首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Stereochemistry and reactivity in interconversions of three- and four-co-ordinate imino-derivatives of sulphur

Stereochemistry and reactivity in interconversions of three- and four-co-ordinate imino-derivatives of sulphur




2120 J.C.S. Perkin IStereochemistry and Reactivity in lnterconversions of Three- and Four-co-ordinate Imino-derivatives of Sulphur tBy Stefan0 Colonna, lstituto de Chimica Industriale, Universitil de Milano, ItalyCharles J . M. Stirling," School of Physical and Molecular Sciences, University College of North Wales,Optically pure sulphoxides have been converted into N-phthalimidosulphoximides by treatment with N-amino-phthalimide and lead tetra-acetate. Sulphoxides are regenerated in high yields and optical purities on treatmentwith sodium ethoxide or hydrazine in ethanol and it is suggested that each step in these two-step cycles occurswith retention of configuration at sulphur. No attack occurs a t the carbon-carbon double bond in formation ofthe sulphoximide from p-tolyl vinyl sulphoxide.Reactions of S-vinyl- and of S-@-substituted-ethyl-sulphimides have been briefly investigated in a qualitativeevaluation of the activating effects of the sulphonylimino-sulphur group on elimination and addition reactions.BangorTHE reactivity and stereochemistry of simple imino-derivatives of sulphur has been widely inves4igated.lMuch attention has been focused on the interchange ofligands at sulphur and rather less on the effect of imino-sulpliur groups on reactivity at more distant molecularsites. In this paper we report on two aspects of imino-sulphur chemistry : first, the stereochemistry of form-ation of N-phthalimidosulphoximides (1) from opticallyactive sulphoxides and the subsequent regeneration ofthe sulphoxides; and secondly, the effect of the three-co-ordinate imino-sulphur group in sulphimides on thereactivity of leaving groups situated p to it and upon theelectrophilic reactivity of an adjacent carbon-carbondouble bond.0( 1 12 a; R1=CH Ph R=p -MeC Hb; R =CH:CH2 R =p-MeC6HLc; R'=a-Naphthyl, RLp-MeC H2 6 .41 26 G1 2 d; R= CH Ph, R=CH2CH2CI22e;R'= CH,CH2Cl R =p-MeC H6 LSuZ+hoximides.-Several methods are available forthe conversion of sulphoxides into sulphoximides. Theseinclude treatment with a sulphonyl azide and copper,2with hydrazoic acid,3 and with a sulphonamide togetherwith lead tetra-acetate and a mild base such as triethyl-amine.* A particularly simple procedure has been re-ported by Rees and his collaborators5 which involvestreatment of the sulphoxide with N-aminophthalimidePart of this work has been reported in a preliminary com-munication: S.Colonna and C. J. M. Stirling, Chem. Comm., 1971,1591.T. R. Williams, R. E. Booms, and D. J. Cram, J . Amer.Cliem. SOC., 1971, 93, 7338.D. J. Cram, J. Day, D. R. Rayner, D. M. von Schriltz,D. J. Duchamp, and D. C. Garwood, J . Amer. Claern. SOC., 1970,91, 7369.R. Fusco, and A. Tenconi, Chimica > Industria, 1965, 1, 61.and lead tetra-acetate in dichloromethane; a synthesiswhich probably involves nitrene intermediates.6 Wehave now applied this procedure to a number of sulph-oxides including three optically active compounds;the results are in the Table; yields are excellent and thesulphoximides obtained from the active sulphoxides arethemselves optically active.Particularly interesting inthis respect is the conversion of optically active +-tolylvinyl sulphoxide into the a@-unsaturated sulphoximide(lb). No competing reactions were observed whichcould have been associated with the carbon-carbondouble bond which, in this case, is susceptible to electro-philic,' nucleophilic,s and radical addition. Nitreneaddition is a familiar reaction type for alkenes.10The N-phthalimidosulphoximides (e.g. S-9-tolyl-S-vinyl-) were stable to concentrated sulphuric acid forshort periods (ca. 30 min) at room temperature; con-ditions in which AT-+-tolylsulplionylsulphoximides arereadily hydrolysed to the simple sulphoximides. Withlonger reaction times, however, decomposition occurred.Treatment of the N-phthalimidosulphoximides withsodium ethoxide or with hydrazine in ethanol, however,regenerated the sulphoxide with concurrent formation,in the case of sodium ethoxide, of the half-ester ofphthalic acid.In the case of the S-vinylsulphoximide,the adduct with ethanol, 2-ethoxyethyl 9-tolyl sulph-oxide, was isolated as the regeneration product. Whenoptically active sulphoximides were used, the sulph-oxides were obtained in good yield and with high opticalpurity (Table). These observations established thatboth formation of the sulphoximides from the sulph-oxides and their regeneration occurs with high stereo-specifrcity. Clearly, in this two-reaction cycle, bothreactions occur with retention or both with inversion ofconfiguration.We favour double retention in the cycle ;Cram and his co-workers,2 have shown that treatmentof methyl p-tolyl sulphoxide with toluene-$-sulphonyl4 T. Ohashi, K. Matsunaga, M. Okalhara, and S. Koniori,Synthesis, 1971, 96, and references cited.5 C. W. Rees and M. Yelland, J.C.S. Pevkin I , 1972, 77.6 D. S. Atkinson and C. W. Rees, Chew Comm., 1967, 1230.7 D. J. Abbott and C. J. M. Stirling, Chem. Comm., 1971, 472.D. J. Abbott, S. Colonna, andC. J. M. Stirling, Chem. Comm.,9 C. Walling, ' Free Radicals in Solution,' Wiley, New York,10 H. Kwart and -4. A. Khan, J . Anzev. Chern. SOC., 1967, 89,1971, 471.1957.19511974 2121azide and copper give the sulphoximide with retentioiz with trietliylamine in toluene.As would be expectedof configuration. For these reactions, copper-nitrene from this observation, a three-co-ordinate imino-sulphurcomplexes l1 arc probably involved and the mechanism group activates the adjacent carbon-carbon double bondis fonnally similar to that of the N-aminophthalimide of the aP-unsaturated sulphimide towards nucleophilicreaction. The ethoxide reaction probably occurs in addition. The sulphimide (3b) on treatment withseveral stages and the yields of sulphoxide obtained are ethanolic sodium ethoxide gave the ethoxy-derivativevirtually quantitative (4a), which is also formed directly by similar treatmentInterconversion of sulphosides and N-phthaliniiclosulphoximidesYield fromsulohoxid eFound (yo) - Compound M.p.("C) aD (") 'c H(14 89 137 -19" 67.2 4.602 184 -26.8 ' 69.3 4.370 163C +30" 62.2 4.480 113 56.2 4.0100 143 56-5 4.30 c 1, CHCI,. Before purification. liacemic 111.p. 191.5".(1b)( 1 4( 1 4(14f Hydrazine reaction.In correction of our earlier report,* nitrogen is evolvedin the ethoxide reactions. These were carried out underoxygen at 1 atm. and treatment of samples of the gasspace with alkaline pyrogallol showed that stoicheio-metric quantities of nitrogen were obtained. Hydrazinewas sought by a procedure which would have detected itsformation in yields >5.In relation to these results, it has been shown thatalkaline hydrolysis of a szd$lzinzide involves iizoersion ofconfiguration at sulphur.2SzzZphirnides.-A qualitative examination has beenmade of the electronic effects of three- and four-co-ordinateimino-sulphur groups, with particular reference to thecomparison of the electronic effects of these groups withsulphinyl and sulphonyl groups.We prepared the N-9-tolylsulphonylsulphimides (2) from 2-halogenoethylsulphides by reaction with chloramine T (Scheme). TheNone was found.NTs ,( 2 )a,R=PhCH - 2>b,Rhp- Me C6HL-3NEtO- R' SCH:CH2p-MeC H SCH2CH2R2 11 "I Or '!jHio" NTsN Ts(I)a,RzOEt;b, R
机译:2120 J.C.S. Perkin ISterecochemistry and Reactivity in lnterconversions of Three- and Four-co-ordinate Imino-derivatives of Sulphur tBy Stefan0 Colonna, lstituto de Chimica Industriale, Universitil de Milano, ItalyCharles J .M. Stirling,“北威尔士大学学院物理与分子科学学院,光学纯亚砜通过N-氨基邻苯二甲酰亚胺和四乙酸铅处理转化为N-邻苯二甲酰亚胺亚胺。在乙醇中用乙醇钠或肼处理后,亚硫化物以高产率和光学纯度再生,建议这些两步循环中的每一步都保持硫磺的构型。在对甲苯基乙烯基亚砜形成亚硫酰亚胺时,不会发生攻击。在对磺酰亚氨基硫基对消除和加成反应的活化作用的定性评估中,简要研究了 S-乙烯基和 S-@-取代乙基亚硫化物的反应。硫的简单亚氨基衍生物的反应性和立体化学已被广泛研究4igated.l人们的注意力集中在硫的配体交换上,而较少关注亚氨基硫基团对更远分子位点的反应性的影响。在本文中,我们报告了亚氨基硫化学的两个方面:第一,光学活性亚硫化物形成N-邻苯二甲酰亚胺亚硫化物(1)的立体化学以及随后的亚硫化物再生;其次,硫化亚胺中三配位亚氨基硫基团对位于其旁的离基的活性和相邻碳-碳双键的亲电反应性的影响.0( 1 12 a;R1=CH Ph R=p -MeC Hb;R =CH:CH2 R =p-MeC6HLc;R'=a-萘基,RLp-MeC H2 6 .41 26 G1 2 d;R=CH相,R=CH2CH2CI22e;R'= CH,CH2Cl R =p-MeC H6 LSuZ+hoximides.-有几种方法可用于将亚硫化物转化为亚磺酰亚胺。这些方法包括用磺酰叠氮化物和铜处理,2用肼酸处理,3和磺酰胺、四乙酸铅和温和的碱(如三乙胺)处理。 Rees和他的合作者5重新移植了一个特别简单的程序,该程序涉及用N-氨基邻苯二甲酰亚胺处理亚砜部分工作已在初步通信中报道:S.Colonna和C.J.M.Stirling, Chem. Comm., 1971,1591.T. R. Williams, R. E. Booms, and D. J. Cram, J .Amer.Cliem. SOC., 1971, 93, 7338.D. J. Cram, J. Day, D. R. Rayner, D. M. von Schriltz,D. J. Duchamp, and D. C. Garwood, J .阿默·克拉恩。SOC., 1970,91, 7369.R. Fusco, and A. Tenconi, Chimica > Industria, 1965, 1, 61.二氯甲烷中的四乙酸铅;6 我们现在已将此程序应用于许多硫氧化物,包括三种光学活性化合物;结果在表格中;产率极高,从活性亚硫化物中获得的亚磺酰亚胺本身具有光学活性。在这方面特别有趣的是将具有光学活性的+-甲苯乙烯基亚砜转化为a@不饱和亚磺酰亚胺(lb)。没有观察到可能与碳-碳双键相关的竞争反应,在这种情况下,碳-碳双键容易受到亲电、亲核和自由基加成的影响。10N-邻苯二甲酰亚胺基亚胺(例如S-9-甲苯基-S-乙烯基-)在室温下对浓硫酸在短时间内(约30分钟)是稳定的;AT-+-甲苯基磺酰亚硫酰亚胺易水解为简单亚磺酰亚胺的化合物。然而,随着反应时间的延长,发生了分解。然而,用乙醇钠或乙醇中的肼处理N-邻苯二甲酰亚胺亚胺,在乙醇钠的情况下,在乙醇钠的情况下,在同时形成邻苯二甲酸的半酯的同时生成亚砜。在S-乙烯基亚磺酰亚胺的情况下,分离出与乙醇的加合物,即2-乙氧基乙基9-甲苯基硫氧化物作为再生产物。当使用具有光学活性的亚硫酰亚胺时,硫氧化物的收率高,光学纯度高(表)。这些观察结果表明,硫氧化物中亚硫化亚胺的形成及其再生都具有很高的立体比特异性。显然,在这个双反应循环中,两个反应都以保留发生或两者都发生构型反转。我们赞成循环中的双重保留;Cram 和他的同事,2 已经表明,用甲苯-$-磺酰基 4 处理甲基对甲苯基亚砜 T. Ohashi, K. Matsunaga, M. Okalhara, and S. Koniori,Synthesis, 1971, 96, and references cited .5 C. W. Rees and M. Yelland, J.C.S. Pevkin I , 1972, 77.6 D. S. Atkinson and C. W. Rees, Chew Comm., 1967, 1230.7 D. J. Abbott and C. J. M. Stirling, Chem. Comm., 1971, 472.D. J. Abbott, S. Colonna, andC.J. M. Stirling, Chem. Comm.,9 C. Walling, 'Free Radicals in Solution', Wiley, New York,10 H. Kwart and -4.A.汗,J .安泽夫。陈。SOC., 1967, 89,1971, 471.1957.19511974 2121叠氮化物和铜得到亚磺酰亚胺与甲苯中的三乙二胺的保留。正如预期的配置。对于这些反应,从这个观察结果来看,铜-硝烯、三配位亚氨基-硫络合物 l1 弧可能参与其中,并且机理基团激活相邻的碳-碳双键,其性质类似于 aP-不饱和硫化亚胺的 N-氨基邻苯二甲酰亚胺向亲核反应。乙醇反应可能同时发生。磺酰亚胺(3b)经过几个阶段的处理和得到的亚硫化物的产率是乙醇乙醇钠,使乙氧基衍生物几乎定量(4a),这也是通过类似处理直接形成的磺苷和N-邻苯二甲磺酰亚胺的转化从磺氧化物中产生eFound(yo)-化合物M.p.(“C)[a]D(”)'c H(14 89 137 -19“ 67.2 4.602 184 -26.8 ' 69.3 4.370 163C +30” 62.2 4.480 113 56.2 4.0100 143 56-5 4.30 c 1, CHCI,。纯化前。Liacemic 111.p. 191.5“。(1b)( 1 4( 1 4( 14f 肼反应。为了纠正我们之前的报告,*氮在乙醇反应中释放出来。这些是在 1 个大气压下进行的,用碱性邻苯三酚处理气体空间样品表明获得了 stoicheio-metric 量的氮。肼是通过一种程序来寻找的,该程序可以检测其形成的产量>5%。与这些结果相关,已经表明szd$lzinzide的碱性水解涉及硫的构型IIZOERSION.2SzzZphirnides.-对三和四配位亚氨基硫基团的电子效应进行了定性检查,特别是这些基团与磺酰基和磺酰基的电子效应的比较.我们以2-卤代乙基硫化物为原料,与氯胺T反应制备了N-9-甲苯基磺酰亚胺(2)。TheNone 被发现。NTs ,( 2 )a,R=PhCH - 2>b,Rhp- Me C6HL&-3NEtO- R' SCH:CH2p-MeC H SCH2CH2R2 11 “I Or '!jHio” NTsN Ts(I)a,RzOEt;b, R




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