首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Reactions of quinones with aromatic ethers. Part IV. Dibenzofurans from the cyclisation of arylbenzoquinones

Reactions of quinones with aromatic ethers. Part IV. Dibenzofurans from the cyclisation of arylbenzoquinones




1974 2263Reactions of Quinones with Aromatic Ethers. Part 1V.l Dibenzofuransfrom the Cyclisation of ArylbenzoquinonesBy Oliver C. Musgrave * and Colin J. Webster, Chemistry Department, The University, Old Aberdeen AB9 2UE2.5- and 2.6-Dichlorobenzoquinone react with diazotised 3-methoxy-4-methyl- and 4-methoxy-3-methyl-anilineto form the expected monoaryl- and diaryl-dichlorobenzoquinones which undergo cyclisation on treatment withaluminium chloride to give the corresponding dichlorodibenzofurans.CERTAIN dichloro-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)benzoquin- H) prepared from the hydroxydimethoxy-compound (2 ;ones, e.g. (1 ; R1 = R2 = MeO, R3 = H), cyclise in R1 = R2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = OH)? Both the mono-the presence of 70 v/v aqueous sulphuric acid to give aryl- and the diaryl-benzoquinones behaved in a similarthe corresponding hydroxydibenzofurans, e.g.(2; R1 = manner on being heated with aluminium chloride. TheR2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = OH).l To learn more aboutthe scope of this reaction we have examined the cyclis-ation of a number of related monoaryl- and diaryl-benzoquinones each containing one methoxy and onemethyl group at C-3 and C-4 on the aromatic nucleus.Treatment of 2,5- and 2,6-dichlorobenzoquinone with R2 Rl:; ' RZbuffered solutions of diazotised 3-methoxy-4-methyl- and ( 1 )4-methoxy-3-methyl-aniline gave the monoarylbenzo-quinones (1 ; R1 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = H), (1 ; R1 ==Me, R2 = MeO, R3 = H), and (3; R1 = Me, R2 = MeO,R3 = H) together with the diary1 compounds (1; R1 ==MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC6H,), (1 ; R1 = Me,R2 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC6H,), (3; R1 = MeO,R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC6H,), and (3; R1 = Me,R2 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC6H,). 70 v/v Aqueoussulphuric acid proved to be unsuitable for the cyclisationof most of these quinones.A t room temperature it hadno effect while above 60" it usually caused decom-position. Only one quinone (3; R1 = Me, R2 = OMe,R3 = H), was converted into the corresponding dibenzo-furan under the latter, more vigorous, conditions. Wehad previously observed that anhydrous aluminiumchloride also effected the cyclisation of the (dimethoxy-pheny1)quinone (1 ; R1= R2 = MeO, R3 = H) inboiling benzene but caused partial demethylation of theresulting dibenzof uran. After met h ylation, however,the product was identical with a specimen of the tri-methoxydibenzofuran (2; R1 = R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 =Part 111, 0.C . Musgrave and C . J. Webster, preceding paper.0ClQ3' (5) 5' Jproducts isolated (see Table 1) were either the fullymethylated dibenzofurans or, in two cases, the 2-hydroxy-compounds. Their structures follow from theresemblance of their U.V. absorption data to those ofthe hydroxydimethoxydibenzofurans (2 and 4; R1 =R2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = OH) (see Table 2) and, mor2264 J.C.S. Perkin TTABLE 1Dichlorodibenzofurans1,4-Dichlorodibenzofurans(2; R1 = R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = H)(2; R1 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = H, R4 = OH)(2; R' = R4 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3)(2; R1 = Me, R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3)(4; R1 = R4 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3)(4; R1 = Me, R2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = OH)(4; K1 = Me, R2 = R4 = Me0, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3)1,3-Dichlorodibenzofurans201*5-203*5 ' Ci,H12CI204178-179 Cl4Hl0C1,O3 d206-207 C,3H20C120,218-219 C23H20C12042 13-2 15 C23H2oCl,O4208-212 b C14Hl,Cl,03(decomp.)205-208 C23H20C120z~a From chloroform-ethanol.b From methanol. C From nitromethane. Found : OMe,Found (yo) Required ()C H C H55.1 3.8 55.05 3.756.6 3.6 56.6 3.464.3 4.6 64.05 4.6563.9 4.5 64.05 4.6564.0 4.8 64.05 4.6556.8 3.3 56-6 3.464-2 4.8 64.05 4.6510.9. Required: OMe, 10.45y0.TABLE 2U.V. absorption * of dichlorodibenzofursnsA,,,./nm (log E) in CHCI,IA 7 Compound _____( 3 ; R' = R2 = McO, R3 = H, R4 = OH) t*'(2; R1 = R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = H)(2; R1 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = H, R4 = OH)(2; R1 = R4 = RfeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3)( 2 ; R1 = Me, R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3)(4; R' = R2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = OH) 7"(4; R1 = R4 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3)(4; R1 = Me, R2 = MeO, K3 = H, R4 = OH) t(4; R1 = Me, R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3)233 (4.36) 2453 (4.17), 256i (3.99),260i (4-08), 268 (4-03)264 (4.04)266 (4.06)265i (4.17)257 (4-26), 2671 (4.15)223 (4.45),243i (4.22)234 (4.35)265 (4-01), 278 (3.74)263 (4.38)257 (4.00), 266 (4.14)259i (4-33), 266 (4.33),282 (4.19)29 (4.24), 308 (4.35),298i (4.10), 307 (4.29),308 (4-35), 317i (4.28),313i (4*45), 319 (4.47),315 (4-37), 322i (4-30),311 (4.29), 3321: (3.98)305 (4*37), 310 (4.38),312i (4.36), 320 (4.41)318i (4.21), 3273.(4.03)321i (3-92), 336 (3.77)3331 (4.00)351 (3.66)311 (4*38), 332 (4.09)345i (3.43)317 (4.44), 3243: (4.15)* The symbol i denotes an inflection. t I n ethanol.TABLE 3N.m.r. signals of dichlorodibenzofuransChemical shift ( 6 ) in CDC1, **t3- or9-H 6-H 4-H 2'-H1,4-L>ichlorodibenzofurans(2; R1 = R2 = MeO, R3 = H, R1 = HO) 7.66 7-09 7.15(2; R1 = R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = H) 7.69 7.08 6.93(2; R1 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = H, R4 = HO) 7.58 7-36 7-11(2; R1 = R4 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3) 7-72 7.41 6.88(2; R1 = Me, R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3) 8.06 7-11 7.18(4; R1 = R2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = HO) 7.67 7.04 7-42(4; R1 = Me, R2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = HO) 7.99 6.99 7.44(4; R1 = R4 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3) 7-71 7.26 6.98(4; R1 = Me, R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3) 8.05 6.97 7.30essentially as AB quartets between 6 7-4 and 6.8.1,3-Dichlorodibenzofurans* Positions numbered as in formula (5).t All the signals are singlets except those of the7-, 8-, 3'-,and 4'-Me04.00, 3.983.98, 3.963-933.97, 3.843.94, 3-913.98, 3-963-914-00, 3-963-99, 3.92C-5' and C-6'2-Me0(or2-h0)(5.48)3.933.533-50(5.53)(5.75)(5.75)3.863.86protons7-, 8-, 3'-,and 4'-Me2.372.39, 2.312.37, 2-292.342.34, 2-322-36, 2-32which appearspecifically, from their n.m.r. spectra. The assignmentsof the proton resonances given in Table 3 are based oncomparison of the spectra and on data for relateddibenzofurans.2 They indicate that in each case cyclis-ation involves the position in the aromatic ring para tothe methoxy or methyl substituent.EXPERIMENTALDetails of the general methods and of the instrumentsU.V.absorption spectra were used were given in Part I.3measured in chloroform solution unless stated otherwise.Arylation of 2,5-Dichlovobenzoquinone.-(a) Using di-azotised 3-wethoxy-4-methylaniline. The solution of thediazonium salt prepared from 3-methoxy-4-methylaniline(276 mg) in 2~-hydrochloric acid ( 5 ml) and sodium nitrite(170 mg) in water (2 ml) at 5" was added together with asolution of sodium acetate (500 mg) in water ( 5 ml) to aS. ForsCn and N. E. Stjernstrom, Arkiv Kemi, 1964, 21, 65;C. Brown, A.R. Forrester, and R. H. Thoxnson, Tetrahedroiz,1973, 29, 3059.3 0. C. Musgrave and C. J. Webster. J. Chem. SOC. (C). 1971,1393.4 F. Ullmann and R. Fitzenkam, Ber.., 1905, 38, 37871974solution of 2,5-dichlorobenzoquinone (390 mg) in acetone(30 ml) a t 5". The solution was warmed t o 10-15" andstirred for 1 h, water (20 ml) was added, and the mixturewas cooled to 0" and filtered. Digestion of the red residuewith ethanol (3 x 15 ml) gave an insoluble orange solid (A)(50 mg). Evaporation of the ethanol washings afforded2,5-dichlovo-3- (3-methoxy-4-met hylphenyl) - 1,4-benzoquinonewhich crystallised from ethanol in red crystals (240 mg),n1.p. 162-163" (Found: C, 56.6; H, 3-6; C1, 22-4.C14H1,Cl,0, requires C, 56.6; H, 3.4; C1, 23-85), vmax-1675 cm-l (quinone GO), A,,, (EtOH) 275 (log E 4.13) and435 nm (3-01), hind.254 (log E 3-97), 267 (4-09), and 321 nm(3.05). The solid (A) crystallised from nitromethane t ogive 2,5-dichlo~o-3,6-bis-( 3-methoxy-4-methylphenyl)-1,4-benzoquinone as orange-red crystals (45 mg), m.p. 295-297" (Found: C, 63-2; H, 4.1; C1, 18-1. C,,H1,C:1,04requires C, 63.3; H, 4-35; C1, 17-oy0), v,,,. 1664 cm-l(quinone G O ) , Anlax. 282 (log E 4-16), 312 (3.82), and 377 nm(3*27), Ainfl. 334 (log E 3.62) and 425 nm (3.25).(b) Using diazotised 4-methoxy-3-~nethylaniline. A similarreaction using 4-methoxy-3-methylaniline (for preparation,see below) yielded 2,5-dichloro-3-(4-methoxy-3-methyl~henyl)-l,.l-benzoquinone (120 mg) as deep red crystals, m.p. 148-149" (from ethanol) (Found: C, 56-8; H, 3-2; C1, 23.6.C14H1,Cl,0, requires C, 56.6; H, 3.4; C1, 23.85), v,,,1676 cm-1 (quinone G O ) , A,,, (EtOH) 264 (log E 4.21) and470 nm (3.24), Aid.325 nm (log E 2-90), and 2,5-dichloro-3,6-bis- (4-nzethoxy-3-methylpJzenyl)- 1,4-benzoquinone ( 17 mg)as deep brown needles, m.p. 265-267" (from nitromethane)(Found: C, 63.1; H, 4.2. C,,Hl,C1,O, requires C, 63.3;H, 4.35), v,,,. 1670 cm-l (quinone GO), ha, 272 (log E4.41) and 456 nm (3-64), A i d . 318 nm (log E 3.14).A rylation of 2,6-Dichlorobenxoquinone.-(a) Using di-azotised 3-metho=cy-4-methylanili.ne. A reaction similar t othat described above for 2,5-dichlorobenzoquinone gave2,6-dichloro-3,5-bis- (3-inethoxy-4-methylphenyl) - 1,4-be~zzo-quinone as deep brown needles (115 mg), m.p.183--186O,which crystallised from ethanol and sublimed at 210" and0.2 mmHg (Found: C, 63.4; H, 4.3; C1, 17.8. C2,H,,C120,requires C, 63.3; H, 4.35; C1, 17.0), vmri 1680 and 1660cm-l (quinone G O ) , A,,, 258 (log E 4-11), 284 (4-26), 318(3-55), and 465 nm (3.31), hind. 365 nm (log E 3.29). Noneof the monoarylated product was obtained and an examin-ation of the rest of the reaction mixture by t.1.c. on silicagel using ether-hexane showed the presence of unchanged2,6-dichlorobenzoquinone and the diarylated product only.(b) Using diazotised 4-methoxy-3-methylaniline. A similarreaction was performed with 4-methoxy-3-methylanilineusing ethanol in place of acetone as the solvent for thequinone. The mixture was stirred for 4 h, and the resultingbrown solid (A) was collected.The filtrate was dilutedwith water and extracted with ether. The resulting syrupwas separated by column chromatography on silica gelusing ether-hexane into 2,6-dichlorobenzoquinone (53 mg)and 2,6-dichloro-3- (4-metJzo.~y-3-rethylphenyl) - 1,4-bemo-quinone which crystallised from ethanol in deep blue crystals(88 mg), m.p. 130-131" (Found: C, 56-8; H, 3.4; C1, 23.8.C14Hl,C1,0, requires C, 56.6; H, 3-4; C1, 23.85), vm9x. 1685and 1665 cm-l (quinone GO), hmax. (EtOH) 223 (log E 3-96),266 (4.27), 332 (3.16), and 475 nni (3.37). The solid (A)crystallised from chloroform-ethanol to give 2,6-dic hloro-3,5-bis-(4-rvtethoxy-3-mefIzylphenyl)- 1 ,4-benzoquinone as deepbrown crystals (38 mg) which sublimed a t 310" and 0.2mmHg, m.p.208-209° (Found: C, 62.6; H, 4.4; C1, 17.7.C,,H1,C1,O4 requires C, 63.3; H, 4.35; C1, 17-0), vmx1677 and 1660 cm-l (quinone G O ) , A,,, 270 (log E 4.37),321 (3.30), and 480 nm (3.56), h i d . 282 nm (log E 4.26).Cyclisation of the Monoaryl- and Diaryl-dichlorobenzo-quinones.-A mixture of the quinone (200 nig), dry benzene(20 ml), and anhydrous aluminium chloride (250 mg) washeatecl under reflux for 1-2 11. The solvent was evapor-ated under reduced pressure and the dark residue wasshaken with chloroform and 5~-hydrochloric acid. Evapor-ation of the dried (MgSO,) chloroform layer gave the crude2-hydroxydibenzofuran which was either crystallised orheated under reflux for 1 h with a mixture of acetone(10 ml), dimethyl sulphate (0.5 ml), and fused potassiumcarbonate (60 mg).The mixture was evaporated underreduced pressure and the residue was warmed with 2M-sodium hydroxide solution. Crystallisation of the resultingsolid gave the 2-methoxydibenzofuran (27-76y0) whichcould be sublimed near its m.p. at 0.2 mmHg. The com-pounds prepared in this way and their U.V. and n.m.r. dataare recorded in Tables 1-3.1,4-Dichloro-2,7,8-trimethoxydibenzofu~an.-Prepared bythe methylation of 1,4-dichloro-2-hydroxy-7,8-dimethoxy-dibenzofuran using dimethyl sulphate and potassiumcarbonate in acetone, this (72; m.p. 201-203") wasidentical with the specimen prepared by the aluminiumchloride-catalysed reaction.Cyclisation of 2,6-Dichlo~o-3-(4-methoxy-3-1.)zethyl~henyl)-1,4-benzopuinone using Sulphuric Acid.-A mixture of thepowdered quinone (35 mg) and 70"/0 v/v aqueous sulphuricacid (3 ml) was kept a t 75" for 12 h and a t room temperaturefor 2 days, diluted with water (5 ml), and filtered. Theresulting solid crystallised from aqueous methanol t o give1,3-dichloro-2-hydroxy-7-niethoxy-8-methyldibenzofuran asneedles (22 mg), m.p.207-210" (decomp.), identical withthe specimen prepared by the aluminium chloride-catalysedreaction.2-Metho,~y-5-nitrotol.uene.-2-Methoxytoluene ( 14 g) wasadded dropwise to a stirred mixture of Concentrated nitricacid (75 ml) and water (75 ml). The mixture was heateda t 50" for 1 h, poured into ice-water, filtered, and theresidue was washed with aqueous 2~-sodium hydroxide.The solid crystallised from methanol to give 2-niethoxy-5-nitrotoluene (8-6 g), m.p. 60-62" (lit.,6 63").4-Afethoxy-3-methylaniline.-A mixture of 2-methoxy-5-nitrotoluene (6 g), tin(I1) chloride (27 g), concentratedhydrochloric acid (30 ml), and ethanol (60 ml) was heateda t 80" for 30 min, concentrated to ca. 65 ml, and cooled to0'. The resulting crystalline solid was washed withconcentrated hydrochloric acid, dissolved in water, and thesolution was made strongly alkaline by the addition ofsolid sodium hydroxide. Extraction with ether afforded anoily solid which crystallised from ether-light petroleum(b.p. 40-60") giving 4-methoxy-3-methylaniline as plates(3.6 g), m.p. 58-59" (lit.,@ 59-59-5") (Found: C, 70.0; H,7-8. Calc. for C,HllNO: C, 70.05; H, 8.1).We thank the S.R.C. for a research studentship.4/890 Received, 6th May, 19741J. Kenncr and M. Parkin, J . Cliem. SOC., 1920, 117, 862.E. Bamberger, Annalen, 1925, 443, 192
机译:1974 2263醌与芳香醚的反应。第 1V.l 部分来自芳基苯醌环化的二苯并呋喃作者:Oliver C. Musgrave * 和 Colin J. Webster,老阿伯丁大学化学系 AB9 2UE2.5- 和 2.6-二氯苯醌与重氮化的 3-甲氧基-4-甲基-和 4-甲氧基-3-甲基苯胺反应形成预期的单芳基和二芳基二氯苯醌,它们在用氯化铝处理时发生环化反应,得到相应的二氯二苯并呋喃。某些二氯-3-(3,4-二甲氧基苯基)苯并喹喹-H)由羟基二甲氧基化合物(2个;个,例如(1个;R1 = R2 = MeO, R3 = H), cyclise in R1 = R2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = OH)?单-存在70%v/v硫酸水溶液得到芳基-和二芳基苯醌在相似的相应羟基二苯并呋喃中表现相似,例如(2;R1 = 用氯化铝加热的方式。TheR2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = OH).l 为了更多地了解该反应的范围,我们研究了芳香族核上 C-3 和 C-4 处许多相关的单芳基和二芳基苯醌的循环化。用R2 Rl&:处理2,5-和2,6-二氯苯醌;' 重氮化 3-甲氧基-4-甲基-和 ( 1 )4-甲氧基-3-甲基苯胺的 RZ 缓冲溶液得到单芳基苯并醌 (1 ;R1 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = H), (1 ;R1 ==Me,R2 = MeO,R3 = H)和 (3;R1 = Me,R2 = MeO,R3 = H)以及 diary1 化合物 (1;R1 ==MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC6H,), (1 ;R1 = Me,R2 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC6H,), (3;R1 = MeO,R2 = Me,R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC6H,),和 (3;R1 = Me,R2 = MeO,R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC6H,)。70% v/v 硫酸水溶液被证明不适合大多数这些醌的环化。在室温下,它没有影响,而在60英寸以上,它通常会导致分解位置。只有一个醌(3;R1 = Me,R2 = OMe,R3 = H),在后者更强的条件下转化为相应的二苯并呋喃。我们之前观察到,无水氯化铝也影响了(二甲氧基苯基1)醌的环化(1;R1=R2=MeO,R3=H)使苯沸腾,但引起所得二苯甲酸铀的部分去甲基化。然而,在遇见 h ylation 后,该产物与三甲氧基二苯并呋喃 (2;R1 = R2 = R4 = MeO,R3 = 第 111 部分,0.C .马斯格雷夫和 C .J. Webster,前面的论文.0ClQ3' (5) 5' J产物(见表1)是完全甲基化的二苯并呋喃,或者在两种情况下是2-羟基化合物。它们的结构遵循其 U.V. 的外观。羟基二甲氧基二苯并呋喃(2和4;R1 =R2 = MeO,R3 = H,R4 = OH)(见表 2)和 mor2264 J.C.S. Perkin TTABLE 1二氯二苯并呋喃1,4-二氯二苯并呋喃(2;R1 = R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = H)(2;R1 = MeO,R2 = Me,R3 = H,R4 = OH)(2;R' = R4 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3)(2;R1 = 我,R2 = R4 = MeO,R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3)(4;R1 = R4 = MeO,R2 = Me,R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3)(4;R1 = 我,R2 = MeO,R3 = H,R4 = OH)(4;K1 = Me, R2 = R4 = Me0, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3)1,3-二氯二苯并呋喃201*5-203*5 ' Ci,H12CI204178-179 Cl4Hl0C1,O3 d206-207 C,3H20C120,218-219 C23H20C12042 13-2 15 C23H2oCl,O4208-212 b C14Hl,Cl,03(decomp.)205-208 C23H20C120z~a 来自氯仿-乙醇。C 来自硝基甲烷。找到 : OMe,找到 (yo) 必需 (%)C H C H55.1 3.8 55.05 3.756.6 3.6 56.6 3.464.3 4.6 64.05 4.6563.9 4.5 64.05 4.6564.0 4.8 64.05 4.6556.8 3.3 56-6 3.464-2 4.8 64.05 4.6510.9.必需:OMe,10.45y0。表2U.V.二氯二苯并呋喃A,,,./nm(log E)在CHCI,IA 7化合物_____(3;R' = R2 = MCO,R3 = H,R4 = OH) t*'(2;R1 = R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = H)(2;R1 = MeO,R2 = Me,R3 = H,R4 = OH)(2;R1 = R4 = RfeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3)( 2 ;R1 = 我,R2 = R4 = MeO,R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3)(4;R' = R2 = MeO,R3 = H,R4 = OH) 7“(4;R1 = R4 = MeO,R2 = Me,R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3)(4;R1 = Me,R2 = MeO,K3 = H,R4 = OH) t(4;R1 = Me, R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3)233 (4.36) 2453 (4.17), 256i (3.99), 260i (4-08), 268 (4-03)264 (4.04)266 (4.06)265i (4.17)257 (4-26), 2671 (4.) 15)223 (4.45),243i (4.22)234 (4.35)265 (4-01), 278 (3.74)263 (4.38)257 (4.00), 266 (4.14)259i (4-33), 266 (4.33),282 (4.19)29% (4.24), 308 (4.35),298i (4.10), 307 (4.29),308 (4-35), 317i (4.28),313i (4*45), 319 (4.47),315 (4-37), 322i (4-30),311 (4.29), 3321: (3.98)305 (4*37), 310 (4.38),312i (4.36),320 (4.41)318i (4.21),3273。(4.03)321i (3-92), 336 (3.77)3331 (4.00)351 (3.66)311 (4*38), 332 (4.09)345i (3.43)317 (4.44), 3243: (4.15)* 符号 i 表示屈折。t I n 乙醇。表 3N.m.r. 二氯二苯并呋喃的信号CDC1 中的化学位移 ( 6 ) **t3- 或 9-H 6-H 4-H 2'-H1,4-L>氯二苯并呋喃 (2;R1 = R2 = MeO,R3 = H,R1 = HO) 7.66 7-09 7.15(2;R1 = R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = H) 7.69 7.08 6.93(2;R1 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = H, R4 = HO) 7.58 7-36 7-11(2;R1 = R4 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3) 7-72 7.41 6.88(2;R1 = Me, R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3) 8.06 7-11 7.18(4;R1 = R2 = MeO,R3 = H,R4 = HO) 7.67 7.04 7-42(4;R1 = Me, R2 = MeO, R3 = H, R4 = HO) 7.99 6.99 7.44(4;R1 = R4 = MeO, R2 = Me, R3 = 3-MeO-4-MeC,H3) 7-71 7.26 6.98(4;R1 = Me, R2 = R4 = MeO, R3 = 4-MeO-3-MeC,H3) 8.05 6.97 7.30基本上是 6 7-4 和 6.8.1,3-二氯二苯并呋喃之间的 AB 四重奏* 位置编号如公式 (5).t 所有信号都是单态的,除了 7-、8-、3'-和 4'-Me04.00、3.983.98、3.963-933.97、3.843.94、3-913.98、3-963-914-00、3-963-99、3.92C-5' 和 C-6'2-Me0(or2-h0)(5.48)3.933.533-50(5.53)(5.75)(5.75)3.863.86质子7-、8-、3'-和4'-Me2.372.39、2.312.37、2-292.342.34、2-322-36、2-32它们从它们的NMR光谱中具体出现。表3中给出的质子共振的分配是基于光谱的比较和相关二苯并呋喃的数据.2它们表明,在每种情况下,环化都涉及芳香环中对甲氧基或甲基取代基的位置。实验除另有说明外,第I.3部分给出了一般方法和仪器U.V.吸收光谱的要素。2,5-二氯苯醌的芳基化-(a)使用二偶氮化的3-wethoxy-4-甲基苯胺。将3-甲氧基-4-甲基苯胺(276 mg)在2~-盐酸(5 ml)和亚硝酸钠(170 mg)在水(2 ml)中的溶液在5“处加入醋酸钠(500 mg)水溶液(5 ml)制成aS。ForsCn 和 N. E. Stjernstrom, Arkiv Kemi, 1964, 21, 65;C. Brown, A.R. Forrester, and R. H. Thoxnson, Tetrahedroiz,1973, 29, 3059.3 0.C.马斯格雷夫和CJ韦伯斯特。J. Chem. SOC. (C).1971,1393.4 F. Ullmann 和 R. Fitzenkam, Ber.., 1905, 38, 37871974,2,5-二氯苯醌 (390 mg) 在丙酮 (30 ml) a t 5“ 中的溶液。将溶液加热至10-15“并搅拌1小时,加入水(20ml),并将混合物冷却至0”并过滤。用乙醇(3×15ml)消化红色残留物,得到不溶性橙色固体(A)(50mg)。蒸发乙醇洗涤得到2,5-二氯-3-(3-甲氧基-4-甲基氢苯基)-1,4-苯醌,其由乙醇结晶成红色晶体(240毫克),n1.p.162-163“(发现:C,56.6;H, 3-6;C1,22-4.C14H1,Cl,0,需要C,56.6;H, 3.4;C1,23-85%),vmax-1675 cm-l(醌GO),A,,,(EtOH)275(log E 4.13)和435 nm(3-01),hind.254(log E 3-97),267(4-09)和321 nm(3.05)。由硝基甲烷结晶的固体(A)为橙红色晶体(45 mg),熔点为2,5-二氯~o-3,6-双-(3-甲氧基-4-甲基苯基)-1,4-苯醌晶体(45 mg),熔点295-297“(发现:C,63-2;H,4.1;C1,18-1。C,,H1,C:1,04需要C,63.3;H, 4-35;C1,17-oy0),v,,,.1664 cm-l(醌 G O ) , Anlax.282 (log E 4-16)、312 (3.82) 和 377 nm(3*27),Ainfl。334 (log E 3.62) 和 425 nm (3.25)。(b) 使用重氮化的 4-甲氧基-3-~乙基苯胺。使用4-甲氧基-3-甲基苯胺(用于制备,见下文)的类似反应产生2,5-二氯-3-(4-甲氧基-3-甲基~苯基)-l,.l-苯醌(120mg)作为深红色晶体,熔点148-149“(来自乙醇)(发现:C,56-8;H,3-2;C1,23.6.C14H1,Cl,0,需要C,56.6;H, 3.4;C1,23.85%),v,,,1676 cm-1(醌G O),A,,,(EtOH)264(log E 4.21)和470nm(3.24),Aid.325 nm(log E 2-90)和2,5-二氯-3,6-双-(4-氮乙氧基-3-甲基pJzenyl)-1,4-苯醌(17mg)作为深棕色针状物,熔点265-267“(来自硝基甲烷)(发现:C,63.1;H,4.2。C,,Hl,C1,O,需要C,63.3;H, 4.35%), v,,,.1670 cm-l (醌 GO), ha, 272 (log E4.41) 和 456 nm (3-64), A i d .318 nm(对数 E 3.14)。2,6-二氯苯醌的乳酰化.-(a)使用二偶氮化的3-甲基=cy-4-甲基苯胺。与上述2,5-二氯苯醌类似的反应得到2,6-二氯-3,5-双-(3-乙氧基-4-甲基苯基)-1,4-be~zzo-醌为深棕色针状(115mg),m.p.183--186O,由乙醇结晶,升华至210“和0.2mmHg(发现:C,63.4;H, 4.3;C1,17.8。C2,H,,C120,需要C,63.3;H, 4.35;C1,17.0%),vmri 1680和1660cm-l(醌G O),A,,,258(log E 4-11),284(4-26),318(3-55)和465 nm(3.31),后。365 nm(对数 E 3.29)。没有获得单芳基化产物,并用t.1.c检查反应混合物的其余部分。在硅胶上使用醚-己烷显示存在不变的2,6-二氯苯醌和仅二芳基化产物。(b) 使用重氮化的4-甲氧基-3-甲基苯胺。使用乙醇代替丙酮作为醌的溶剂,用4-甲氧基-3-甲基苯胺进行类似的反应。将混合物搅拌4小时,收集所得棕色固体(A)。滤液用水稀释,用乙醚萃取。将所得糖浆在硅胶上柱层析,使用乙醚-己烷分离成2,6-二氯苯醌(53 mg)和2,6-二氯-3-(4-metJzo.~y-3-乙基苯基)-1,4-贝莫醌,由乙醇结晶为深蓝色晶体(88 mg),熔点130-131“(发现:C,56-8;H, 3.4;C1,23.8.C14Hl,C1,0,需要C,56.6;H, 3-4;C1,23.85%),vm9x。1685 和 1665 cm-l(醌 GO),hmax。(EtOH) 223 (log E 3-96)、266 (4.27)、332 (3.16) 和 475 nni (3.37)。由氯仿-乙醇结晶而成的固体(A)得到2,6-二氯-3,5-双-(4-rvtethoxy-3-mefIzylphenyl)-1,4-苯醌为深棕色晶体(38 mg),升华a t 310“和0.2mmHg,熔点208-209°(发现:C,62.6;H, 4.4;C1,17.7.C,,H1,C1,O4需要C,63.3;H, 4.35;C1, 17-0%), vmx1677 和 1660 cm-l (醌 G O ) , A,,, 270 (log E 4.37)、321 (3.30) 和 480 nm (3.56), h i d .282 nm(对数 E 4.26)。单芳基和二芳基二氯苯并醌的环化反应.-醌(200 nig)、干苯(20 ml)和无水氯化铝(250 mg)的混合物在回流下加热 1-2 11.溶剂减压蒸发,深色残渣用氯仿和5~-盐酸振荡。干燥的(MgSO)氯仿层蒸发得到粗2-羟基二苯并呋喃,该粗2-羟基二苯并呋喃用丙酮(10ml),硫酸二甲酯(0.5ml)和熔融碳酸钾(60mg)的混合物在回流下加热1小时。将混合物在减压下蒸发,残留物用2M氢氧化钠溶液加热。所得固体的结晶得到2-甲氧基二苯并呋喃(27-76y0),其在0.2 mmHg时可以在其熔点附近升华。以这种方式制备的磅及其 U.V. 和 n.m.r. 数据记录在表 1-3.1,4-二氯-2,7,8-三甲氧基二苯并呋~an 中。-由1,4-二氯-2-羟基-7,8-二甲氧基-二苯并呋喃在丙酮中用硫酸二甲酯和碳酸钾甲基化制得,这(72%;分子点201-203“)与氯化铝催化反应制备的试样相同。2,6-二氯~o-3-(4-甲氧基-3-1)的环化。zethyl~henyl)-1,4-苯并嘧酮使用硫酸.-粉末醌(35mg)和70“ / 0 v / v硫酸水溶液(3ml)的混合物保持t 75” 12小时和室温2天,用水稀释(5ml),并过滤。将得到的由甲醇水溶液结晶的固体1,3-二氯-2-羟基-7-硝氧基-8-甲基二苯并呋喃针头(22 mg),熔点207-210“(分解),与氯化铝催化反应制备的试样相同.2-甲基,~y-5-硝基甲苯-2-甲氧基甲苯(14 g)滴加到浓硝酸(75 ml)和水(75 ml)的搅拌混合物中。将混合物加热50“1小时,倒入冰水中,过滤,用2~-氢氧化钠水洗涤。将由甲醇结晶得到2-硝氧基-5-硝基甲苯(8-6 g),熔点60-62“(lit.,6 63”).4-Afethoxy-3-methylaniline.-2-甲氧基-5-硝基甲苯(6 g),氯化锡(I1)(27 g),浓盐酸(30 ml)和乙醇(60 ml)的混合物加热至80“,浓缩至约65毫升,冷却至0'。将所得结晶固体用浓盐酸洗涤,溶于水,加入固体氢氧化钠使溶液呈强碱性。用乙醚萃取得到非固体,由乙醚轻质石油结晶(b.p. 40-60“),得到4-甲氧基-3-甲基苯胺作为板(3.6 g),熔点58-59”(lit.,@ 59-59-5“)(发现:C,70.0;H,7-8.C,HllNO的计算值:C,70.05;H,8.1%)。我们感谢 S.R.C. 提供研究学生奖学金。[4/890 收稿日期:19741 年 5 月 6 日J. Kenncr 和 M. Parkin, J.克利姆。SOC., 1920, 117, 862.E. Bamberger, Annalen, 1925, 443, 192



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