
You are when you eat: on circadian timing and energy balance


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The neuronal mechanisms that establish 24-hour rhythms in feeding and metabolism remain incompletely understood. In this issue of the JCI, Adlanmerini and colleagues explored the relationship between temporal and homeostatic control of energy balance by focusing on mice that lacked the genes encoding the clock repressor elements REV-ERB alpha and -beta, specifically in the tuberal hypothalamus. Notably, the clock transcription cycle mediated intraneuronal response to the adipostatic hormone leptin. These results show that REV-ERB alpha and -beta in the hypothalamus are necessary for maintaining leptin responsiveness and metabolic homeostasis and lay the foundation to explore how transcriptional changes may link energysensing cell types with day/night rhythms. Such information may lead to therapeutics that alleviate the adverse effects of chronic shift work.



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