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Validation of a feeding strategy to deliver bacterially expressed dsRNA to marine amoeba from the genus Neoparamoeba

机译:验证将细菌表达的 dsRNA 递送至来自 Neoparamoeba 属的海洋变形虫的喂养策略

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RNA interference (RNAi) mediated by double stranded RNA (dsRNA) has emerged as one of the most promising techniques to study gene function of non-model protozoan parasites. We have previously demonstrated that bacterially expressed dsRNA delivered by immersion elicited successful knockdown in Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis, the non-infective species closely related to the causative agent of salmonid amoebic gill disease (AGD). However, considering that amoebae naturally feeds on microorganisms, direct ingestion of bacteria designed to express dsRNA could allow rapid and low-cost analysis of gene function on a large-scale. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to investigate whether ingestion of bacteria-expressing dsRNAs would also induce suppression of N.pemaquidensis -actin and EF1. Despite effective bacterial uptake, no significant variation in EF1 relative copy number was triggered by dsRNA ingestion. -actin, on the other hand, presented similar silencing efficiency to what was observed in our previous soaking study. However, the observed RNAi response was delayed by at least 72h. The present work provides evidence that delivery of bacterially expressed dsRNA through feeding can be successfully achieved in N.pemaquidensis, albeit not as efficiently as by soaking. Therefore, further investigation is required to develop more efficient and specific RNAi delivery systems in Neoparamoeba species. Toour knowledge, this is the first time that RNAi-mediated knockdown through ingestion was attempted to manipulate gene function of a marine amoeba.
机译:双链RNA(dsRNA)介导的RNA干扰(RNAi)已成为研究非模型原生动物寄生虫基因功能的最有前途的技术之一。我们之前已经证明,通过浸泡递送的细菌表达的 dsRNA 成功敲低了 Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis,这是一种与鲑鱼变形虫鳃病 (AGD) 的病原体密切相关的非感染性物种。然而,考虑到变形虫自然以微生物为食,直接摄入旨在表达dsRNA的细菌可以大规模快速、低成本地分析基因功能。因此,本研究的主要目的是研究摄入表达细菌的 dsRNA 是否也会诱导对 N.pemaquidensis -actin 和 EF1 的抑制。尽管细菌摄取有效,但 dsRNA 摄入不会触发 EF1 相对拷贝数的显着变化。另一方面,肌动蛋白的消音效率与我们之前的浸泡研究中观察到的相似。然而,观察到的RNAi反应延迟了至少72小时。本研究提供了证据,证明通过喂养可以成功地在 N.pemaquidensis 中实现细菌表达的 dsRNA 的递送,尽管不如浸泡有效。因此,需要进一步研究以在Neoparamoeba物种中开发更有效和特异性的RNAi递送系统。据了解,这是首次尝试通过摄入进行RNAi介导的敲低来操纵海洋变形虫的基因功能。



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