首页> 外文期刊>Marine biology research >A new geographical record of Polycera hedgpethi Er. Marcus, 1964 (Nudibranchia: Polyceridae) and evidence of its established presence in the Mediterranean Sea, with a review of its geographical distribution

A new geographical record of Polycera hedgpethi Er. Marcus, 1964 (Nudibranchia: Polyceridae) and evidence of its established presence in the Mediterranean Sea, with a review of its geographical distribution

机译:Polycera hedgpethi Er的新地理记录。 1964年的马库斯(Nudibranchia:Polyceridae)及其在地中海中已建立据点的证据,并对其地理分布进行了回顾

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This article reports the first record of the Nudibranch Polycera hedgpethi in the Lagoon of Venice (Italy), as well as its established presence in the Mediterranean Sea after its first record in 1986 in lake Fusaro (Naples). In less than 50 years P. hedgpethi has spread throughout the world's temperate and subtropical waters, preferring protected coastal environments and other semi-enclosed coastal water bodies such as ports, harbours and lagoons. Shipping is the most likely vector. The species distribution shows a temperate-subtropical range, at about 7-45° of latitude both North and South. Polycera hedgpethi was collected during a survey in 2009 and its presence confirmed for the following two years. All individuals collected were found attached to the bryozoan Bugula neritina, to which it is linked trophically, suggesting a determined pattern of distribution. The present finding is the northernmost record for the species.
机译:本文报道了Nudibranch Polycera hedgpethi在威尼斯泻湖(意大利)的第一个记录,以及它在1986年在Fusaro湖(那不勒斯)的第一个记录之后在地中海的稳固存在。在不到50年的时间里,黑头鹤已遍布全球温带和亚热带水域,偏爱受保护的沿海环境以及港口,港口和泻湖等其他半封闭的沿海水体。运输是最有可能的媒介。物种分布显示出一个温带-亚热带范围,北和南纬约7-45°。 2009年在一次调查中收集到了Pocercera hedgpethi,并在随后的两年中确认了它的存在。发现所有收集到的个体都附着于苔藓虫Bugula neritina,与营养虫联系在一起,表明分布确定。目前的发现是该物种最北端的记录。



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