首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied physics >Stimulated‐emission cross section at 1064 and 1342 nm in Nd : YVO4

Stimulated‐emission cross section at 1064 and 1342 nm in Nd : YVO4

机译:1064 和 1342 nm 处的受激连字符;发射截面,单位为 Nd:YVO4



The stimulated‐emission cross sections at 1064 (4F3/2→4I11/2) and 1342 nm (4F3/2→4I13/2) in Nb : YVO4were determined by measurement of laser thresholds as a function of output mirror reflectivity. Small samples of Nd : YVO4and Nd : YAG were end pumped at room temperature with a cw 514.5‐nm argon ion laser in an almost identical geometrical arrangement which permitted comparative values to be obtained. Assuming that the pumping quantum efficiency of Nd : YVO is similar to that of Nd : YAG, the stimulated‐emission cross sections obtained for the 1064‐ and 1342‐nm transitions were respectively 12×10−19and 6.0×10−19cm2.
机译:Nb : YVO4 中 1064 (4F3/2→4I11/2) 和 1342 nm (4F3/2→4I13/2) 处的受激发射截面是通过测量激光阈值作为输出反射镜反射率的函数来确定的。在室温下,用连续514.5&连字符;nm氩离子激光器以几乎相同的几何排列对Nd:YVO4和Nd:YAG的小样品进行末端泵浦,从而可以获得比较值。假设Nd:YVO的泵浦量子效率与Nd:YAG相似,则1064&连字符;和1342&连字符;nm跃迁的受激&连字符;发射截面分别为12×10-19和6.0×10-19cm2。




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