried and evaporated to dryness.The residue was chromatographed on an alumina column.Elution with benzene gave yellow needles (224 mg, 35the yields varied with the time of reaction over 20-40y0 ;other products included the bi-indolyl (2) and the hydro-peroxide (3)}, m.p.180-182 "C (from ethyl acetate-lightpetroleum) (lit.,l 182'), Am= 251 (log E 4-66) and 365 nm(4.70), in ethanolic 0+1~-HCl . 246 (log E 4.53), 320(4.41), and 415 nm (4.80).3-Methyl-2-( 3-rnethyZindoZ-2-yl)indolin-3-ol (5) .-The in-dolol (4) (250 mg) was dissolved in methanol (15 ml) witha drop of alkali and potassium borohydride (400 mg).The solution was gently heated under reflux until theyellow colour had disappeared, then diluted with water(20 ml) and extracted with ether (3 x 5 ml). The extractwas dried and evaporated under reduced pressure to yieldthe colourless amorphous indolinol (5) (240 mg, 96y0),fusing at 75-126". The compound would not recrystalliseand yielded no crystalline derivatives (Found: C, 77.0;H, 6.4.C,,H1,N@ requires c, 77.7; H, 6*5y0), Am.229 (log E 4-8) and 292 nm (4.12), Am= (ethanolic O-~N-HC~)246 (log E 4.41) and 318 nm (4.45). These latter absorp-tions are the same as for the 2,2'-bi-indolyl (2).3,3'-DimethyZ-2,2'-bi-indolyl (2) .-The indolinol (5) (70mg) was dissolved in methanol (4 ml) and dilute hydro-chloric acid (0.05 ml) was added. The solution wasdiluted with water and the solid which separated wasfiltered off to give colourless crystals (68 mg), m.p. 156-159" (from light petroleum) undepressed on admixturewith authentic 3,3'-dimethyl-2,2'-bi-indolyl (m.p. 163-164"). The i.r. and U.V. absorptions of this product areidentical with those of the authentic material.Oxidation of 3, 3'-Dirnethyl-2, 2'-bi-indolyl.-(a) The bi-indolyl (2) (80 mg) was dissolved in an excess of lightpetroleum and left to reflux, open to the atmosphere.After 4 h, a yellow solid, m.p.146-175", was isolatedfrom the pale yellow solution. The solid liberated iodinefrom acidified iodide solution. After a further 8 h underreflux, the yellow solid no longer gave the iodide test,and had m.p. 164-180". Three recrystallisations of thissecond yellow product gave a small amount of materialethyl acetate, and dried to yield fine yellow needlesof 3-hydrofieroxy-3-rnethyl-2- (3-methyEindol-2-yl)-3H-indole,m.p. 153-154.5" Found: C , 73-65; H, 5.35; M (iodo-metric titration), 292-5. C,,H,,N,O, requires C, 73.95 ;H, 5.5 ; M , 2921, Amax. 250 (log E 4.50) and 365 nm (4.68).Reduction of the Hydroperoxide (3) .-(a) The hydro-peroxide (3) (24.4 mg) was dissolved in ethyl acetate(5 ml) containing Adams catalyst (10 mg) and hydrogenwas passed through.Absorption ceased after uptake of2.1 mol of hydrogen. The solution was filtered, dried,and evaporated to yield a colourless, amorphous solid(24.01 mg), which would not crystallise, fusing at 75-122".The absorption spectra were identical with those of theindolinol (5). Treatment with acid gave the bi-indolyl(b) The hydroperoxide (28.9 mg) was dissolved in 2 ~ -sodium hydroxide (4 ml) and ethanol (1 ml). Sodiumdithionite (60 mg) was added and the solution was kepton a steam-bath for 1 h, diluted with water (15 ml), andextracted with ether (3 x 3 ml).The ethereal solutionwas dried and evaporated to yield a yellow oil (25 mg,86), which crystallised on scratching as yellow needles,m.p. 178-182' (from light petroleum-ethyl acetate),undepressed by admixture with authentic indolinol (4)(m.p. 180-182°).1 The spectra were identical with those(2).of (4).N- (3-Methylindol-2-ylmethy lene) -p-toluidine (6) .-3-Methylindole-2-carbaldehyde (1 1 mg) was heated underreflux with $-tohidine (7.5 mg) in methanol (0.5 ml).On cooling, pale yellow crystals of the toluidine (6) separatedout (15 mg, 87), m.p. 137-138' (from benzene) (Found:C, 82.0; H, 6.4. Cl,H1,N20 requires C, 82.3; H, 6.45y0),= 350 nm (log E 4-78), Am= (ethanolic OS~N-HC~) 237(log E 4-35), 307 (4.37), and 4.05 nm (4.79).Oxidation of 3-Methyl-2-( 3-methylindolin-2-y1)indole ( 1).-The indole (1) (1 26 mg) was dissolved in light petroleum-ethyl acetate (50 ml) and a crystal of benzoyl peroxide (0.023mg) was added. The solution was left open to the atmo-sphere. After 2 days, unchanged indole (1) (123 mg), m.p.126", was recovered from the solution. Berti et aL2 reportthat no peroxides are formed when oxygen is bubbledthrough a solution of the bi-indolyl.Action of Oxygen on 3,3'-Dimethyl-2,2'-bi-indolyZ (2) .-The bi-indolyl (2) (37 mg) was dissolved in redistilledxylene (25 ml). The solution was boiled and a rapidstream of oxygen was passed through it. The solutionturned yellow and after 6 h a colourless solid separatedout. The solid was collected, dried, and recrystallisedfrom morpholine to yield colourless needles of NN'-bis-(2-acetylpheny1)oxamide (10) (30 mg, 81), m.p. andmixed m.p. 261-264' (lit.,, 267").We thank Manchester University for financial supportand facilities for carrying out the work (A. 2. B.).1/1508 Received, August 19th, 1971
机译:418 J.C.S. Perkin I3,3'-二甲基-2,Z'-双吲哚基的氧化By A. 2.Britten,' 伯明翰阿斯顿大学药学系,伯明翰 B4 7ET3-甲基-2-(3-甲基吲哚啉-2-y1)吲哚与氯苯胺脱氢反应得到的产物为3-甲基-2-(3-甲基吲哚-2-基)-3H-吲哚-3-醇 (4)。由3-氢过氧基-3-甲基-2-(3-甲基吲哚-2-基)-3H-吲哚产生 (3)。氢过氧化物由 3.3'-二甲基-2.2'-双吲哚基 (2) 的自氧化产生。双吲哚基(2)的进一步自氧化产生NNr-双-(2-乙酰基苯基)草吢烷(1 0).G. F. Smith,曼彻斯特大学化学系,曼彻斯特 MI 3 9PLIN 3-met hyl-2-(3-me t h ylin吲哚啉-2-y1)吲哚(1)在沸腾的二甲苯中与氯氨酰脱氢,长时间加热后形成黄色,分离出少量黄色产物(A)。这种材料C,,H,N,O,在中性乙醇中表现出强烈的紫外线吸收(见图1),5.0 t t3 5 t , , , , ,,250 350 L50 250 300 350n m.U.V. 光谱:(a) - 光谱 1;----光谱 2;_ ._ ._ 频谱 3 ;- * * 频谱 4;(b) - 频谱5 ;----光谱 6 经历了 50 nm 的深色位移(光谱 2)。吸收不能与任何已知的发色团相关。Thei.r. spectrum1 显示 NH 和 OH 基团都存在.A. Walters, M.Sc. Thesis, Manchester, 1958.2 G. Berti, A. Da Settimo.和 D. Segnini,Tetrahedron Letters,1960,28,13。用硼氢化钠还原该化合物得到无色产物(B)、C、H、N、O,其中含有NH和OH基团(i.r.),在中性乙醇中具有aU.V.谱图(图5),典型的吲哚,与吲哚非常相似(1)。化合物(B)在酸溶液中的吸收显著不同(见光谱6)。这种变化是不可逆的,并且从酸性溶液中分离出一种新产品。本产品,m .p .1 56-1 59“,与3,3'-二角乙基-2,2'-双吲哚基(2)相同,由吲哚(1)与苯中的氯尼酯脱氢而得.2 还原产物(B)在酸催化下转化为双吲哚基(2)伴随着产物中1mol.当量水的损失,并且很容易从化合物(B)的结构(5)中理解。这种结构也解释了产物的吲哚样吸收。因此,化合物(A)似乎是3H-吲哚(4)。吲哚基吲哚 (1) 转化为羟基-3H-吲哚 (4) 不太可能是一个直接过程。由于已知与苯中的氯苯胺脱氢2会产生2,2'-双-吲哚基(a),因此这似乎是一种中间体,由于2,3-二取代吲哚的自氧化倾向,在回流下长时间加热时可能会产生氢过氧-3H-吲哚(3)。Chem.Soc., 1950, 2118, 3283;( b ) R. J. S. Beer, T. Donavanik, 和 A.Robertson, J .Chem. SOG., 1954, 4139;(c) B. Witkop、J. P. Patrick 和 RI。罗森布鲁姆,J .Amer. Chem. Soc., 1951, 73,2188,2196,2641 ;( d ) F. McCapra 和 Y. C. Chang, Chem. Comvn.,1966, 5221972 419过氧化物随后会分解成羟基-3H-吲哚 (4),即分离产物(见方案)。该反应方案验证如下。当2,2'-双吲哚基(2)在轻质石油中的溶液在回流下煮沸4小时时,随后出现黄色H(1)着色,并分离出黄色物质,熔点146-172'。该产物从酸性碘化钾溶液中释放出碘,并具有与醇(a)相同的紫外吸收,即所提出的脱氢产物。进一步加热产生了另一种黄色产物,m.p.164-180°,尽管它具有与第一种材料相同的紫外线吸收,但不再释放碘。在铂催化剂存在下用氧处理2,2'-双吲哚基(2)得到黄色产物m.p.146-155“,其释放碘,但在尝试重结晶后显示出更大的熔点范围,不再容易释放碘。当含有过氧化苯甲酰晶体的乙酸乙酯轻质石油中的2,2'-双吲哚基(2)溶液向大气开放时,成功合成了氢过氧化物(3)。6 小时后,分离出氢过氧化物 (3) 的定量产率。(3)的光谱显示存在NH和强氢键OH基团,并且U.吸收与化合物(A)相同(图,光谱1)。碘滴定证实了一个氢过氧基的存在。催化氢化得到羟基吲哚啉 (5),经酸处理产生 2,2'-双吲哚基 (2)。用二亚硫酸钠轻度还原氢过氧化物得到与羟基 SH-吲哚相同的产物 (4)。通过合成N-(3-甲基吲哚-2-基甲基1烯)-j5-甲苯胺(6)建立了发色团的同一性,其在中性溶液中的紫外吸收(图3)与3H-吲哚(4)(光谱l)相似,并且在乙醇酸溶液(光谱4)中显示出相似的深色位移(55 nm)。氢过氧化物(3)在酸溶液中稳定,从中回收不变。在极性溶剂中,观察到一些转化为 3H-吲哚醇 (4),但未检测到分解为酰胺 (7)。这种行为与极性溶剂中的氢过氧化物(8)转化为内酰胺(9)形成鲜明对比.%MeO.OH(11 1通过吲哚吲哚吲哚(1)的直接自氧化反应产生3H-吲哚醇(4)在理论上是不太可能的,并且通过从含有过氧化苯甲酰的乙酸乙酯-轻质石油溶液中回收(1)2天后保持不变来证实这一点。这与 Berti 等人 2 的结果一致,他们在用氧气处理后重新覆盖了吲哚吲哚 (1) 不变。化合物(1)对辅助氧化的惰性,尽管鉴于报道的2,3-二取代丁吲哚的自氧化的易3,令人惊讶,但并非例外。2-甲基-3-苯基和2,3-二苯基吲哚3b以及2-(4-羟基苯基)-3-甲基-和2-(2-甲氧基苯基)-3-甲基吲哚4都具有自氧化性。研究了 2,2'-双吲哚基 (2) 自氧化生成二氢过氧化物 (11) 的可能性。不能分离出这种化合物,但是在沸腾的二甲苯中将快速的氧气流传入双吲哚基(2)溶液中4小时,产生无色结晶产物。该化合物在4 B. Robinson和M. V. Zubair, J.嚼。SOC. (C), 1971, 976420 J.C.S. Perkin Iquantitative yield, is same with authentic NN'-bis-(2-acetylphenyl)oxamide (lo), also pro-treatment with acetic or sulphuric acid.2(12.3 mg), m.p.180-182“, 具有吲哚醇的光谱特性 1 (4).(b) 将双吲哚基(2)(72毫克)溶于热乙乙酸轻质石油(25毫升)中,并加入过氧化苯甲酰的晶体(0.01毫克)。将溶液置于室温下,向大气开放。6 h后,滤除产物(68 mg,94%),洗涤从3,3'-二甲基-2,2'-双吲哚基臭氧中提取,在Kofler热级装置上测定。除非另有说明,否则所有溶液均用碳酸钾干燥。紫外线使用Unicam SP 500分光光度计记录乙醇溶液的光谱(除非另有说明)。用 aPerkin-Elmer 2 型 1 双光束装置记录 1.r. 光谱。Lightpetroleum 指的是 b.p 的那部分。60-80“.3-甲基-2-(3-甲基吲哚-2-y1)-3H-吲哚-3-01 (4) .-3-甲基-2-(3-甲基吲哚啉-2-y1)吲哚(640 mg)在回流下用氯尼酯(610 mg)在重蒸二甲苯(75 ml)中加热24 h。将混合物冷却,过滤,蒸发至干燥。将残余物取入乙醚(100ml)中,用0.2~-氢氧化钠(3×30ml)萃取,除去四氯对苯二酚。将空灵溶液干燥并蒸发至干燥。将残留物在氧化铝柱上色谱。用苯洗脱得到黄色针头(224 mg,35%[产率随反应时间的变化超过20-40y0;其他产物包括双吲哚基(2)和氢过氧化物(3)]},熔点180-182“C(来自乙酸乙酯-轻石油)(lit.,l 182'),Am= 251(log E 4-66)和365 nm(4.70),在乙醇0+1~-HCl&.246 (log E 4.53), 320(4.41), and 415 nm (4.80).3-甲基-2-( 3-rnethyZindoZ-2-yl)吲哚啉-3-醇 (5) .-吲哚醇 (4) (250 mg) 溶于甲醇 (15 ml) 中,并滴一滴碱和硼氢化钾 (400 mg)。在回流下轻轻加热溶液,直到黄色消失,然后用水稀释(20毫升)并用乙醚(3×5毫升)提取。将提取物干燥并在减压下蒸发,得到无色无定形吲哚啉醇(5)(240mg,96y0),在75-126“下熔融。该化合物不会重结晶,也不会产生结晶衍生物(发现:C,77.0;H, 6.4.C,,H1,N@ 需要 c, 77.7;H, 6*5y0), Am.229 (log E 4-8) 和 292 nm (4.12), Am= (乙醇 O-~N-HC~)246 (log E 4.41) 和 318 nm (4.45)。这些后一种吸收与2,2'-双吲哚基(2)相同.3,3'-二甲基-2,2'-双吲哚基(2).-将吲哚醇(5)(70mg)溶于甲醇(4毫升)中,并加入稀盐酸(0.05毫升)。将溶液用水稀释,并将分离出的固体过滤掉,得到无色晶体(68 mg),熔点156-159“(来自轻质石油),与正宗的3,3'-二甲基-2,2'-联吲哚基(熔点163-164”)混合。本品的 IR 和 UV 吸收与真实材料的吸收相同。3,3'-二乙基-2,2'-双吲哚基的氧化。4小时后,从淡黄色溶液中分离出黄色固体m.p.146-175“。从酸化碘化物溶液中释放出的固体碘。再回流8小时后,黄色固体不再进行碘化物测试,熔点为164-180“。对第二种黄色产物进行三次重结晶,得到少量物质乙酸乙酯,并干燥得3-氢羟氧基-3-茧乙基-2-(3-甲基吲哚-2-基)-3H-吲哚的细黄色针状物,熔点153-154.5“ [发现:C,73-65;H,5.35%;M(碘公制滴定法),292-5。C,,H,,N,O,需要C,73.95;H, 5.5% ;M,2921,Amax。250 (log E 4.50) 和 365 nm (4.68)。过氧化氢的还原(3).-(a)将过氧化氢(3)(24.4mg)溶于含有Adams催化剂(10mg)的乙酸乙酯(5ml)中,氢气通过。吸收2.1mol氢气后停止吸收。将溶液过滤、干燥并蒸发,得到无色无定形固体(24.01 mg),不会结晶,在75-122“处熔化。吸收光谱与吲哚吲啉醇的吸收光谱相同 (5)。用酸处理得到双吲哚基(b)氢过氧化物(28.9 mg)溶于2~-氢氧化钠(4 ml)和乙醇(1 ml)中。加入二亚硫酸钠(60mg),并将溶液保存在蒸汽浴中1小时,用水(15ml)稀释,并用乙醚(3×3ml)萃取。将空灵溶液干燥并蒸发,得到黄色油(25 mg,86%),刮擦时结晶为黄色针状,熔点178-182'(来自轻质石油乙酸乙酯),与正宗吲哚啉醇(4)(熔点180-182°)混合后未被抑制.1光谱与(2)相同。N-(3-甲基吲哚-2-基甲基乙烯)-对甲苯胺 (6) .-3-甲基吲哚-2-甲醛(1 1 mg)用$-tohidine(7.5 mg)在甲醇(0.5 ml)中加热回流。冷却时,甲苯胺(6)的淡黄色晶体分离出来(15mg,87%),熔点137-138'(来自苯)(发现:C,82.0;H,6.4。Cl,H1,N20需要C,82.3;H, 6.45y0),&= 350 nm (log E 4-78), Am= (ethanolic OS~N-HC~) 237(log E 4-35), 307 (4.37), and 4.05 nm (4.79).氧化3-甲基-2-(3-甲基吲哚啉-2-y1)吲哚(1).将吲哚(1)(1 26 mg)溶于轻质石油乙酸乙酯(50 ml)中,加入过氧化苯甲酰(0.023mg)晶体。解决方案对大气层开放。2天后,从溶液中回收未改变的吲哚(1)(123mg),m.p.126“。Berti 等人 aL2 报告说,当氧气通过双吲哚基溶液时,不会形成过氧化物。氧对3,3'-二甲基-2,2'-双吲哚基(2)的作用.-双吲哚基(2)(37mg)溶于再蒸馏二甲苯(25ml)中。将溶液煮沸,氧气快速流过。溶液变黄,6小时后分离出无色固体。收集固体,干燥,并从吗啉重结晶,得到NN'-双-(2-乙酰基苯1)草酰胺(10)(30mg,81%)的无色针头,熔点和混合物熔点261-264'(lit.,,267“)。我们感谢曼彻斯特大学为开展这项工作提供的财政支持和设施(A.2.B.)。[1/1508 收稿日期:1971年8月19日



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