首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Involvement of reflex urethral closure mechanisms in urethral resistance under momentary stress condition induced by electrical stimulation of rat abdomen.

Involvement of reflex urethral closure mechanisms in urethral resistance under momentary stress condition induced by electrical stimulation of rat abdomen.


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A novel method for evaluating the urethral resistance during abrupt elevation of abdominal pressure was developed in spinalized female rats under urethane anesthesia. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles for 1 s induced increases in both the intra-abdominal and the intravesical pressure in a stimulus-dependent manner, and the bladder response was almost lost when the abdomen was opened. The lowest intravesical pressure during electrical stimulation that induced fluid leakage from the urethral orifice (leak point pressure) and the maximal intravesical pressure without urine leakage below the leak point pressure were evaluated as the indexes of urethral resistance. Lower urethral resistance was obtained in the rats whose pelvic nerves or somatic nerves containing pudendal nerves and nerves to iliococcygeus/pubococcygeus muscles were transected bilaterally. In contrast, transection of bilateral hypogastric nerves showed smaller effects. Duloxetine, a drug for stress urinary incontinence, enlarged the reflex urethral closing contractions that were induced by an increase in intravesical pressure and measured using a microtip transducer catheter in the middle urethra. This drug also increased the urethral resistance (leak point pressure), whereas it did not show any effect in the rats whose pelvic nerves were bilaterally transected, showing that the augmentation of the reflex urethral closure by the drug resulted in the elevation of the urethral resistance. From these findings, it was concluded that during momentary elevation of abdominal pressure, the reflex urethral closure mechanisms via bladder-spinal cord-urethral sphincter and pelvic floor muscles greatly contribute to the increase in the urethral resistance to prevent the urinary incontinence.
机译:开发了一种在聚氨酯麻醉下脊髓化雌性大鼠中评估腹压突然升高期间尿道阻力的新方法。对腹部肌肉的电刺激 1 秒以刺激依赖性方式诱导腹腔内和膀胱内压增加,并且当腹部打开时膀胱反应几乎丧失。电刺激期间诱发尿道口液体渗漏的最低膀胱内压(渗漏点压力)和低于渗漏点压力的无漏尿的最大膀胱内压被评估为尿道阻力指标。在盆腔神经或含有神经和髂尾尾肌/耻骨尾骨肌神经的大鼠中获得较低的尿道阻力。相比之下,双侧下腹神经的横断显示出较小的影响。度洛西汀是一种治疗压力性尿失禁的药物,它扩大了由膀胱内压升高引起的反射性尿道闭合收缩,并使用尿道中段的微尖换能器导管进行测量。该药物还增加了尿道阻力(泄漏点压力),而在盆腔神经双侧横断的大鼠中未显示出任何效果,表明药物增强反射性尿道闭合导致尿道阻力升高。从这些发现中得出结论,在腹压瞬时升高期间,通过膀胱-脊髓-尿道括约肌和盆底肌肉的反射性尿道闭合机制极大地促进了尿道阻力的增加,以防止尿失禁。




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