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Forty years of research on the assembly and infection process of bacteriophage


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This short biographical note was written as part of the lead-in material for a festschrift kindly organized for me on the occasion of my 70th birthday. The collection of articles assembled in this issue range within the spectrum of the topics covered in the special issue 'Multiscale structural biology-biophysical principles and practice ranging from biomolecules to bionanomachines.' Here I describe some of the high points of my 40 years of research science conducted in the USA, Switzerland and Japan. I also use this opportunity to express my sincerest thanks to my former colleagues and the very many contributors who so kindly contributed to this special issue.
机译:这篇简短的传记是作为在我 70 岁生日之际为我精心组织的节日的引言材料的一部分而写的。本期文章集收录在特刊“多尺度结构生物学-从生物分子到生物纳米机器的生物物理原理和实践”所涵盖的主题范围内。在这里,我描述了我在美国、瑞士和日本进行的 40 年研究科学的一些亮点。我还要借此机会向我的前同事和为本期特刊做出如此慷慨贡献的众多撰稿人表示最诚挚的感谢。




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