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Influence of production methods and transport distances on the greenhouse gas balance of organic apple juice


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In the present study, the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the production of organic apple juice from apples from Germany's 'Altes Land' region were compared with apples from the Southern Carpathians (Romania). The goal of the analysis was to clarify whether extensive agricultural production methods have a greater influence on the total emissions produced by the apple juice value-added chain in comparison to potentially longer transportation distances to the fruit processing company. Despite the extensive agricultural cultivation methods used in the Southern Carpathians, which could be assumed not to produce any GHG emissions, the apple juice from these apples had higher total emissions (782 g C02e/1 apple juice) than apples from the 'Altes Land' region (630 g CO_2 e/1 apple juice). The reason for this is the distance over which the Romanian apples need to be transported to the fruit processing plant, which exceeded the GHG emissions saved during the apple cultivation.
机译:在本研究中,将德国“ Altes Land”地区的苹果与南部喀尔巴阡山脉(罗马尼亚)的苹果生产有机苹果汁时产生的温室气体(GHG)排放总量进行了比较。分析的目的是弄清楚,与潜在的到水果加工公司的较长运输距离相比,广泛的农业生产方法对苹果汁增值链产生的总排放量是否有更大的影响。尽管在喀尔巴阡山脉南部采用了广泛的农业耕作方法,可以假定不产生任何温室气体排放,但这些苹果所榨出的苹果汁的总排放量(782 g CO2e / 1苹果汁)比“阿尔特土地”上的苹果要高。地区(630克CO_2 e / 1苹果汁)。原因是罗马尼亚苹果需要运输到水果加工厂的距离超过了苹果种植期间节省的温室气体排放量。



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