首页> 外文期刊>World Aquaculture >Large-Scale Biofloc Tank Culture ofTilapia in Malawi -a Technical Success Story

Large-Scale Biofloc Tank Culture ofTilapia in Malawi -a Technical Success Story

机译:马拉维罗非鱼的大规模生物絮凝罐养殖 - 技术成功案例

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Although Malawi is endowed with the ninth largest lake in the world and the third largest and second deepest lake in Africa, overfishing resulted in the collapse of the tilapia fishery around 1990-1991. Tilapia, known locally as chambo, is the country's favorite fish and now costs from US$ 4.00-8.00/kg(R55-110/ kg) for whole or live fish.I his is a result of market scarcity which is unrortunate considenng the massive demand for the fish and its abundant availability at very affordable prices (< US$1.50/kg) prior to 1990. Population growth at nearly 3 percent per annum in Malawi since 1990 has put the anticipated supply shortfall of fish in the country at around 80,0001 for 2017 based on sustaining 1990 per capita supply levels.




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