首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Veterinary Journal: La Revue Veterinaire Canadienne. >Wildlife health: A foundation for preparedness for environmental change

Wildlife health: A foundation for preparedness for environmental change


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Public health, animal production, environmental change, and animal health are inter-related and all are being challenged by unprecedented social and environmental changes. Anticipated consequences of climate and environmental change are occurring faster than expected (1). The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes that human prosperity and well-being cannot be achieved without regard to the planet and partnerships. In 2010, the World Animal Health Organization (OIE) concluded that there are correlations between animal production systems, human influence on the environment, climate change, and emerging diseases, but these correlations are difficult to measure and the value of any forecasts of future effects is uncertain. Decision-makers need to be increasingly adept at dealing with surprises and uncertainty-based policy decisions when preparing for the unexpected effects of socio-ecologic change. This article describes some ways the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) is contributing to Canada's preparedness for a rapidly changing world.
机译:公共卫生,动物生产,环境变化和动物健康是相互关联的,并且都受到前所未有的社会和环境变化的挑战。气候和环境变化的预期后果发生的速度比预期的要快(1)。 《联合国2030年可持续发展议程》认识到,如果不考虑地球和伙伴关系,就无法实现人类的繁荣和福祉。 2010年,世界动物卫生组织(OIE)得出结论,动物生产系统,人类对环境,气候变化和新发疾病的影响之间存在相关性,但是这些相关性很难衡量,也无法预测未来影响不确定。在为社会生态变化的意外影响做准备时,决策者需要越来越善于应对突发事件和基于不确定性的政策决策。本文介绍了加拿大野生动物健康合作社(CWHC)为加拿大为瞬息万变的世界做好准备的一些方式。



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