首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Rumen Microbiome Composition Determined Using Two Nutritional Models of Subacute Ruminal Acidosis

Rumen Microbiome Composition Determined Using Two Nutritional Models of Subacute Ruminal Acidosis


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Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is a metabolic disease in dairy cattle that occurs during early and mid-lactation and has traditionally been characterized by low rumen pH, but lactic acid does not accumulate as in acute lactic acid acidosis. It is hypothesized that factors such as increased gut permeability, bacterial lipopolysaccharides, and inflammatory responses may have a role in the etiology of SARA. However, little is known about the nature of the rumen microbiome during SARA. In this study, we analyzed the microbiome of 64 rumen samples taken from eight lactating Holstein dairy cattle using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (TRFLP) of 16S rRNA genes and real-time PCR. We used rumen samples from two published experiments in which SARA had been induced with either grain or alfalfa pellets. The results of TRFLP analysis indicated that the most predominant shift during SARA was a decline in gram-negative Bacteroidetes organisms. However, the proportion of Bacteroidetes organisms was greater in alfalfa pellet-induced SARA than in mild or severe grain-induced SARA (35.4 versus 26.0 and 16.6, respectively). This shift was also evident from the real-time PCR data for Prevotella albensis, Prevotella brevis, and Prevotella ruminicola, which are members of the Bacteroidetes. The real-time PCR data also indicated that severe grain-induced SARA was dominated by Streptococcus bovis and Escherichia coli, whereas mild grain-induced SARA was dominated by Megasphaera elsdenii and alfalfa pellet-induced SARA was dominated by P. albensis. Using discriminant analysis, the severity of SARA and degree of inflammation were highly correlated with the abundance of E. coli and not with lipopolysaccharide in the rumen. We thus suspect that E. coli may be a contributing factor in disease onset.
机译:亚急性瘤胃酸中毒 (SARA) 是奶牛的一种代谢性疾病,发生在泌乳早期和中期,传统上以瘤胃 pH 值低为特征,但乳酸不会像急性乳酸酸中毒那样蓄积。据推测,肠道通透性增加、细菌脂多糖和炎症反应等因素可能在 SARA 的病因中起作用。然而,对SARA期间瘤胃微生物组的性质知之甚少。在这项研究中,我们使用 16S rRNA 基因的末端限制性片段长度多态性 (TRFLP) 和实时 PCR 分析了从 8 头泌乳荷斯坦奶牛身上采集的 64 个瘤胃样本的微生物组。我们使用了来自两个已发表实验的瘤胃样本,其中用谷物或苜蓿颗粒诱导SARA。TRFLP分析结果表明,SARA期间最主要的变化是革兰氏阴性拟杆菌门生物的减少。然而,苜蓿颗粒诱导的SARA中拟杆菌门生物的比例高于轻度或重度谷物诱导的SARA(分别为35.4%、26.0%和16.6%)。从拟杆菌门成员Prevotella albensis、Prevotella brevis和Prevotella ruminicola的实时PCR数据中也可以看出这种转变。实时荧光定量PCR数据还表明,重度谷物诱导的SARA以牛链球菌和大肠杆菌为主,而轻度谷物诱导的SARA以Megasphaera elsdenii为主,苜蓿颗粒诱导的SARA以白霉为主。采用判别分析,SARA的严重程度和炎症程度与瘤胃中大肠杆菌的丰度高度相关,与瘤胃中的脂多糖无关。因此,我们怀疑大肠杆菌可能是疾病发作的一个促成因素。




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