首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology >Determination of critical alkalinity(pH)in Fahliyan carbonate reservoir using a new methodology

Determination of critical alkalinity(pH)in Fahliyan carbonate reservoir using a new methodology


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Formation damage is a great concern in reservoir management and can potentially occur due to exposure of formation to alkaline fluids.Exceeding pH over a critical pH may result in an in situ release of fine particles and therefore can cause pore plugging.In this study,a series of core-flooding experiments was carried out to determine the critical pH of alkaline fluids flooding through core samples of Fahliyan carbonate formation.Alkaline fluids with different pH were injected into the core samples and the alkaline sensitivity of the carbonate formation was measured in both qualitative and quantitative forms.The applied approach provides an accurate determination of the degree of formation damage at a base pH(pH = 7)following successive changes in the fluid alkalinity.In addition,the pH values corresponding to different degrees of formation damage,determined qualitatively in other works,are calculated precisely in this paper.The flooded cores showed different response when exposed to fluids with different alkalinity while the degree of induced formation damage varied from'negligible'to'severe'which were,in some cases,noticeable and often irreversible.A polynomial relationship between the fluid alkalinity and the corresponding degree of formation damage was proposed for core no.3,which is compared with the conventional methods(Renpu method)underestimating the degree of formation damage(Dk)compared to the modified approach introduced in this paper.
机译:地层破坏是储层管理中的一个重大问题,由于地层暴露于碱性流体,可能会发生地层破坏。超过临界pH值的pH值可能会导致细颗粒的原位释放,因此可能导致孔隙堵塞。在这项研究中,开展了一系列岩心驱油实验,以确定通过Fahliyan碳酸盐岩层岩芯样品的碱性流体的临界pH值。将不同pH值的碱性流体注入岩心样品中,以定性和定量两种形式测量碳酸盐形成的碱性敏感性。所应用的方法可以准确确定在流体碱度连续变化后,在基本pH值(pH = 7)下地层破坏的程度。此外,本文还精确计算了其他工作中定性确定的不同地层损伤程度对应的pH值。当暴露于具有不同碱度的流体时,被淹没的岩心表现出不同的响应,而诱导的地层损伤程度从“可以忽略不计”到“严重”不等,在某些情况下,这是明显的,通常是不可逆的。提出了3号岩心的流体碱度与相应的地层破坏程度的多项式关系,与本文介绍的改进方法相比,该方法与低估地层破坏程度(Dk)的常规方法(Renpu法)进行了比较。



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