首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of dermatological treatment >Broad-band UVB versus paint PUVA for palmoplantar psoriasis treatment

Broad-band UVB versus paint PUVA for palmoplantar psoriasis treatment

机译:宽带 UVB 与油漆 PUVA 用于掌跖银屑病治疗

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Background: Plaque-type palmoplantar psoriasis (PPTP) is a chronic recalcitrant dermatosis with treatment modalities ranging through topical, phototherapy or systemic. Phototherapy options include various forms of ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet A with prior psoralen sensitization (PUVA). Currently, few comparative studies have been reported. Purpose: To compare Broad-Band UVB (BB-UVB) versus paint PUVA (p-PUVA) in regard to efficacy and safety in the treatment of PPTP. Methods: A retrospective non-randomized cohort study comprised of all the patients with PPTP treated in our phototherapy centre during 2010-2012, either with BB-UVB or p-PUVA. Results: Among the 248 patients included in this study, 122 received BB-UVB and 126 followed p-PUVA treatment. About 36 (30) and 53 (42) had complete remission, 29 (24) and 59 (47) responded partially and 57 (47) and 14 (11) patients did not improve with BB-UVB and p-PUVA, respectively. The odds ratio for remission (p-PUVA: BB-UVB) was 7.9. Duration of remission was 21.9 +/- 1.34 months for p-PUVA and 16.75 +/- 1.83 months for BB-UVB. Conclusion: Both BB-UVB and p-PUVA are good therapeutic options for PPTP. P-PUVA emerges as the superior treatment modality, yielding a better and more extended response. BB-UVB represents a feasible alternative in patients with milder disease or possible contraindications for p-PUVA.
机译:背景:斑块型掌跖银屑病 (PPTP) 是一种慢性顽固性皮肤病,治疗方式包括局部、光疗或全身治疗。光疗方案包括各种形式的紫外线 B (UVB) 和紫外线 A 伴有补骨脂素致敏 (PUVA)。目前,很少有比较研究的报道。目的:比较宽带 UVB (BB-UVB) 与涂料 PUVA (p-PUVA) 治疗 PPTP 的疗效和安全性。方法:一项回顾性非随机队列研究,包括 2010-2012 年期间在我们光疗中心接受的所有 PPTP 患者,包括 BB-UVB 或 p-PUVA。结果:本研究纳入的248例患者中,122例接受BB-UVB,126例接受p-PUVA治疗。约36例(30%)和53例(42%)患者完全缓解,29例(24%)和59例(47%)部分缓解,57例(47%)和14例(11%)患者分别在BB-UVB和p-PUVA后没有改善。缓解(p-PUVA:BB-UVB)的比值比为7.9。p-PUVA 的缓解持续时间为 21.9 +/- 1.34 个月,BB-UVB 的缓解持续时间为 16.75 +/- 1.83 个月。结论:BB-UVB和p-PUVA均为PPTP的良好治疗选择。P-PUVA成为更好的治疗方式,产生更好、更持久的反应。BB-UVB 是病情较轻或可能有 p-PUVA 禁忌证的患者的可行替代方案。




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