首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing: A publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society >D-MAP: Distributed Maximum a Posteriori Probability Estimation of Dynamic Systems

D-MAP: Distributed Maximum a Posteriori Probability Estimation of Dynamic Systems


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This paper develops a framework for the estimation of a time-varying random signal using a distributed sensor network. Given a continuous time model sensors collect noisy observations and produce local estimates according to the discrete time equivalent system defined by the sampling period of observations. Estimation is performed using a maximum a posteriori probability estimator (MAP) within a given window of interest. To mediate the incorporation of information from other sensors we introduce Lagrange multipliers to penalize the disagreement between neighboring estimates. We show that the resulting distributed (D)-MAP algorithm is able to track dynamical signals with a small error. This error is characterized in terms of problem constants and vanishes with the sampling time as long as the log-likelihood function which is assumed to be log-concave satisfies a smoothness condition. We implement the D-MAP algorithm for a linear and a nonlinear system model to show that the performance corroborates with theoretical findings.
机译:本文开发了一个使用分布式传感器网络估计时变随机信号的框架。给定连续时间模型,传感器收集噪声观测值,并根据观测采样周期定义的离散时间等效系统生成局部估计值。在给定的感兴趣窗口内使用最大后验概率估计器 (MAP) 进行估计。为了调解来自其他传感器的信息的合并,我们引入了拉格朗日乘数来惩罚相邻估计值之间的分歧。我们表明,由此产生的分布式(D)-MAP算法能够以很小的误差跟踪动态信号。该误差以问题常数为特征,只要假定为对数凹的对数似然函数满足平滑性条件,该误差就会随着采样时间而消失。我们实现了线性和非线性系统模型的D-MAP算法,以证明其性能与理论结果相符。




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