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An attempt to improve the reproductive efficiency of Nile tilapia brood stock fish


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A field study was conducted on brood stock Nile tilapia to increase the propagation. Both sexes were individually stocked into Habas (enclosures) in an earthen pond and fed for 19 days on a basal diet supplemented with different additives at graded levels of each (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g Therigonp; 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 g Nuvisol Hatch Pp; 20, 40 and 60 mg Gibberellic acid and 700, 900 and 1,100 mg L-carnitine/Kg diet). The obtained results were evaluated, and the best treatment for each sex was chosen for mating. Results indicated that all pretreatments for male and female brood stocks of Nile tilapia positively affected the total count of the offspring produced. Yet, the Haba, in which the females were pretreated with 0.5 g Therigonp/Kg diet and the males pretreated with 700 mg L-carnitine/Kg diet, gave the highest total count of the offspring comparing with the other Habas. But, because of the high feed cost due to the additives cost, 0.5 g Therigonp/kg diet as pretreatment for only (3rd Haba), 2 g Nuvisol Hatch Pp/Kg diet as pretreatment for only (5th Haba), followed by 0.5 g Therigonp and 700 mg L-carnitine/Kg diet for and , respectively (4th Haba), respectively were the best economically.
机译:对亲鱼尼罗罗非鱼进行了田间研究,以增加繁殖。将这两种性别分别放进土池的Habas(鸡舍)中,并在基础日粮中饲喂19天,基础日粮中分别添加了不同的添加剂(0.5、1.0和2.0 g Therigonp; 1.0、2.0和3.0 g Nuvisol Hatch) Pp; 20、40和60毫克赤霉素和700、900和1100毫克左旋肉碱/千克饮食)。评估获得的结果,并选择每种性别的最佳治疗方法进行交配。结果表明,所有对尼罗罗非鱼雄性和雌性亲鱼种群的预处理均积极影响所生产后代的总数。然而,与其他哈巴斯相比,其中雌性用0.5 g的Therigonp / Kg饮食预处理而雄性用700毫克的L-肉碱/ Kg饮食预处理的Haba的后代总数最高。但是,由于添加剂成本导致饲料成本高昂,仅0.5 g Therigonp / kg饲料作为预处理(第3个Haba),2 g Nuvisol Hatch Pp / Kg日粮作为预处理(第5个Haba),然后是0.5 g Therigonp和700 mg L-肉碱/ Kg饮食分别是和的(第四哈巴)在经济上是最好的。



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