首页> 外文期刊>investigative radiology >Radiographic Observations of Clearance of Tantalum and Barium Sulfate Particles from Airways

Radiographic Observations of Clearance of Tantalum and Barium Sulfate Particles from Airways




Powdered tantalum and barium sulfate were evaluated for radiographic studies of mucus clearance in dogs and cats. In cats, tantalum particles deposited upon the open trachea were transported by mucus flow as rapidly as barium sulfate or carbon particles. Serial roentgenograms taken after insufflation of tantalum or barium sulfate powder showed that contrast material cleared from the right and left lungs of the same dogs at approximately the same rate. Clearance rates varied between different dogs but, for unknown reasons, barium sulfate cleared more rapidly than did tantalum. Constant position and inhibition of cough by anesthesia caused mucus to pool in the dependent lung. Unilateral cervical vagosympathectomy delayed the rate of tantalum clearance from the ipsilateral lung. Insufflation of tantalum or barium sulfate powder followed by serial roentgenograms is a satisfactory qualitative method for studying mucus clearance in vivo. The method has several advantages and complements other methods of studying mucus clearance from airways
机译:评估粉状钽和硫酸钡用于狗和猫粘液清除率的放射学研究。在猫中,沉积在开放气管上的钽颗粒通过粘液流运输的速度与硫酸钡或碳颗粒一样快。在钽或硫酸钡粉末吹入后拍摄的连续造影显示,造影剂以大致相同的速度从同一只狗的右肺和左肺中清除。不同狗的清除率各不相同,但由于未知原因,硫酸钡的清除速度比钽快。恒定的姿势和麻醉对咳嗽的抑制导致粘液在依赖性肺中积聚。单侧宫颈迷走神经切除术可延迟同侧肺的钽清除率。钽或硫酸钡粉末的吹气,然后进行连续的 roentgenogram 是研究体内粘液清除率的令人满意的定性方法。该方法有几个优点,并补充了其他研究气道粘液清除率的方法




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