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Heart-HJealtmy Herbs

机译:Heart-HJealtmy Herbs

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When we talk about vitality in body, mind, and spirit, no organ takes center stage with more panache than the heart. Its rhythmic beating helps push blood through approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels that weave through the body, delivering essential oxygen, nutrients, and compounds to cells, while picking up waste for the kidneys, liver, and lungs to filter and eliminate. It also functions as a center of emotion. When we snuggle up to a loved one, good vibes emanate from the chest, and when we suffer from extreme stress or loss, we often feel it in the heart. Simply put, the heart symbolizes the essence of life.
机译:当我们谈论身体、思想和精神的活力时,没有哪个器官比心脏更华丽。它的节奏性跳动有助于推动血液通过大约 100,000 英里的血管,这些血管在体内穿梭,为细胞提供必需的氧气、营养物质和化合物,同时为肾脏、肝脏和肺部收集废物以过滤和消除。它还可以作为情感的中心。当我们依偎在所爱的人身边时,良好的共鸣会从胸腔中散发出来,当我们遭受极度压力或失落时,我们往往会在心中感受到它。简单地说,心脏象征着生命的本质。




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