首页> 外文期刊>Foster Natural Gas Report >FERC Authorizes Florida Gas' Abandonment of Services on its Share of Matatorda Offshore Pipeline System, Dismisses Protest Because MOPS Shippers Hold No Capacity

FERC Authorizes Florida Gas' Abandonment of Services on its Share of Matatorda Offshore Pipeline System, Dismisses Protest Because MOPS Shippers Hold No Capacity


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On 11/19/09 FERC approved the September 3 application of Florida Gas Transmission Co., LLC (CP09-461) for authority to abandon its obligation to provide transportation service using its ownership interests in certain facilities located offshore Texas and extending onshore to Refugio County, Texas. Florida Gas proposes to abandon its transportation obligation associated with the Matagorda Offshore Pipeline System (MOPS) facilities located offshore Texas and further onshore to interconnections in Refugio County, in which Florida Gas has a partial ownership interest. The MOPS facilities were constructed for the purpose of transporting gas from various producers' offshore production facilities for ultimate delivery to the interstate grid. They were constructed in three phases during 1980 and 1981. Phases I and II extend from Matagorda Island Block 686 to Matagorda Island Block 665, offshore Texas, and extend onshore to interconnections near Tivoli, Refugio County. Phase III extends from Mustang Island Block 758 to Matagorda Island Block 686 where it interconnects with the Phase I and Phase II pipeline facilities.
机译:FERC于11/19/09批准了9月3日对Florida Gas Transmission Co.,LLC(CP09-461)的授权,以放弃使用其在得克萨斯州海上和陆上延伸至Refugio的某些设施中的所有权提供运输服务的义务德克萨斯州县。佛罗里达州天然气公司提议放弃与德克萨斯州近海的玛塔哥达海上管道系统(MOPS)设施有关的运输义务,并进一步在陆上与Refugio县的互连设施交涉,佛罗里达州天然气公司拥有部分所有权权益。建造MOPS设施的目的是从各种生产商的海上生产设施运输天然气,以最终输送到州际电网。它们在1980年和1981年分三个阶段进行建造。第一阶段和第二阶段从马塔哥达岛第686区块延伸到德克萨斯州海上的马塔哥达岛第665区块,并延伸到了雷富希奥县蒂沃利附近的陆上互连线。第三阶段从野马岛758区块延伸至Matagorda海岛686区块,与第一阶段和第二阶段管道设施互连。



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