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Ethics the SHE Professional


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Imagine this scenario. You are brought into a sister plant because of your savvy industrial hygiene skills and because the site does not have a full-time SHE professional. In addition to conducting noise and air sampling, which reveal levels below permissible exposure limits, you note several safety-related concerns in your report, including frayed cords, flexible cords placed through walls and doors, and a 7-ft-high worker platform with no mid-rail. The site vice president calls you 6 months after the report was issued because OSHA has received an employee complaint about industrial hygiene concerns. She wants you to eliminate the reference to the safety concerns in your report because the OSHA inspector only requested air sampling data. What do you do?
机译:想象一下这个场景。由于您精明的工业卫生技能,并且该工厂没有全职的 SH&E 专业人员,您被带到了姊妹工厂。除了进行噪声和空气采样(显示低于允许的暴露限值)之外,您在报告中还注意到几个与安全相关的问题,包括磨损的电线、穿过墙壁和门的柔性电线,以及没有中轨的 7 英尺高的工人平台。现场副总裁在报告发布 6 个月后给您打电话,因为 OSHA 收到了员工关于工业卫生问题的投诉。她希望您删除报告中对安全问题的提及,因为OSHA检查员只要求提供空气采样数据。你是做什么工作的?




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