首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >More than just a barrier: urothelium as a drug target for urinary bladder pain.

More than just a barrier: urothelium as a drug target for urinary bladder pain.


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Although the urinary bladder urothelium has classically been thought of as a passive barrier to ions/solutes, a number of novel properties have been recently attributed to these cells. Studies have revealed that the urothelium is involved in sensory mechanisms (i.e., ability to express a number of sensor molecules or respond to thermal, mechanical, and chemical stimuli) and can release chemical mediators. Localization of afferent nerves next to the urothelium suggests these cells may be targets for transmitters released from bladder nerves or that chemicals released by urothelial cells may alter afferent excitability. Taken together, these and other findings highlighted in this review suggest a sensory function for the urothelium. Elucidation of mechanisms impacting on urothelial function may provide insights into the pathology of bladder dysfunction.




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