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Shelterwood cutting in a boreal mixedwood stand: 10-year effects of the establishment cut on growth and mortality of merchantable residual trees


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We used two-step shelterwood cutting to release conifer advance growth and limit development of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) suckers in a stratified mixed aspen - conifer stand, in Quebec, Canada. This study presents the 10-year response of residual trees to the establishment cutting. We examined growth and mortality of merchantable trees (diameter at breast height (DBH) >= 9.1 cm) following the application of different cutting intensities (0%, 35%, 50%, 65%, and 100% basal area removal). Initial post-cut densities were 1100, 670, 640, 580 and 150 stems ha(-1), respectively. Mortality of aspen was highest in the uncut control and 35% cut due to senescence, while mortality of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) was highest in the 65% cut due to post-logging decadence. In the species mixture under study, the 50% cut allowed for the harvest of declining aspen without excessively opening the canopy that would be detrimental for residual paper birch. Low mortality, high recruitment and a relatively high DBH growth in this moderate cut resulted in a higher 10-year net increment in total basal area (7.0 m(2) ha(-1)), compared to the 0%, 35%, 65%, and 100% cuts (2.6-3.7 m(2) ha(-1)). This result was mostly attributable to balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) that generated two-thirds of the net increment. Therefore, our growth results support retention of small merchantable conifer stems (DBH 9.1-15.0 cm) as a basic strategy to limit hardwood invasion
机译:在加拿大魁北克的分层混合白杨-针叶林林分中,我们使用了两步伐木砍伐来释放针叶树的提前生长,并限制颤抖的白杨(Populus tremuloides Michx。)吸盘的发育。这项研究提出了残留树木对设施砍伐的10年响应。在应用了不同的采伐强度(0%,35%,50%,65%和100%的基面积去除率)后,我们研究了适销性树木的生长和死亡率(胸径(DBH)> = 9.1厘米)。初始切后密度分别为1100、670、640、580和150茎ha(-1)。由于未采伐,白杨的死亡率最高,未切割对照的死亡率为35%,而桦木的死亡率最高,因为伐木后的decade废,白桦的死亡率最高,为65%。在所研究的物种混合物中,减少了50%的采伐量允许收获下降的白杨树而不会过度张开树冠,因为树冠对残留的白桦树不利。低死亡率,高招募和相对适度的DBH增长相对较高,导致总基础面积(7.0 m(2)ha(-1))的十年净增幅更高,而0%,35%, 65%和100%减少(2.6-3.7 m(2)ha(-1))。该结果主要归因于香脂冷杉(Abies balsamea(L.)Mill。),其产生了净增量的三分之二。因此,我们的生长结果支持保留适销的小针叶树茎(DBH 9.1-15.0 cm),这是限制硬木入侵的基本策略



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