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Studying the Arctic Ocean’s freshwater budget by seeing under the ice from space


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The Arctic Ocean represents just 4.3 of the global ocean area, making it the smallest of the world’s major ocean divisions. It is largely enclosed by land, limiting interactions with the global ocean, and sea ice, which covers between 5 x 106 km~2 (in summer) and 15 x 10~6 km~2 (in winter), acts as a barrier between the ocean and the atmosphere. This sea-ice barrier not only limits the exchange of heat between the atmosphere and ocean, it also limits the exchange of momentum, which results in relatively low surface current speeds. Further, the Arctic Ocean surface layer stores a large amount of cool and buoyant freshwater (somewhere in the region of 80 000-90 000 km~3) in the form of both ice and liquid; cool, low salinity water overlies warmer, more saline water at depth, and the resulting stratification limits vertical mixing between the surface and deep ocean, preventing momentum transfer from the surface to the deep ocean, but also preventing upward mixing of heat from depth (there is enough heat in the deep Arctic Ocean to melt the Arctic sea ice several times over).
机译:北冰洋仅占全球海洋面积的4.3%,是世界上主要海洋区中最小的。它主要被陆地包围,限制了与全球海洋的相互作用,而海冰的面积在5 x 106 km~2(夏季)和15 x 10~6 km~2(冬季)之间,是海洋和大气之间的屏障。这种海冰屏障不仅限制了大气和海洋之间的热交换,还限制了动量的交换,从而导致相对较低的地表流速。此外,北冰洋表层以冰和液体的形式储存了大量凉爽和浮力强的淡水(在80 000-90 000 km~3左右);凉爽、低盐度的水覆盖在深处更温暖、更咸的水上,由此产生的分层限制了表层和深海之间的垂直混合,阻止了从地表到深海的动量传递,但也阻止了来自深处的热量向上混合(北冰洋深处有足够的热量将北极海冰融化数倍)。




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