
Ferro-silicon highlights


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The European ferro-silicon spot market has edged down further as demand in the steel sector continued to soften prompted by the heavy industry summer break. European steel mills are shutting for an extended period this summer as underlying consumption declines. In some areas the mill shutdowns will be for more than double the usual two-week closures. The European steel sector looked stable in May, with production utilisation rates at 75-80% of capacity, but steel mills were keen to sell material last month before the seasonal slowdown and that prompteda sell-off in raw materials. The Chinese ferro-silicon market has been sluggish in July, with prices hovering at low levels. The spot market has been quiet after low tenders from steel mills forced producers to lower price offers to promote sales. Export business, meanwhile, has been subdued due to weak demand and the arrival of the summer break in the West US industry sources say ferro-silicon prices are being affected by European weakness. US steel production levels may stabilise around the current production rate, however, as the fall in utilisation rates has slowed.
机译:由于重工业的夏季假期,钢铁行业的需求持续疲软,欧洲铁硅现货市场进一步下滑。由于基本需求下降,今年夏天欧洲钢厂将关闭较长时间。在某些地区,工厂停产将是通常两周关闭的两倍以上。欧洲5月份的钢铁行业看起来稳定,产能利用率为产能的75-80%,但钢厂渴望在季节性放缓之前的上个月出售材料,这促使原材料遭到抛售。 7月份中国硅铁市场低迷,价格徘徊在较低水平。由于钢厂的低价招标迫使生产商降低价格报价以促进销售,因此现货市场一片平静。同时,由于需求疲软以及美国西部夏季休市的到来,出口业务一直受到抑制。业内人士称,硅铁价格正受到欧洲疲软的影响。但是,随着利用率下降的放缓,美国钢铁产量可能会稳定在目前的生产率附近。



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