首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Analogues of hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids: synthesis and esterification of 1-methyl-2,3-bishydroxymethyl-pyrrolidines and -3-pyrrolines (synthanecines) and corresponding pyrrole derivatives

Analogues of hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids: synthesis and esterification of 1-methyl-2,3-bishydroxymethyl-pyrrolidines and -3-pyrrolines (synthanecines) and corresponding pyrrole derivatives




1974 707Analogues of Hepatotoxic Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids : Synthesis and Esteri-f ication of 1 - Methyl-2,3-bishydroxymethyl-pyrrol idines and -3-pyrrolines(Synthanecines) and Corresponding Pyrrole DerivativesBy A. Robin Mattocks, Toxicology Unit, Medical Research Council Laboratories, Woodmansterne Road,Several 2.3-bishydroxymethyl-pyrrolidine and -3-pyrroline derivatives (synthanecines) have been prepared asmonocyclic analogues of the bicyclic necine bases which constitute the alcohol portions of many pyrrolizidinealkaloids. Thus, reduction of 2.3-bisethoxycarbonyl-I -methyl-3-pyrroline (IX) and of 2,3-bisethoxycarbony1-4-methoxy-1 -methyl-3-pyrroline (XII) with lithium aluminium hydride gives mainly the pyrrolidine (XI) (syntha-necine B) while reduction using di-isobutylaluminium hydride gives the pyrrolines (X) and (XIII) (synthanecinesA and C, respectively).Some of the unsaturated synthanecine esters, such as the carbamate (XVII) have bio-logical effects similar to those of the toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid monocrotaline (IV). Dehydrogenation of the3-pyrroline diesters (IX) and (XII) and reduction of the resulting pyrrole diesters (XXI) and (XXII) providesthe corresponding bishydroxymethylpyrroles (XXIII) and (XXV). which behave as bifunctional alkylatingCarshalton, Surreyagents.MANY pyrrolizidine alkaloids which are esters of un-saturated necine bases such as retronecine (I) are toxicto various animal species, causing damage to the liverand sometimes the lungs and other organ^.^.^ The acidportions of the natural alkaloids are often complex, asin monocrotaline (IV) but simpler, semisynthetic esterssuch as di-isovalerylretronecine (11) can cause similartoxic effects when given in larger doses and the dicarb-amate (111) is more active, having about the sametoxicity to rats as monocrotaline.6Synthetic analogues of the toxic alkaloids were re-quired for metabolic and toxicological studies.A syn-thesis of retronecine (I) has been described but it islengthy and the overall yield is poor (,),SO-CDCl, 2.41 (3H, s, picrolonate Me), 3-02 (3H, s, NMe), and3-76 (3H, s, OMe).The base, recovered from the picrolonate using anionexchange resin in methanol, was a gum, vmax. 3340s (OH) and1690s cm-l (C=C), 6 2-45 (3H, s, NMe), 3.3 (OH), 3.42 (H-5),3-63 (2H, d, J 3 Hz, 2-CH2), 3.71 (3H, s, OMe), and 4-2 (2H,m, 3-CH2), no U.V.absorption above 215 nm (in H,O).2,3-Bishydroxyrnethyl-l-methylpyrrolidine (SynthanecineB) (XI).-(a) Compound (XII) (8.4 g) and lithium aluniin-ium hydride ( I7 g) in ether (300 ml) were heated under refluxfor 1 h. The cooled mixture was decomposed with dilutesodium hydroxide solution, the ether was decanted, andthe wet solids stirred with hot ethanol (150 ml). Chloro-form (50 ml) and Hyflo supacel (15 g) were added, themixture filtered, and the filtrate concentrated t o a gumwhich was re-extracted with hot chloroform. This extracttogether with the original ether was dried and the solventsevaporated to give a brown gum (4.8 g).This was con-verted to a picrolonate (7-6 g) which formed yellow needles(from ethanol), m.p. 192" (Found: C, 49-9; H, 5.7; N, 17.1.C7Hl,N0,,C,,H8N40, requires C, 49.9; H, 5-6; N, 17.1).The base, recovered from the picrolonate using anion-exchange resin and purified by molecular distillation, was agum, RF 0.27 (Found: C , 57.9; H, 10.1; N, 9-8 C7Hl,N0,requires C, 57.9; H, 10.3; N, 9.7), vmx 3340s (OH) and2800s cm-l (5-CH2), 6 2.32 (3H, s, NMe), 3.5-343 (4H, 2-and 3-CH2), and 4.3 (2H, s, OH). The diacetate was an oil,nD2, 1.4580, b.p.90" at 0-25 mmHg (Found: C, 57-3; H,8.4; N, 6.4. Cl1Hl,NO4 requires C, 57.6; H, 8-3; N, 6.1 ),v, 2780m (5-CH2) and 1740s cm-l (ester), 6 2-08 (6H, s,acetyl Me), 2-40 (3H, s, NMe), 4.04 (2H, d, J 6 Hz, 3-CH2),and 4.15 (2H, d, J 5 Hz, 2-CH2).(b) Triethyl 4-methoxy-3-pyrroline- 1,2,3-tricarboxylate(3 g) and lithium aluminium hydride (2 g ) in tetrahydrofuran(THF) (30 ml) were heated under reflux for 4 h after theinitial reaction had subsided. The mixture was cooled,decomposed with dilute sodium hydroxide solution, andfiltered (pump). The solids were extracted with hotethanol (20 ml), then chloroform (10 ml), the combinedextracts evaporated t o dryness, and the residue re-extractedwith hot THF. This extract was combined with the THFfiltrate from the reaction mixture and the solvent removedunder reduced pressure t o give the product as a gum (1 g ,73y0), essentially the same (t.1.c.and spectra) as the crudeproduct of (a).Reduction of Pyrroline (IX) .-(a) W i t h lithium aluminiumhydride. The pyrroline (IX) (1 g) was reduced in the wayalready described for the 4-methoxy-analogue t o give a gum(0-39 g, 63) which contained about equal amounts of2,3-bishydroxymethyl-1-methyl-3-pyrroline and 2,3-bis-hydroxymethyl- I-methylpyrrolidine (synthanecines A andB) as shown by n.m.r. spectra (N-methyl signals at 6 2-46and 2-32 respectively).(b) W i t h lithium borohydride. Anhydrous lithium bro-mide (1.2 g) was added to a solution of sodium borohydride(0.5 g) in diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (diglyme; 15 ml)and the mixture stirred for 10 min.The pyrroline (IX)(1 g) was added and the mixture was heated on a steam-bathfor 1 h, cooled, poured into water (15 ml), and acidifieddropwise with HCl. The solution was washed with ether,basified (Na,CO,), washed again with ether, evaporated t odryness, and the residue extracted with 3 lots of warmchloroform. The combined chloroform extracts were con-centrated to give a gum which was re-extracted with ether.Evaporation of the ether gave a gum (0.23 g, 36), shownt o be 2,3-bishydroxymethyl-l-methylpyrrolidine (i.r. andn.m.r. spectra). The picrolonate had m.p. 189", not de-pressed by mixing with the authentic synthanecine Bpicrolonate.(c) W i t h sodium dihydrobis-( 2-methoxyethoxy) aluminate.To the pyrroline (IX) (1 g) in ether (50 ml) was added anexcess of the reagent (5 ml of 70 solution in benzene).-4fter the initial exothermic reaction, the solution was kept15 min a t room temperature and decomposed with enoughdilute HC1 (shaking) to give an acidic aqueous layer whichwas separated, washed with ether, made basic (Na,CO,), andevaporated to dryness under reduced pressure.The residuewas extracted with chloroform ( x 3 ) and the combinedextracts concentrated t o a gum (0.36 g, 56) which wasfound (i.r. and n.m.r.) to be mainly 2,3-bishydroxymethyl-1-methylpyrrolidine together with a small amount of un-reduced starting material.Dietltyl l-Methyl~5yrrole-2,3-dicarboxylate (XXI) .-Thepyrroline (IX) (3 g) was added to a part-solution, part-suspension of powdered DDQ (4 g) in warm chloroform (80nil) and the mixture stirred a t ca.50" for 10 min. Thechloroform solution was washed with aqueous potassiumcarbonate (10 ; 4 x 20 ml), dried and concentrated underreduced pressure, and the residue distilled to give thepyrrole as a pale yellow oil (2.86 g, 96y0), b.p. 128-131"at 0.6 mmHg, 1.5020 (Found: C, 58.7; H, 6.5; N, 6.6.C,,H,,TTO4 requires C, 58.7; H, 6.7; N, 6*2), vmaX. 3120w(ring) ancl 1703s cm-l (ester), 6 1.31 (3H, t, ester Me), 1-33(3H, t, ester Me), 3.81 (3H, s, NMe), 4.29 (2H, q, esterCH,), 4.32 (2H, q, ester CH,), 6.48 (IH, d, J 3 Hz, H-4), ancl4-Methoxy - 1 -met hylpyvrole-2,3-dicarboxylate(XXlI).-The pyrroline (XII) (3 g) was dehydrogenatedusing DDQ (4 g) in the same way as described above t o givethe crude pyrrole as an oil (2.55 g, 86), b.p.137-40" at0-2 mmHg, nD23 1.5120 (Found: C, 56.1; H, 6.8; N, 5.1.C,,H,,NO, requires C, 56-5; H, 6.7; N, 5.5), vmx. 3108w,3120w (ring), and 1710s cni--l (ester), 6 1-33 (6H, t, ester6.67 (lH, d, J 3 Hz, H-5).Diet hy1974 713Me), 3-73 (3H, s, OMe), 3-78 (3H, s, NMe), 4-29 (ZH, q,ester CH,), 4.31 (2H, q, ester CH,), and 6-30 (lH, s, H-5).2,3-BishydroxymethyZ- l-methylpyrrole (XXIII) .-The pyr-role (XXI) (1.5 g) was added to a suspension of lithiumaluminium hydride (1-2 g) in anhydrous ether (50 ml) andthe mixture was heated under reflux for 1.5 h, cooled, anddecomposed with water (3-4 ml). After 15 min the mix-ture was filtered (pump) and the solid washed several timeswith chloroform. The combined organic filtrates weredried, and concentrated under reduced pressure to give theproduct (0-85 g, 91) as an oil which crystallised when keptin a deep-freeze.Recrystallisation from ether gave prisms,m.p. 56-57', RF 0.49 (Found: C, 60.2; H, 7.9; N, 10.1.C,H1,NO2 requires C, 59.6; HI 7.8; N, 9.9yo), v , ~ 3320br,scm-, (OH), 6 3.3br variable (2H, s, OH), 3.62 (3H, s, NMe),4-H), and 6.58 (lH, d, J 3 Hz, H-5). The compound, inethanol, gave a magenta Ehrlich reaction, A,, 570 nm( E 71,900). The alkylation reaction gave an intense mauvecolour.2,3-BishydroxymethyZ-4-mzthoxy- 1 -methylpyrrole (XXV) .-The pyrrole (XXII) (1.2 g) was reduced with lithium alumin-ium hydride (1.2 g) in the same way as described above, t ogive the product as a gum (0-56 g, 70) which crystallisedon rubbing with ether.Recrystallisation from benzene-ether gave prisms, m.p. 92", RRF 0.48 (Found: C, 56.1; H,7.8; N, 8.0. C,H,,NO, requires C, 56-1; H, 7.6; N, 8.2y0),vmx. (KBr) 3270s cm-l (OH), 6 3.2br variable (2H, OH), 3-58(3H, s, NMe), 3-70 (3H, s, OMe), 4-47 (4H, s, CH,O), and6.10 (lH, s, H-5). The compound gave an immediatebright red precipitate with aqueous HC1. The alkylationreaction gave a strong mauve colour, A,, 560br nm. TheEhrlich reaction gave a magenta colour, A,, 546 nm ( E45,600).(XXIV).-The pyrrole (XXIII) (0.35 g) was heated underreflux with ethyl isocyanate (6 ml) for 2.5 h. 1,4-Diazabi-cyclo2.2.2octane (0.5 mg) was added and the mixtureheated for a further 20 min.Excess of reagent was re-moved under reduced pressure, the residue was dissolvedin anhydrous ether (10 ml) and the solvent again removed.The dicarbamate remained as a gum (0.65 g, 93) whichcrystallised. Recrystallisation from anhydrous ether-lightpetroleum (b.p. 60-80') gave blades, m.p. 85" (Found: C,4.45 (2H, S, 3-CH,), 4.50 (ZH, S, 2-CH,), 6.10 (lH, d, J 3 Hz,2,S-Bis- (N-et hylcarbamoyloxymet hyl) - l-met hylpyrrole55-2; HI 7.4; N, 15.0. C,,H,,N,O, requires C, 55-1; H,7.4; N, 14-8), vmX. 3310s (NH) and 1690s,br cm-l (CO);6 1.10 (6H, t, ethyl Me), 3.19 (4H, 2q, ethyl CH,), 3.61 (3H,s, NMe), 4-6br (NH), 5.05 (2H, s, 3-CH,), 5.15 (ZH, s,2-CH,), 6.16 (lH, d, J 3 Hz, H-4), and 6-60 (lH, d, J 3 Hz,H-5). The alkylation reaction gave an intense mauve colourwithout the addition of triethylamine. The Ehrlich re-action gave a magenta colour, Amxe 570 nm ( E 77,350).When a solution of the carbamate in NN-dimethylformamidewas added to water, a pale yellow polymer was precipitatedafter a few min. When added to dilute HCl, a red polymerwas precipitated immediately.2,3-Bisacetoxymethyl- l-methylpyrrole (XXVIII) .-Syn-thanecine A (0.25 g) in methanol (5 ml) and aqueous hydro-gen peroxide (0-3 ml) was kept a t room temperature for 16 h,then heated under reflux for 2 h. Excess of peroxide wasdecomposed by adding manganese dioxide, and the solutionwas filtered and concentrated under reduced pressure togive the crude N-oxide as a gum. This material was dis-solved in acetic anhydride (2 ml) at 30-35", and after 2 mintriethylamine (10 ml) was added and the mixture kept atroom temperature for 1.5 h in a stoppered flask. The tri-ethylamine and the excess of acetic anhydride were re-moved with cautious warming at 5-0.5 mmHg, furthertriethylamine being added frequently to maintain basicconditions. The residue was dissolved in anhydrous ether(5 ml), the solution diluted with light petroleum (b.p. 40-60"; 60 ml), charcoaled, filtered, and the solvents removedunder reduced pressure to give the diacetoxy-pyrrole deriva-tive as an oil (148 mg, 38) which was purified by moleculardistillation, vmX. 1735s cm-I (ester), 6 2.03 and 2-04 (6H, s,3- and 2-acetyl Me), 3-61 (3H, s, NMe), 5.04 (2H, s, 3-CH2),5-14 (2H, s, 2-CH,), 6-13 (lH, d, J 3 Hz, H-4), and 6.60(lH, d, J 3 Hz, H-5). The Ehrlich reaction gave an intensemagenta colour, A,, 570 nm. The alkylation reactiongave an intense mauve colour. The compound dissolved inwater to give a clear solution which became cloudy andpink after a few min. It gave a red polymer with diluteHCI.I thank Miss A. Mackintosh and hlr. R. Jones for technicalassistance, and Mrs. D. Butterworth (National PhysicalLaboratory) for microanalyses.3/1914 Received, 17th September, 1973
机译:1974 707肝毒性吡咯里西啶生物碱的类似物:1-甲基-2,3-双羟甲基吡咯烷和-3-吡咯啉(合成)的合成和酯化及其相应的吡咯衍生物作者:A. Robin Mattocks,毒理学部门,医学研究委员会实验室,伍德曼斯特恩路,几种2.3-双羟甲基吡咯烷和-3-吡咯啉衍生物(合成素)已被制备为构成醇部分的双环碱的单环类似物许多吡咯里西啶生物碱。因此,用氢化铝锂还原2.3-双乙氧羰基-I-甲基-3-吡咯啉(IX)和2,3-双乙氧基羰基-1-甲氧基-1-甲基-3-吡咯啉(XII)主要得到吡咯烷(XI)(合成-necine B),而使用二异丁基氢化铝还原得到吡咯啉(X)和(XIII)(分别为合成辛烷A和C)。一些不饱和合成烷酸酯,如氨基甲酸酯(XVII)具有与有毒吡咯里西啶生物碱单比酸(IV)相似的生物效应。3-吡咯二酯(IX)和(XII)的脱氢以及所得吡咯二酯(XXI)和(XXII)的还原提供了相应的双羟甲基吡咯(XXIII)和(XXV)。表现为双官能团烷基化Carshalton,Surreyagents。许多吡咯里西啶生物碱是非饱和碱基的酯,如逆转录碱(I)对各种动物物种有毒,对肝脏造成损害,有时对肺和其他器官造成损害^.^.^ 天然生物碱的酸性部分通常很复杂,如单效碱(IV),但更简单,半合成酯如二异戊酰逆转烯酸(11)在较大剂量给药时会引起类似的毒性作用,而二碳酸酯(111)更活跃, 对大鼠的毒性与单法生物碱大致相同.6有毒生物碱的合成类似物被重新用于代谢和毒理学研究。已经描述了逆转录神经素(I)的合成,但它很长,总体收率很差(,),SO-CDCl,] 2.41 (3H, s, 吡咯酸酯 Me), 3-02 (3H, s, NMe) 和 3-76 (3H, s, OMe)。使用甲醇中的阴离子交换树脂从吡咯酸酯中回收的碱是口香糖,vmax。3340s (OH) 和 1690s cm-l (C=C), 6 2-45 (3H, s, NMe), 3.3 (OH), 3.42 (H-5),3-63 (2H, d, J 3 Hz, 2-CH2), 3.71 (3H, s, OMe) 和 4-2 (2H,m, 3-CH2),215 nm以上无紫外线吸收(H,O).2,3-双羟乙基-l-甲基吡咯烷 (SynthanecineB) (XI).-(a) 化合物 (XII) (8.4 g) 和醚酸锂 (I7 g) 在乙醚 (300 ml) 中回流加热 1 h.冷却后的混合物用稀氢氧化钠溶液分解,倒出乙醚,湿固体用热乙醇(150ml)搅拌。加入氯仿(50ml)和Hyflo舒帕塞尔(15g),将混合物过滤,滤液浓缩成胶状物,用热氯仿重新萃取。将该提取物与原始乙醚一起干燥,溶剂蒸发得到棕色胶(4.8克)。这被转化为吡咯酸酯(7-6 g),形成黄色针状物(来自乙醇),熔点192“(发现:C,49-9;H,5.7;N,17.1.C7Hl,N0,,C,,H8N40,需要C,49.9;H,5-6;N,17.1%)。使用阴离子交换树脂从吡咯酸酯中回收并通过分子蒸馏纯化的碱是 agum,RF 0.27(发现:C,57.9;H,10.1;N, 9-8 C7Hl,N0,需要C, 57.9;H, 10.3;N,9.7%),vmx 3340s(OH)和2800s cm-l(5-CH2),6 2.32(3H,s,NMe),3.5-343(4H,2-和3-CH2)和4.3(2H,s,OH)。二乙酸盐为油,nD2,1.4580,b.p.90“,0-25 mmHg(发现:C,57-3;H,8.4;N,6.4。Cl1Hl,NO4 需要 C, 57.6;H,8-3;N, 6.1 %),v, 2780m (5-CH2) 和 1740s cm-l (酯), 6 2-08 (6H, s,acetyl Me), 2-40 (3H, s, NMe), 4.04 (2H, d, J 6 Hz, 3-CH2) 和 4.15(2H,d,J 5 Hz,2-CH2)。(b)在初始反应消退后,将4-甲氧基-3-吡咯啉-1,2,3-三羧酸三乙酯(3 g)和氢化铝锂(2 g)在四氢呋喃(THF)(30 ml)溶液中回流加热4 h。将混合物冷却,用稀氢氧化钠溶液分解,过滤(泵)。用热乙醇(20 ml)提取固体,然后用氯仿(10 ml)提取固体,将混合提取物蒸发至干燥,残留物用热THF重新提取。将该提取物与反应混合物中的THF滤液结合,并在减压下除去溶剂,使产物为胶质(1 g,73y0),与(a)的粗产物基本相同(t.1.c.和光谱)。吡咯啉 (IX) .-(a) W i t h 氢化铝锂的还原。吡咯啉(IX)(1克)以已经描述的方式还原为4-甲氧基类似物t,得到胶(0-39克,63%),其含有约等量的2,3-双羟甲基-1-甲基-3-吡咯啉和2,3-双羟甲基-I-甲基吡咯烷(合成胺A和B),如n.m.r.光谱所示(N-甲基信号分别为6,2-46和2-32)。(b) W i t h 硼氢化锂。将无水溴化锂(1.2g)加入到硼氢化钠(0.5g)的二甘醇二甲醚(diglyme;15ml)溶液中,搅拌10分钟。加入吡咯啉(IX)(1g),将混合物在蒸汽浴上加热1小时,冷却,倒入水中(15ml),并用HCl液滴酸化。溶液用乙醚洗涤,碱化(Na,CO,),再次用乙醚洗涤,蒸发t干燥,残渣用3批温氯仿萃取。将合并的氯仿提取物浓缩以得到用乙醚重新提取的树胶。醚蒸发得到胶(0.23克,36%),显示为2,3-双羟甲基-l-甲基吡咯烷(i.r.和n.m.r.光谱)。吡咯酸酯的 m.p. 189“,不会通过与正宗的合成 Bpicrolonate 混合来减压。(c) 二氢双(2-甲氧基乙氧基)铝酸钠。向吡咯啉(IX)(1克)乙醚(50毫升)中加入过量的试剂(5毫升70%苯溶液).-4次放热反应后,将溶液在室温下保存15分钟,并用充分稀释的HC1(振荡)分解,得到酸性水层,将其分离,用乙醚洗涤,制成碱性(Na,CO,),并在减压下蒸发至干。残渣用氯仿(×3)萃取,复合萃取物浓缩t-o.胶(0.36 g,56%),发现(i.r.和n.m.r.)主要是2,3-双羟甲基-1-甲基吡咯烷和少量未还原原料。将l-甲基~5yrrole-2,3-二羧酸二酯(XXI).-吡咯啉(IX)(3g)加入到粉末状DDQ(4g)在温氯仿(80nil)中的部分溶液,部分悬浮液中,并将混合物搅拌约50“10分钟。用碳酸钾水溶液(10%;4×20ml)洗涤,干燥并浓缩减压,并将残渣蒸馏成淡黄色油状(2.86g,96y0),b.p.128-131“,0.6mmHg,1.5020(发现:C,58.7;高,6.5;N, 6.6.C,,H,,TTO4 需要 C, 58.7;H, 6.7;N,6*2%),vmaX。3120w(环) ancl 1703s cm-l (酯), 6 1.31 (3H, t, 酯 Me), 1-33(3H, t, 酯 Me), 3.81 (3H, s, NMe), 4.29 (2H, q, esterCH,), 4.32 (2H, q, ester CH,), 6.48 (IH, d, J 3 Hz, H-4), ancl4-甲氧基 - 1 -met hylpyvrole-2,3-dicarboxylate(XXlI).-吡咯啉(XII)(3 g)使用DDQ(4 g)脱氢,方法与上述相同,将粗吡咯作为油(2.55 g, 86%),b.p.137-40“ at0-2 mmHg,nD23 1.5120(发现:C,56.1;H,6.8;N, 5.1.C,,H,,NO, 需要 C, 56-5;H, 6.7;N,5.5%),vmx。3108w,3120w(环),和1710s cni--l(酯),6 1-33(6H,t,ester6.67(lH,d,J 3 Hz,H-5)。饮食hy1974 713Me)、3-73(3H,s,OMe)、3-78(3H、s、NMe)、4-29(ZH,q,ester CH,)、4.31(2H,q,ester CH,)和6-30(lH,s,H-5).2,3-双羟甲基-甲基吡咯(XXIII).-吡咯(XXI)(1.5g)加入氢化铝锂(1-2g)的无水醚(50ml)悬浮液中,将混合物在回流下加热1.5小时, 冷却,并用水(3-4毫升)分解。15分钟后,将混合物过滤(泵送),并用氯仿洗涤固体数次。将合并的有机滤液干燥,并在减压下浓缩,使产物(0-85g,91%)为油,当保持时结晶为深度冷冻。从乙醚重结晶得到棱镜,m.p. 56-57', RF 0.49 (发现: C, 60.2;H, 7.9;N, 10.1.C,H1,NO2 需要 C, 59.6;嗨 7.8;N, 9.9yo), v , ~ 3320br,scm-, (OH), 6 3.3br 变量 (2H, s, OH), 3.62 (3H, s, NMe),4-H) 和 6.58 (lH, d, J 3 Hz, H-5)。化合物乙醇产生洋红色的埃利希反应,A,,570 nm(E 71,900)。烷基化反应产生强烈的紫红色.2,3-双羟基甲基-4-三苯甲氧基-1-甲基吡咯(XXV).-吡咯(XXII)(1.2克)用氢化铝锂(1.2克)以与上述相同的方式还原,将产物制成胶状(0-56克,70%),与乙醚摩擦结晶。苯醚重结晶得到棱镜,熔点92“,RRF 0.48(发现:C,56.1;H,7.8;N,8.0。C,H,,NO,要求C,56-1;H, 7.6;N, 8.2y0),vmx.(KBr) 3270s cm-l (OH), 6 3.2br 变量 (2H, OH), 3-58(3H, s, NMe), 3-70 (3H, s, OMe), 4-47 (4H, s, CH,O) 和 6.10 (lH, s, H-5).该化合物立即产生带有HC1水溶液的亮红色沉淀。烷基化反应产生强烈的紫红色,A,,560br nm。埃利希反应产生洋红色,A,,546 nm(E45,600)。(XXIV).-吡咯(XXIII)(0.35g)用异氰酸乙酯(6ml)加热回流下2.5小时,加入1,4-二氮杂环[2.2.2]辛烷(0.5mg),混合物再加热20分钟。减压移出过量的试剂,将残留物溶于无水乙醚(10ml)中,并再次除去溶剂。二氨基甲酸酯保持为树胶(0.65g,93%),其结晶。由无水醚-轻石油(b.p. 60-80')重结晶得到叶片,熔点85“(发现:C,4.45(2H,S,3-CH,),4.50(ZH,S,2-CH,),6.10(lH,d,J 3 Hz,2,S-双-(N-et hylcarbamoyloxymet hyl) - l-met hylpyrrole55-2;嗨 7.4;N,15.0。C,,H,,N,O,需要C,55-1;H,7.4;N,14-8%),vmX。3310s (NH) 和 1690s,br cm-l (CO);6 1.10 (6H, t, ethyl Me), 3.19 (4H, 2q, ethyl CH,), 3.61 (3H,s, NMe), 4-6br (NH), 5.05 (2H, s, 3-CH,), 5.15 (ZH, s,2-CH,), 6.16 (lH, d, J 3 Hz, H-4) 和 6-60 (lH, d, J 3 Hz,H-5)。烷基化反应产生强烈的紫红色,无需添加三乙胺。Ehrlich 反应给出了洋红色,Amxe 570 nm (E 77,350)。当氨基甲酸酯在NN二甲基甲酰胺中的溶液加入水中时,静置数分钟后析出淡黄色聚合物。2,3-双乙酰氧基甲基-l-甲基吡咯(XXVIII).-合成乙烯A(0.25克)在甲醇(5毫升)和过氧化氢水溶液(0-3毫升)中,在室温下保持室温16小时,然后在回流下加热2小时。加入过量的过氧化物,加二氧化锰分解,溶液过滤,减压浓缩,得到粗的N-氧化物为树胶。将该材料溶解在30-35“的乙酸酐(2ml)中,然后加入2明三乙胺(10ml),并将混合物在室温下保持1.5小时。将三乙胺和过量的乙酸酐重新移至5-0.5 mmHg处,并经常添加三乙胺以维持基本条件。将残余物溶于无水乙醚(5 ml)中,溶液用轻质石油稀释(b.p.40-60“;60 ml),炭化,过滤,减压除去溶剂,得到二乙酰氧基吡咯衍生物为油(148 mg,38%),通过分子蒸馏纯化,vmX。1735s cm-I(酯)、6 2.03 和 2-04(6H、s,3- 和 2-乙酰 Me)、3-61(3H、s、NMe)、5.04(2H、s、3-CH2)、5-14(2H、s、2-CH)、6-13(lH、d、J 3 Hz、H-4)和 6.60(lH、d、J 3 Hz、H-5)。Ehrlich反应产生强烈的洋红色,A,,570 nm。烷基化反应呈强烈的淡紫色。该化合物溶解在水中,得到澄清的溶液,几分钟后变得浑浊和粉红色。它得到了一种带有稀HCI的红色聚合物,我感谢A.麦金托什小姐和hlr。R. Jones 提供技术援助,D. Butterworth 夫人(国家物理实验室)提供微量分析。[3/1914 收稿日期:1973年9月17日




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