
Inhibition of IRF5 hyperactivation protects from lupus onset and severity

机译:抑制 IRF5 过度激活可防止狼疮发作和严重程度

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The transcription factor IFN regulatory factor 5 (IRF5) is a central mediator of innate and adaptive immunity. Genetic variations within IRF5 are associated with a risk of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and mice lacking Irf5 are protected from lupus onset and severity, but how IRF5 functions in the context of SLE disease progression remains unclear. Using the NZB/W Fl model of murine lupus, we show that murine IRF5 becomes hyperactivated before clinical onset. In patients with SLE, IRF5 hyperactivation correlated with dsDNA titers. To test whether IRF5 hyperactivation is a targetable function, we developed inhibitors that are cell permeable, nontoxic, and selectively bind to the inactive IRF5 monomer. Preclinical treatment of NZB/W Fl mice with an inhibitor attenuated lupus pathology by reducing serum antinuclear autoantibodies, dsDNA titers, and the number of circulating plasma cells, which alleviated kidney pathology and improved survival. Clinical treatment of MRL/Ipr and pristane-induced lupus mice with an inhibitor led to significant reductions in dsDNA levels and improved survival. In ex vivo human studies, the inhibitor blocked SLE serum-induced IRFS activation and reversed basal IRF5 hyperactivation in SLE immune cells. We believe this study provides the first in vivo clinical support for treating patients with SLE with an IRFS inhibitor.
机译:转录因子 IFN 调节因子 5 (IRF5) 是先天性和适应性免疫的核心介质。IRF5 内的遗传变异与系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE) 的风险相关,缺乏 Irf5 的小鼠免受狼疮发作和严重程度的影响,但 IRF5 在 SLE 疾病进展的背景下如何发挥作用仍不清楚。使用小鼠狼疮的 NZB/W Fl 模型,我们发现小鼠 IRF5 在临床发作前变得过度激活。在 SLE 患者中,IRF5 过度激活与 dsDNA 滴度相关。为了测试 IRF5 过度激活是否是一种可靶向功能,我们开发了具有细胞渗透性、无毒性且选择性地与无活性 IRF5 单体结合的抑制剂。用抑制剂对 NZB/W Fl 小鼠进行临床前治疗,通过减少血清抗核自身抗体、dsDNA 滴度和循环浆细胞数量来减轻狼疮病理学,从而缓解肾脏病理并提高生存率。用抑制剂对MRL/Ipr和Pristane诱导的狼疮小鼠进行临床治疗可显著降低dsDNA水平并提高生存率。在离体人体研究中,该抑制剂阻断了SLE血清诱导的IRFS活化,并逆转了SLE免疫细胞中的基础IRF5过度激活。我们相信这项研究为使用IRFS抑制剂治疗SLE患者提供了第一个体内临床支持。



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